Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

And coincidentally the Saudi King has supposedly been hospitalized in an intensive care unit around the same time this news breaks. Officially for a particularly severe Pneumonia Case. Unofficially the rumor is lung cancer

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ll be damned. For once someone calling themselves Royalty in this sphere might actually be a Prince by blood. Instead of basing their assumed title off obscure legalese or deliberately misinterpreted Case Law that’s older than they are.

There are currently several living Prince Alfred’s of the House of Lichtenstein. Though I haven’t been able to find pictures of them

And Fun Fact. Unlike most Monarchies the Princes of Lichtenstein actually regained some powers from the Civilian Government by popular vote of the citizenry. With a Constitutional Amendment passed in 2003. Making them the only Monarchy left in Europe to actually directly Govern instead of being a glorified tourist attraction.

And the only one to have been thusly empowered in the Modern Era.

Though some polls both in Europe and even in the U.S especially of late have indicated. People, particularly the young, are distrustful, disaffected, and disappointed in the Democratic Processes that have characterized Western and European Governance for the past several Centuries. Leading to some idle speculation among some of the reemergence of other Royal Families to governance. Including to thrones that are currently vacant.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +5 / -1

Take a Trip to Mexico instead and Hop the Border. Give them a fake name and Pretend you don’t speak English until Border Patrol dumps you in El-Paso. Then catch a Regional flight back home.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

At this point a Bachelors requirement for 99% of Jobs is effectively useless. Because everyone and their brother has one now.

Even then. You usually don’t need the information you learned in your Bachelor’s degree to actually do your job. Unless your doing a technical field. It’s just a glorified achievement medal

And even in Stem fields. You basically need to start getting a Masters or a shitload of Certifications. Usually both. to stand out.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean the Apple Bees we had was regularly giving people food poisoning for years. The Health Department finally closed it down about a Decade back.

After people started to threaten to sue them instead of Apple Bees. So I’m kind of curious if ever had quality to begin with

Plebbitimmigrant 9 points ago +10 / -1

Poor pupper. It Didn’t deserve being some Islamic assholes dinner.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get Lawyers are supposed to argue on behalf of their client for the best possible outcome. Including getting them out on bail or reducing charges/Bail where possible.

But cases like this really make me detest the profession. Because it really makes it seem like they lack common sense or care for anyone. Dude was arrested for murdering one man already and shouldn’t even be in this country to start with. Granted you could also say the criticisms also apply to the Bleeding Heart Judges. But Judges were once lawyers. So the point about lawyers is still valid.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean upping the U.S on being Woke. Has been standard Canadian Policy for years.

A way of saying “We aren’t American!”. Given apparently some of Canadas ruling class is apparently worried about American Culture, absorbing Canadas own Culture.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disney continues to Hemorrhage Money. With botched Movies, stupid decisions, and declining park quality.

I’m almost certain Iger and company had to have cooked the shareholder vote.

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

Apple just got busted for not deleting information after a beta test of a software update for iPhones revealed that pictures users deleted were back on their phones. Which casts the rest of their products including Macs as being under suspicion.

So I’d probably knock it down to just Linux.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Secret Societies feuding and being at war is as believable an explanation as any in explaining the seeming contradiction between their goals and the ideologies that are spreading among the people.

. And as to the WH using Force/Not using Force and Coercion. I mean. They’re in a position where they don’t actually have to make that decision. They know going in that the vast majority of the population will be innately hostile to the Elites end goal. As most people are partial to living. And will thusly back their efforts at least to an extent.

To your point though. So much can just be summed up as “We’ll See”. Very little is written in stone. And most everything including various theories such as the Black Nobility is ultimately suspect. We have no way of knowing with any true degree of true certainty what is 100% honest truth, lies to keep us distracted, and just unintentional misinformation.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

One thing I never understood. Is if that group is pulling all the strings the theory claims. And has existed as long as they say. Has the amount of power as claimed abd Was spreading their tendrils as early as claimed.

Wouldn’t the implication then be. They invented, or at least did nothing to prevent the spread and adoption of the whole idea of the emergence inalienable rights. And by extension the enlightenment and most of the political theories and ideals Americans and by extension America holds dear?

Even though such things run contrary to what is simultaneously claimed these groups wish to accomplish? Which is authoritarian control.

A fair few of the major enlightenment thinkers that are virtually worshipped today as creators of modern thought. Weren’t exactly what one call “Average Joes” and would have ran in the same Circles the Black Nobility would have. Being Masonic Lodges, Secret Societies etc.

So it stands to reason their work should at least be suspect. Because why would it have been allowed to spread unless it benefited them in some way?

Maybe I’m just severely overthinking things and making assumptions. IDK

Plebbitimmigrant 22 points ago +22 / -0

It seems debatable whether voting has ever actually truly given “The People” control. Or just the illusion of control.

It seems we’ve always been pulled between monied interests. With the only real changes historically being the intentions and faces behind those interests.

The Nobility, Clergy, and Aristocracy of the past giving way to the Planters, Merchants, and Bankers of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Who in turn were replaced by the Business Moguls, Modern Bankers, and their associated conglomerates of the 20th, and 21st centuries.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. I’ve heard from several former and retired Doctor and nurses who worked for previously well regarded local/Regional Nursing Homes and Hospitals that were previously owned either by smaller local companies or private local holding firms. And were later bought out by Private Equity and National Holding Companies under at least in their words Hostile takeovers and or suspicious circumstances. And went down the toilet in terms of quality

They went from prioritizing the Health and Safety of Patients and Staff. And ensuring they were only attracting and hiring the best via attractive benefits packages.

To slashing staffing numbers, slashing benefits packages, and prioritizing providing expensive difficult/dangerous procedures. Without exhausting other all other potential safer and cheaper options as far as patient treatment went. Supposedly one of the local Nursing Homes that got bought up, at least according to the nurse I spoke to, went as far as employing an actual Herbalist to experiment with Herbal remedies for Residents. As opposed to using pharmaceuticals for every health problem. People with ethical concerns on the change were let go by the companys.

It’s a reoccurring theme. Across the Medical Field. And really Economy in general. Companies that are content with modest profits and seek to prioritize the wellbeing of the average person and are actually amazing places to work. Are bought out by a giant corporation/Private Equity Firm.

And are either run into the ground deliberately so the Firm can make more money on parsing out it’s assets. Or become horrendous places where the dollar is king and people, both employees and the public, are just numbers on spreadsheets to be used and thrown away. In pursuit of making numbers on a chart go up as quickly as possible as soon as possible. Even at the cost of long term company health.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Either CIA clown. Working for a Company employed by the CIA.

Or some poor dumb fuck who thought he could hack it as a Merc in Africa and was employed by a Corporation or Rich guy who decided to try their hand at Regime Change. Whether of their own volition or as a favor to someone else.

Plebbitimmigrant 12 points ago +12 / -0

Because quite a bit of Corporate America. Or more specifically the Private Equity Firms that control Corporate America. Are 100% on board with what’s going on.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personal perspective. Either someone is working on creating a new ism. To replace the world’s current failed experiment with the Enlightenment and Republicanism. They may even brand it some new version of Republicanism. To silence critics and smooth transition to new systems. Even if it only bares a passing resemblance to what we currently consider Republicanism.

Or we’re going to revert to some previously abandoned iteration of Government or political ism. Finding it really wasn’t all that bad in hindsight

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. I was referring to “The Plan” in general. I know COVID had no national benefit. It did however however benefit financial interests of American Companies. Which is quite a bit of what’s driven foreign and Domestic policy the past century.

Same reason why American Companies can use chemicals and techniques banned across most of the world in product’s and food produced domestically.

My posts was more just a bit of a cynical observation and 40,000 ft view of both American history and the American impact on the world. As well as the impact of the world’s more or less forced experimentation with enlightenment ideals and Republicanism.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know the longer this goes on. The more I think we aren’t going to be reverting to some notion of a purified “Republic”. Supposing there is some sort of a worldwide alliance. I truly don’t think the rest of the world would stand for it. Considering we went from a “Republic”. To global Oligarchic Hegemony in 240+ years.

And the American Republic, later whatever you’d call our current Government, American Charities, and American Companies made every conscious effort to undermine the rest of the world. Toppling monarchy’s and Governments. In order to spread “Liberty”, “Democracy”, “Republicanism” etc. And certainly not because it suited National, Financial, and Territorial interests.

We probably aren’t going back to a Republic, at least one resembling anything people frequently imagine, without some serious guarantees and checks on our Military/Economic power. So other countries and people can keep us in check. In case the American people fall asleep at the wheel once again

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