NadlersPants 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Silver also spiked up to 30 back during the GME sneeze.

Definitely related.

NadlersPants 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m about a third DRSd. The remaining 2/3 spread between Schwab and Fidelity.

NadlersPants 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, that’s a completely preposterous reason, but it probably will fool a few people.

Retail decided to buy 100 million shares at the opening bell? Nothing RoaringKitty could do could cause that.

NadlersPants 1 point ago +1 / -0

Other than the opening pump, volume has been deader than a doornail.

Looks like nobody sold.

NadlersPants 4 points ago +4 / -0

I added 250 over the past 2 days.

At nearly ~4300 now.

It’s been a fun ride!

NadlersPants 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s not even about particular people becoming rich (while that does happen) it’s more about controlling the economy. More so about keeping people down, preventing them from gaining wealth (and therefor power).

By printing and allocating the money, the government can pick and choose the course of technological development, can pick and choose which industries thrive and which fall, can pick and choose when wealth can be generated and when it must be destroyed.

If, on the other hand, money supply was scarce, the government would not have as much say in that. Industries would develop based on the overall will of the population.

NadlersPants 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don’t know about “tomorrow” or whatever, but back when they first drove the price from ~300 to ~40 or so in a day, the speculation was that $40 was the lowest they could drive it down to, that for some reason that’s the barrier.

The lowest price in the past couple weeks has been about $10, or $40 pre split. So we are at an interesting price right now. Regardless of MOASS or what happens next, this is a historically pivotal price.

And I’ve got ~4000 GME shares now, so I’m watching,

NadlersPants 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve said before - I think a big part of the mRNA vaccines conspiracy, and why different vaccine lots effected people in different ways is that the rich fuckers in the world don’t want to die.

Basically, mRNA tech has been funded by a bunch of rich guys for decades with no return. The instant it became a viable technology, we coincidentally have an epidemic. Perfect time to roll out and test a wide variety of mRNA configurations to find what works, what doesn’t, what’s dangerous, what isn’t. The tech can be used to treat a variety of conditions caused by cellular expression. MRNA “Vaccines” are actually a crap way to even use the tech (they don’t do anything better than a traditional smallpox vaccine), complete smokescreen to get millions of test subjects. In truth, mRNA manipulation can be used to cure a variety of conditions, including cancer and aging.

That it whacked a lot of people in the process was seen as a cute side effect by the people that think there’s too many useless eaters.

NadlersPants 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a few hundred shares, so I’m mildly interested.

Do you have the source on the Trump team market cap 53 billion? I’m curious how they came up with that, my own guesstimate is that it should be worth in the 4-8 billion range, but I’m happy to be wrong.

I do think a share price of 100 is reasonable, though.

NadlersPants 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it’s a decent possibility that Novavax was a legit vaccine, and not in on the killshot (and thus a possibility he was just whacked by the DS to make room for a more agreeable leader).

I say that because the mRNA vaccines were approved almost instantly, and with little testing. But Novavax was made to jump through a lot of hoops to get their shot approved, and at no point was ever recommended en masse by providers like Pfizer, Moderna, JNJ were.

Not that I took any of them, but I did pay attention to which companies got the red carpet treatment and which ones got hassled. Novavax was hassled, and their product not even allowed to be released until the bulk of the vaxxed population had already gotten one of the mRNA vaccines, and then they said if you had already had an mRNA vaccine, you weren’t allowed a novavax vaccine, while at the same time saying you were allowed to get novavax and THEN get mRNA booster.

This was especially noticeable in covid treatments (not the vaccines). There were a lot of promising treatments out there, but they wanted to steer people to take exclusively mRNA vaccines.

NadlersPants 1 point ago +1 / -0

The silver market is very controlled - London can fix the price to any value they want. Paper silver outnumbers real silver by almost two orders of magnitude.

NadlersPants 7 points ago +7 / -0

I used to work at an emergency management startup, and I can confirm that FEMA uses Wal-mart buildings/logistics in emergencies. During hurricanes etc - this is already a well established process.

I can’t confirm purposefully empty stores though, but if they were receiving payment from FEMA to do so, I bet they would.

NadlersPants 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Just make me look like Gay Krang.”

NadlersPants 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technology advances have always resulted in fewer people working. Used to be >90% of people were farmers, now only ~60% of people work, with less than 3% of the population being farmers.

But they never result in nobody working - new fields open up, and some old ones end up becoming more valuable.

These language models will do the same for brain jobs - I’d expect most of those to drop to a fraction of what they once were, we will still need call center employees, paralegals, software developers, maybe doctors etc, but not as many as now when this is all said and done. Who knows what that percentage will be?

On the plus side, new fields will open up, and hybrid jobs that are difficult to replace (electricians, nurses etc) will become more valuable.

Similarly, if you can make a business that properly takes advantage of this technology, you will make a killing - there’s a lot of opportunity here, more than most of us have had available in our lifetimes.

NadlersPants 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is this CIA spook named Peter Zeihan who is constantly ragging on China depopulation.

I kind of suspect it is a deep state narrative push, for some reason.

NadlersPants 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. He could hit the deep state in the nads pretty hard if he chooses the right platform.

Rumble is obvious, but on the nonobvious side - something like cos.tv would also sting them on their cbdc idea.

NadlersPants 3 points ago +3 / -0

The population study/simulation from the 1970s that they consider gospel says that the latest time that they can can begin depopulating and save the world from some sort of Malthusian catastrophe is 2020 is why.

So they had 50 years or so to get everything together to kick off and begin. CIA had near total control of congress by 2000 and could finally begin their plans around that timeframe.

NadlersPants 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is what I think.

That study/simulation/prediction from the 70s said that 2020 was the year that humanity had to begin depopulation in order to prevent a Malthusian catastrophe. Kissinger and the other bigwigs still alive from that time were who created the depopulation plan. They’d been preparing for decades for the 2020 plan, it was just the year things have to go big to prevent human extinction (from their PoV). They have a timeline they want to follow xx percentage starting at 2020, yy percent by 2025 and by 2050 the plan is roughly accomplished.

Key idea: they’re operating under the belief that they are saving the world, and that they are thus allowed to do anything.

I think they control the politicians and other “leaders” with the Epstein type stuff, and they see these guys as necessary evils in order to pass the regulations they need, and control the businesses as they need. They learned from a study in 1980 that some 20% of congressman were straight up vulnerable to bribes and could be compromised, so starting roughly Reagan era onward they started replacing politicians with their compromised stooges - compromised in a variety of ways (bribes, power, intimidation) and if a politician in a key location couldn’t be compromised they offed them.

Shortages are on purpose - it slowly puts evolutionary pressure on the population as a whole, those who can’t get by affordably on remote jobs will die off by 2050, and those who can will roughly be the new worker class. The 15 minute city ideas are a way to enact control on the “useless” types that can’t make a living working remotely.

NadlersPants 4 points ago +4 / -0

I said at the beginning - covid was an excuse for the elites to widely test and calibrate mRNA technology. It can hypothetically be used for treatment of most any disease which is caused by expression of your genome - most genetic diseases, cancer, aging.

The bastards that run the world are old, mostly 70s, 80s, 90s. They don’t want to die, and they are willing to risk the lives of all the “useless eaters” in order to figure out the right formula so that they don’t have to. And likely secondarily, they can trim some of the “fat” of humanity in the process, so it’s a win win situation for them.

That’s why we see such a wide range of side effects in the people that take the treatment, and why every injection has a serial number associated with it. Some tested variants will cause certain side effects - depressed immune systems, cancers, neurological diseases, advanced aging, sudden death. Some are placebo and do nothing. A lucky few get beneficial treatments (although they may not be aware if it) - telomere shortening, cancer protection etc.

NadlersPants 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, lol. When you don’t know something just make it up!

But, for reference via search result, standard armament for F22 (from af.mil):

One M61A2 20-millimeter cannon with 480 rounds, internal side weapon bays carriage of two AIM-9 infrared (heat seeking) air-to-air missiles and internal main weapon bays carriage of six AIM-120 radar-guided air-to-air missiles (air-to-air loadout) or two 1,000-pound GBU-32 JDAMs and two AIM-120 radar-guided air-to-air missiles (air-to-ground loadout)

NadlersPants 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is about an order of magnitude higher than a bullet will travel. Not going to come close to hitting it with a hand weapon, but you might kill some of your fellow citizens.

I bet an enterprising individual could make their own balloon weapon and take it out, though. People on youtube have made accurate high altitude balloon tests so in theory that’s within the ability of regular people to do. Probably illegal to float weaponry up into the atmosphere, however.

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