SirCaptain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe I'm not reading this right, but it sounds to me like only people residing out of the outside the US. It says:

"... a tax ... upon the entire net income from ... <wealth-generation>... carried on in the United States by persons residing elsewhere."

SirCaptain 1 point ago +1 / -0

In case of confusion: He said something like it was "$400 for all of us", and "it was $104 US dollars here". So the $104 means per person.

$100 a week per person may sound normal to our ears, (or sound a bit high) but the median yearly salary in russia is ~$14000 whereas the median yearly salary in the US is ~$45000. So the difference is substantial

SirCaptain 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mine as well. It's a true rarity in today's age to find another who has read any of his books.

SirCaptain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Assuming it wasn't hyperbole, then perhaps it's that if the truth were revealed, then the global elites would unleash a weapon against humanity? Such truth may be just the agenda of the 1% or the records of their evil doings, that they wish to suppress. Said weapon may be biological, advanced psyops, or even the ability to cause mass riots and mayhem.

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, thanks for saying it out loud. It's a shame how many people read something like this and accept it unquestioningly because it fits their bias.

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I made this when someone close to me was deciding whether to get the vaccine. It's heavily researched and sourced. Hope it helps you: https://files.catbox.moe/h14b24.pdf

The first few sections are more-or-less a preliminary overview. You can probably skip to section 5 or 6

SirCaptain 1 point ago +1 / -0

With just a wallet and clothes, he'll soon need to spend via card. When he does, you've found him. Just monitor his recent transactions. Especially watch for hotel purchases.

If no purchases are made, then know there's been no flight... Unless there's another person involved.

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's been roughly a hundred years since the USD became the global reserve currency. Couple this with Russia beginning to trade in Yuan with China, it becomes very likely that this is a reference to a shift in global currency.

SirCaptain 4 points ago +4 / -0

I personally feel it's not Trump. Primarily due to substantially dissimilar linguistic patterns. In short, he doesn't sound like Trump when he communicates.

SirCaptain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate the thoughtful reply. I'll look into it

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regarding my understanding, dilution-type homeopathy is a medicinal belief system largely about the vibrational memory of water of diluted substance. A bit reductionist, sure, but I'm not really wrong. At least that's the basic idea. If you think I'm mistaken, please specify. Otherwise, simply saying "you're wrong" is ... Not productive. Of course there's freedom of speech, so you can say whatever.

Regarding the actual content I wrote, and the verifiability of true homeopathy, (not the herbal remedy linguistic dual) if there has been a placebo controlled double blind RCT showing favoritism towards the homeopathy treatment, please let us know. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would be interested to learn something new

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some homeopathics are diluted further than 1 part in a million million million millions (ie 10^24). Not sure where the limit is

SirCaptain 1 point ago +3 / -2

Should false advertising be legal? With respect to health claims, the line between what is "false advertising" vs what is not becomes blurry unless there is an authority that has the legal power to make the distinction. I think, I do not want someone to be able to trick me into buying something. In fact, I think I'd support stricter claim oversight.

.... eg. There should be stricter claim oversight in toothpaste, because currently no matter how tiny the amount of hydrogen peroxide is used in toothpaste, as long as there's a nonzero amount, they can still claim that it is whitening, despite the fact that the paste would probably fail a clinical trial on whitening ability. (According to my dentist)

Homeopathy has two meanings in modern English. (1) Super diluted to the point where it becomes just water. (2) An herbal or "home" remedy. Most people who attack homeopathy are referring to (1), whereas most people defending homeopathy are referring to (2). This makes for endless, unproductive, online arguments. The first type is akin to modern shamans or yogi treating illnesses with spirit crystals or other new-age products.

I'm all for herbal and home remedies. More studies should be done exploring these options. But I think it's okay to illegalize claims that a product which is 99.999999999% water can do anything other than "provide hydration".... Unless of course, it can be factually proven through a repeatable clinical study.

I know some people even here really do believe in the dilution-type homeopathy. Something to do with water-memory. But I really haven't seen any evidence beyond placebo-explanable anecdotes to convince me of their efficacy. I'm always open to change my mind if evidence suggests otherwise.

False advertising is the same as theft. A scam leading to an exchange where only one side fulfills their end of the exchange... Yes, after the vaccine fiasco, I'm as "disappointed" (putting it lightly) as you are with the FDA, but even if we don't have the FDA, we need the existence of some authority that can evaluate health-related claims for their truthfulness in advertising. Don't we? I'm open to alternatives if you have a better idea.

I guess one alternative would be to illegalize all marketing claims except those which are completely verifiably factual. No more statistical stuff in marketing. No more "whitening" toothpaste. The paste can say how much h2o2 it has, but any claims beyond that can come from your health care provider

SirCaptain 6 points ago +6 / -0

Here's my three: (for Android) (1) ESV Bible (2) Bible Hub (3) Bible Gateway

The ESV app is good for light reading

Bible Hub is my favorite because it has the "Literal Standard Version" and "Literal Emphasis Translation". No other app has these.

Bible Gateway is a good alternative. The UX is better than Bible Hub but it doesn't have LSV.

SirCaptain 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is he saying at 0:50? It sounded something like "I have something called Trump... If you look it's called Trumpbone"? Then he talks about Truth Social

SirCaptain 19 points ago +19 / -0

Exactly. He is gonna be saving so much money due to this, and Twitter is going to keep functioning. He could literally double the exorbitant salaries of everyone who remains and probably still be profitting by this mass layoff. Not to mention his proposed Twitter 2.0 ideas for improvement...

I like his recent actions, but I still don't believe he's actually on our side

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know one personally who, precovid, wanted to wear them because it made her feel more secure being able to hide by covering most of her face, and more "cute" in her mind because she could draw attention away from her face's shape up to her eyes. Her face's shape was/is perfectly good, but unrealistic beauty standards are even more ubiquitous there than here

SirCaptain 22 points ago +22 / -0

This is crystal clear in retrospect. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

This also explains his unusual demeanor at the start of his speech, and explains why he bothered drawing our attention to this news. Trump wanted us to figure it out...

With this, the DS were telling Trump, "We can and will start WWIII if you cross the line! See?" They then retracted their piece when the protection was no longer needed.

It's no mystery it came from Ukraine, either. As far as I can tell, that place is like a DS stronghold.

This all also tells me that they were afraid, terrified even. To threaten with WW3 is an act of desperation. It means we have more power than we think... there was something Trump could have said that was so damaging to the DS, that they had to resort to this for insurance. Not to mention their back-to-back misinformation sessions held by Bush and Obama just hours prior. They are desperate, like a cornered beast .

Honestly, its a little scary. It means that we are always just inches away from WW3 if the patriots don't play their cards right in this fight for the soul of the nation.

SirCaptain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recounts are not useless in this case. We need a recount. The fiasco with "Box 3" would get readdressed, and IIRC we have already heard of substantial differences between a small hand recount in AZ this election and "official" results. (0.5% of those votes shifted from Hobbs to Lake I think). So If we get a recount, she will probably pull ahead.

PS, Kari only needs around 58% of remaining votes to narrow the gap enough (down to 0.5%) to trigger the recount.

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