Secretyrussianspy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look at Mennonite communities in 3rd world countries. There are a number of communities in Mexico and I had the pleasure of visiting one and chatting with random folks. They’ve literally built a beautiful farming community in a wasteland that the Mexican government gave them years ago.

Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

True but I'll jump on it to be able to secure the exact email address name I want. Russianspy@gmail is already taken.

Secretyrussianspy 5 points ago +5 / -0

These immigrants come for the money, make very little effort to adapt to our customs and ways, long for their home country, and use our resources in the process. I have lived all over the world and absolutely love different languages and perspectives. The majority of the people coming here are just leaches and need to go back home. Other than the money, they don't even like this country. Send them all back. Give us our country back.

Secretyrussianspy 9 points ago +9 / -0

I lived in Mexico and during my time there I embraced Mexican culture, learned the language, and respected my host country. How fucking weird would it be if I went places in Mexico waiving a giant American flag? How weird would it be if I pulled up to every gas station blaring country music so loud it can be heard for 3 blocks? I don't give a fuck what race you are, but when you come to the United States of America, you treat this country with the same fucking respect I do when I live abroad.

Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

This exactly. Couple superbowls ago we had Matt Damon doing crypto commercials, hyping everybody up, then BAM.... bear market.

Secretyrussianspy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The SEC is unfortunately banning every viable crypto exchange in the US and making it increasingly difficult to trade. There is still Coinbase and Kraken, but the SEC can literally wake up tomorrow and shut them down in the US.

Secretyrussianspy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then what's the deal either high fructose corn syrup?

by Cuzzo
Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why learning "Smart Money" concepts and fundamentals are so important. We know the markets are manipulated, but there are patterns to how they are manipulated and the goal is to make money ALONG WITH the market movers. Like a little fish hitching a ride with a shark.

by Cuzzo
Secretyrussianspy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Typing on phone so bear with me here

Fundamental things to consider. Usually, if the media is hyping BTC in any direction, the opposite is likely to happen. Two years ago, we had crypto commercials during the Super Bowl. People who have never heard about it were talking about at Christmas. News outlets were buzzing about it, then the next thing you know, interest rates get raised for the first time in a while, and bear market begins.

Which leads to the next point, watch what interest rates do. The Fed is talking about cutting interest rates around middle of 2024, which usually means more money will start flowing into risk on assets such as crypto. However, the Fed purely saying this is their plan is often enough to move markets and them verbally saying it is usually their plan to help move markets in a direction they want it to go.

Past patterns and performance does not equal future performance, but it usually rhymes. In 2019/2020, BTC pumped from $3k to $14k and the buzz was back on. then right before the halving, covid started, uncertainty hit, and there was a quick and sharp drop to a .886 fib line to the $4k mark, then the bull cycle began.

Which leads me to the next point, this drop OP anticipates will likely take a black swan event orchestrated by the powers at be, usually which a goal of creating a sharp correction in the markets for them to take profits at the top, and re-buy at the bottom, leading into the bull cycle. If it's like 2020, this dip will be a wick and be very short lived. However, the powers at be had many months to buy at around $16k, so maybe they're happy with what they bought, maybe not, pay attention to black swan events and fear sentiment. That's usually a good time to buy. Recent black swan events that occurred during this bear recent bear cycle was the collapse of FTX and the collapse of Terra Luna. This isn't the place to describe these events, but I encourage you to research them.

We'll see if we hit a recession. Bitcoin was created after the 2008 recession, but has never lived in a recession and nobody can fully predict how BTC will react. Will inflation come roaring back and people turn to BTC (as it was designed), or will people be so strapped for money that any sort of risk on asset is simply not a possibility?

Halving should be happening around April of 2024. Every halvening has led to a bull cycle. This doesn't mean it will happen this time, but it's note worthy. Inflation and recession will play a big role and creates a bit of mystery.

The market is designed for retail to lose as much money as possible by trying to shake you out. If a bigger dip is to happen, first there is most likely to be a small dip towards $35k, a rally up to $50k, then met the bigger dip begin. The market is designed to mess with your emotions and shake you out in a way to lose. Remember this and don't act on your emotions.

I'll end with this. If you plan to buy during a potential next dip, prepare now. Learn to use exchanges now and don't wait until just before you plan to buy to learn. Go buy $10 worth now as a test and form a game plan. And also, not your keys, not your crypto. Don't keep your crypto on exchanges long term. People lost a shit ton of money when FTX collapsed, don't let that happen to you. Research cold storage like Ledger and Trezor. Write down your keys in 2 or 3 places and learn to transfer to and from it. Learn to dollar cost average. Don't time a bottom on the dip. On the way down, use X amount of your arsenal every week to buy. You'll never time it perfectly waiting for $15k or $10k so don't try or you'll miss your target entry and kick yourself. Dollar cost average. Look this up if you don't know what it means. This dip may or may not happen so if it doesn't happen, don't be surprised. But if it does happen, be prepared. When there is fear, buy. When there is hype and euphoria, sell. Good luck, stay safe, don't lose your life savings on this, and expect the unexpected.

Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

False. Most people have no idea how banking and the monetary supply works, and they trust and use it.

Secretyrussianspy 1 point ago +1 / -0

All bills must contain one item and one item only. No pork stuffing, secret agenda buried in a bill.

Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

What happens if tens of millions of illegals get deported? Lots of things, but something not being talked about, is housing prices will go down!

Secretyrussianspy 9 points ago +9 / -0

Some of them will find wives, taking away women from Americans. Soon, they will have children, and they will be taught that they are not American, even though they live here. Soon, they will buy houses, which will incease demand and increase prices. Soon, they will be tempted at something easy to steal, and people who once never locked their doors will begin doing so. People who used to leave their bicycles on the porch will begin putting them in the garage.

This is how you ruin a country, by flying in an extremely large amount of people, by letting millions cross our borders, who do not share American values, customs, traditions. They will not adapt to our culture easily. They will remain separate. This is exactly how you destroy trust in a community. This is exactly how you cause prices to increase. This is exactly how you create another "us vs them" situation. I'm pissed.

Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had covid fuck me up for a while, but I also hooked up with a 4 times vaxxed woman shortly before hand. I really think there is something to the spike protein shedding that gave me a small taste of what the vaxxed may experience.

Secretyrussianspy 14 points ago +14 / -0

Not everybody checks this page multiple times per day, this is the first time I'm seeing it and glad it was posted at the moment I was browsing.

Secretyrussianspy 3 points ago +3 / -0

They want to crash the crypto market once more so they can buy up as much as they can before the next bull run.

Secretyrussianspy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair points indeed but state laws shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the first place if they defy the Constitution. It's frustrating that it takes so much money, time, and stress to make sure that states are acting within the bounds of the Constitution. The Constituiton doesn't need to be interpreted so many times if it is just taken at face value and a little common sense is used. But it takes a team of expensive lawyers most people can't afford just to ensure states are acting within the confines of the Constitution.

Secretyrussianspy 11 points ago +11 / -0

The fact multiple lower courts ruled against this lady then the SC overturned those rulings shows just how broken this shit is. Courts should have a level of consistency that is not open for debate or the ability to be so subjective.

Many people would have taken their losses in the lower courts and been completely screwed with the wrong ruling.

Courts need to find a way to be less dependent on judges and attorneys or more dependent on simply a fair and simple rule of law.

And if lower courts get it wrong so frequently to be overturned by higher courts, why is there no consequences for the lower courts making a wrong ruling?

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