Queue473253 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why everyone thinks we are so fucking stupid. One asshat makes a stupid and wrong comment about the most benign fucking thing like which side her crutches are on and it becomes the most liked comment. And now this somehow feeds into you asshats believing she is wearing a secret monitoring bracelet because she is actually under arrest. Guys she could literally just wear regular fucking boots if she wanted to hide something on her ankle!!! Stop being so gullible, you are the reason my entire family thinks I'm dumb!!

Queue473253 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Idk this article seems suspicious. They only send 1 census for per household and I filled it out for for me and my 3 roommates. I don't remember a question asking if I was going to vote and even if tit was on there I couldn't have accurately answered it for my 3 roommates. Pretty sure this article is fabricated bullshit.

Queue473253 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Census also took place before the election so not sure how they could have asked people if they voted in an election that hadn't happened yet

Queue473253 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Guys but I think this article might be a false flag, the census was completed in October and I personally completed mine in March 2020. How could they ask if you voted in election that hadn't happened yet???