ItLivesInTheWind 4 points ago +4 / -0

The worst credible testimony I've had is from a colleague who was hospitalized for emergency thoracic surgery, woke up stapled and stented, and was quietly told by the hospital staff that they couldn't promise him aftercare unless he took the shot. It wasn't physical force, but the threat of letting him fall through the cracks and likely die.

It's was reprehensible up here in Canada. It's still an issue in some provinces.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

The definition of forced is a moving target with these narcissistic fucks. May it bite them on the ass when either a reckoning sets the definition right or they fall victim and can't invoke force to weasel out from under whatever circumstances are crushing them.

ItLivesInTheWind 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of the Bill is about dragging pedophiles into the light. Part 3 is what we should care about.

Hilariously, it includes calls to detest or vilify of groups as defined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. White people & Christians are such groups. Humiliating and offending groups is fine.

It has an escape clause if you can't delete or block access to the hate speech, so the chans should be exempt but this could result in chans being blocked in Canada because of the largesse of the fines involved.

If you have old content that predate the bill, people can complain about it and seek damages. This does not apply to things you cannot delete or block.

The complainant's identity can be withheld or shared at the commission's whim, but it looks like you can just state, in writing, that you feel threatened and they'll have to conceal it.

They can toss complaints if they feel they aren't warranted, so White people & Christians are back on the menu. They do have to give you a hearing for your complaint if they decide to toss it. They can just decide that it isn't hate speech and deny the hearing at their discretion.
There is an ombudsman that should be contacted at this point.

You can be ordered to pay 20,000 to the complainant and 50,000 more to the government. Plus damages for harm like if they got attacked or I guess if they say they're traumatized.

This is going to be abused, but I hope that all sides inundate this commission with complaints so that it is wiped out. Specifically people whose churches were burned down should take it upon themselves to find people inciting these these things and they should complain. It will grind this commission to a halt and generate bad press for Trudeau and Singh when the uneven treatment is front and center.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

Canadians do not have inalienable rights. If it violates our constitution, our government can invoke the Notwithstanding Clause and ignore our courts for years while still requiring law enforcement to go about their work. The courts are bound and have to behave as though there is no precedent during the Notwithstanding period.

Notwithstanding will then expire, courts will rule according to their conscience and people will appeal their sentencing and penalties. I'm not sure if you can sue for damages, but they could also invoke Notwithstanding on that and just run the clock.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but digital archives and domain ownership records would make the defense easy. The witch hunt and defamation is another matter.

This is more setting a drag net for when AI analysis can fingerprint writing and content styles across multiple sites and get people retroactively. It also allows for McCarthy inspired attacks by progressives against whomever they please. The public will tar and eject people before they're cleared by an admission of inaccuracy.

ItLivesInTheWind 5 points ago +5 / -0

They haven't actually got that program up and running. They were dumb enough to want the firearms to go through our postal service in marked boxes and Canada Post refused, saying that this will make mail sorting facilities into targets for attackers. Private companies also want nothing to do with marked boxes for the same reasons.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

It will fail at the Supreme Court. The point of this is to drag people out in front of public mobs and to out opposing politicians in the time between now and the next election. People will be ruined by this in the years it takes for this to get in front of our highest court for a ruling.

The upside is we might get some competent but disgraced politicians and highly functional individuals with no place but the People's Party. If they go hog wild with this, it they'll end up legitimizing and giving a platform to exactly what they're trying to remove.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

They had infrastructure on Windows 7 and Internet Explorer (Active X). Presumably because they couldn't be fucked to redo their IT before Microsoft ended support and were arrogant enough not to isolate things or have appropriate backup and recovery. It's pretty status quo in Canada. We have critical infrastructure that's still on XP but at least those air usually air gapped or can only be reached after taking control of multiple up to date, secured machines.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden was chosen because he was Obama's VP and, as such, they could attribute the overwhelming voter turnout required for his victory to Obama. Any of the others would have made the cheating more difficult to dismiss and had it been Sanders, they couldn't have dealt with record numbers of Americans turning out to vote for socialism.

There wasn't anything more to it at the time. After that fact there's his grotesque family and poor health that makes him easy to control, but first and foremost they needed his history to occlude Trump's "defeat".

ItLivesInTheWind 1 point ago +1 / -0

His trial has a jury? The man doesn't have peers outside of ex presidents.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are times when there is no doubt someone did what they're accused of, but I'd hope that when there isn't zero doubt, the prosecution goes for life or life without parole instead. This ought to be tempered with the state levying murder charges against anyone who grooms a child to perjure themselves for the sake of having someone killed by the state on their behalf.

Death is too much to ask of an innocent person in their contract between themselves and the state. A guilty person, sure.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree. Do we fall back on technical terms like "Gender Dysphorics" or chromosomal men, just call them perverts, or get creative and call them Marcus from the Emperor's New Clothes?

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

That looks like a Royal Bank of Canada bank card. This guy is being targeted. The bank is only required to log anything at $10,000 or more, but the teller is allowed to do this.

Canadians usually have to threaten account closure if they have the kind of funds that will get the manager into trouble.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

Put them in solitary and allow them to request assisted suicide. The state gets it wrong sometimes. When they don't, the person will rot in a cell or commit a mortal sin on their way out.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exodus 21:22-25 is the closest she'd get to having a leg to stand on.

If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

The Old Testament Law is that a fetus can be represented by financial remittance and is not on the same level as the mother's body or life.

With the New Testament, you don't need to go further than the two commandments of the gospels.

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

ItLivesInTheWind 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd laugh and laugh if he gets in and actually sets the CBDC timetable back another 4 years. We'd be on something like this and negotiating the reset if we were in Hillary's 8th year. I'm assuming Trump is controlled opposition at this point, but if the man gets in and immediately resumes churning lettered agencies and directors and chiefs by the month, I'll know he's taken one for the West.

Bonus if Trump manages to remove compromised people quickly enough that America won't be able to respond to the knee jerk economic warfare that the globalists would use to bring him to heel. If he's too quick, they can't risk no one being there to pick up the pieces.

Please be real.

ItLivesInTheWind 1 point ago +1 / -0

There used to be different terminology to express these ideas so that people wouldn't round up and round down when discussing who should be killed on a rock so that their blood wouldn't be allowed to nourish the earth beneath.

On one hand, bringing back the words is going to lead to a slippery slope when the pedophiles get people to forgive the oldest category then normalize it then keep pushing as they do. On the other hand, you're not going to get people to agree to bring the harshest weight of the state down on someone who gives a second look to a teen made up to look legal.

They'd have to start at punishing the sexualization of teens if they're going to walk that horse back into the barn. It's going to take hard times before society is ready to do that.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

Erasing white people and brown washing history is about making people unlearn that dignity culture is a fragile, historical accident so that people will take it for granted and fail to defend it as previous generations did.

Undefended, unassimilated migrants from honor and face cultures will compete directly with the young and poor while their home countries compete globally. With time, people will adopt the lowest common denominator and debase themselves to stay in food and shelter. Give that long enough and the ideals of mercy and exceptionalism can be forgotten, relegated exclusively to aristocracy.

The people behind this are stuck on pre-Christian Roman virtues. They abhor the empowerment of people that started with post-plague European labor, rolled through Renaissance, through imperialism, through American independence into post-WW2 American led reformation and global idolization of the American Constitution.

There wasn't an alternative that rained the kind of luxury they've become accustomed to until globalization got far enough along. The horse has been out of the barn, and now that they think they've found another one, they're going to kill it rather than try to lure it back in.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden's government didn't go and improve the law to allow for abortion protected by more than tangential privacy arguments. But you're right, liberals are probably stupid enough to think that their guy will champion abortions in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

ItLivesInTheWind 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a tough call. Standing with cheap shit and claims to real estate or microchip foundries needed to catalyze the next boom. My guess is the world tries to broker the expatriation of Taiwanese infrastructure and intellectual property in exchange for letting China have the region.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm happy for America. Keep spoiling the world's transition to a global technocracy.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

The spike is a fusogen. Evidence supports fusogens initiating cancerous tumors. There are lots of papers on this. Here's one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8582398/

Couple this with repeatedly overwhelming the immune system so that it doesn't house keep do to infections and vaccinations and these initiated tumors have a scary amount of lead time.

It's a travesty that academia has been subjugated to the point where the people who should've caught this were cowed.

ItLivesInTheWind 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a constitutional monarchy, Canada was called to war by the crown. Britain badly abused the colonies during WW2, putting them at the front of attacks and famously sending them out on ranger missions, changing up plans to attack during the day for naval and air support, then pulling that support in the hours before the attack.

The anecdote is to demonstrate just how whipped the Canadians were as subjects. The rest of the Commonwealth has similar stories.

ItLivesInTheWind 2 points ago +2 / -0

The man voluntarily joined and earned his way into the Nazi elite. The wordplay from Canadian media is expected.

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