RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not too much further until we're only two weeks farther!

RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Am I recollecting or fabricating people have taken ivermectin and cleared up skin issues/rashes?

Asking for a fren, thinks she has sun poison but has had it more than a month. I have some CDS I was going to dilute and offer but wanted to find something supportive of either doing anything.

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just tried it in Brave, and is as you say.

However, if you search - the great awakening gaw, it's the first hit for me.

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just watched a Bo Polney podcast a few days ago talking about this. Selling/buying would halt as dealers would have no idea of the actual price.

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I work at an auto auction here in the DC area and handle the Tesla Remarketing cars, trade-ins.

Every unit they send us sells every week, even the non-Tesla's, about 120 the past month, roughly 30 per week.

I will never own an EV, especially a Tesla. I hate cars you get out of and don't turn off, and hate there are no buttons, knobs or anything.

But man some of them have tremendous acceleration, I sure do enjoy a spin in them around the lot at work!

RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fuckery with GME is massive.

I'm no expert, even an amateur would be a stretch, but I suspect another SS would kick off MOASS

RealityIsBroken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I liked them because they don't charge sales tax which makes quite a difference.

Plus free shipping at $200 so I'd hit that on orders, getting some full OZ's and some fractional.

RealityIsBroken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've bought the bulk of my bullion from Golden State Mint but my last purchase was at a local shop for some Silver Eagles.


RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a life long resident of Fairfax, fuck Fairfax county.

That is all

by sol7
RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sweet, first Police Academy shot I've seen in a meme!

RealityIsBroken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sweet graphic, reminds me of the old NES T&C game!

RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shit, it's jumped $20 from market open!!

Buckle up cadets, me thinks we're in for a ride!

RealityIsBroken 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ditto, same here.

Although my GME is DRSd, I check it there. Can look here too


RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything is, all these synthesized ingredients in food, products we use on our skin. It's all meant to keep as at bay.

RealityIsBroken 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hallelujah, another update on my brother in law!

Pacemaker installed yesterday, surgery went fine, and anticipated release today!

Thanks all for thoughts & prayers, have a blessed weekend!

RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Damn near every store I go to regularly I've found items that ring up higher than the price marked on the shelf.

Labor shortages, lazy workers, I don't know but some places don't update tags. Even when products change locations.

I've always gotten things at the shelf price, I'll bring to the cashier's attention (self checkout) or talk to the manager.

RealityIsBroken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Indeed, I'm happy I was there just so my sister didn't have to come down and find him like that.

I was going to do some repairs on my car while there, and dog sit, but still going to so one less thing for her to worry about

RealityIsBroken 4 points ago +4 / -0

My first car was a 1976 Jeep CJ7 and I was 21. I was a late bloomer in many ways...

It had a loose alternator belt, so I left it running a lot or made sure I always had jumper cables! That got my feet wet for fixing my cars myself and still do to this day.

Loved that thing, had a blast in it. That was in 93.

Just bought an 08 Mini Cooper S for commuting, okay and fun, at a great deal. Turbo needs work which I'm tackling this weekend.

RealityIsBroken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen, when God closes a door we may not understand why, but it's for a reason.

Thank God for that indeed!

RealityIsBroken 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, and he did have a precovid heart issue but I'm sure the vaccine and a booster or 2 didn't help.

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