ItsaMeMary 1 point ago +1 / -0

And what is your sin that deserves Hell? We are all but filthy rags.

Jesus Christ died for you, and he died for your gay neighbor. Every hair on your head is numbered and known by God, and the same can be said for your gay neighbor.

John 3:16

ItsaMeMary 2 points ago +2 / -0

My son was in NICU, he was born 2 months early. I was educated and well informed about vaccines. Was treated differently by some of the nurses after I refused the hep B shot. I would have refused it anyway, but especially on my son who was still supposed to be in my womb for another 2 months? NO. Anyway, when it's time to finally take your precious baby home, they have a mandatory class you have to take. I remember the nurse mentioning "purple crying" that she implied happens to babies between 2 and 3 months old, They cry so hard they turn purple.. and gave a lecture about shaken baby syndrome and to just walk away. I knew it was because of vaccines. My sweet son did not have a stage of purple crying. My son is non vaxxed. I am actually grateful for this covid nonsense in some degree, as it is waking many up to the despicable nature of vaccines, and what they are doing to our children, and subsequently, grieving parents.

ItsaMeMary 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, because they're the best source of factual information.

ItsaMeMary 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one takes the mark unknowingly.

ItsaMeMary 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is what is happening in Utah. There's apartment buildings springing up overnight. They have bought out rural land all around us, and building apartments after apartments. In just a few short years Utah doesn't even feel the same. I live in an area where my road was a few houses that sat with fields and farm animals. Now there is multiple apartments and I can't even sit outside without person after person walking by. This happened in just a few short years, and it kind of breaks my heart to be honest. People from CA are moving here and buying houses well over asking price as well, and it makes it very hard for locals to dream of owning their own homes now. Rent is also outrageous now. Had to vent about the sad state of things.

ItsaMeMary 4 points ago +4 / -0

She's seen nursing her son in other photos, also nursing mothers tend to snap back to their pre-baby bodies faster, and they burn more calories just by nursing.

ItsaMeMary 1 point ago +2 / -1

You can see her nursing her son in other photos. The percentage of mothers who choose otherwise is a larger margin, so props due where props due

ItsaMeMary 20 points ago +29 / -9

Bad taste. Especially considering it's using a photo of a vulnerable child.

ItsaMeMary 19 points ago +19 / -0

The last one made me smile the most.

ItsaMeMary 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same experience. I won't wear a mask, and I didn't wear a mask day one, when my Smiths required them. It was very bizarre walking through on that day. Had a manager called, whole nine yards, but kept shopping. I have been the only one with a face in that store nearly this entire time, until lately. I have seen at least 10 people each time. About half look angry, but I know it's because they are in their head thinking how fed up they are, and probably assuming they're being judged, and sending out a few mental middle fingers. Interesting to observe.

ItsaMeMary 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a female, any man wearing a mask that spots me quickly looks away. I keep looking though. Yup, you DO look like a cuck. I AM thinking that. Does my personal opinion matter? No, not really, but it's still true.

ItsaMeMary 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. I never said planes didn't hit the other two towers, however there is no real footage of a plane hitting the Pentagon, and Tower 7 must be considered, along with the problematic information that does not line up when considering the events of 911.

ItsaMeMary 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is called cognitive dissonance.

ItsaMeMary 5 points ago +5 / -0

And the maddening part for me is that they think they're brilliant, and if you say anything contrary to what they believe, stated plainly, dripping with common sense, they'll rage at you. Or maybe that's just my experience.

ItsaMeMary 3 points ago +3 / -0


published on PubMed that has the Conslusion stated as: Vaccines manufactured in human fetal cell lines contain unacceptably high levels of fetal DNA fragment contaminants. It is not secret.

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