Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm in FL and a neighbor had a Dr's prescription for IVM when he got CV19 back in 2020, and our local CVS would not fill it.

Survey_girl 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think a lot of them were abused by men as a child, and now try to look more manly, to not appear as a delicate, feminine victim.... and to be as unattractive to men as possible. It's like they're putting a barrier between themselves and any would-be abusers (in their minds).

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

they have a 1 day option and a 30 day option

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

you can click on "view details" on your portfolio page, it will bring up a drop down, click on "actions", then "sell"

It will open up a new page with your information, banking info, # of shares, etc. Click "next" and you can tell them how many / what price you want to sell at. Then it will ask you if you want a paper check mailed to you or a wire transfer ($35 fee), etc. It will take you through a fee pages of options, etc, and the final page will tell you all the expected fees and your final expected sell price.

I set up a limit order to sell off some shares if the price gets up near 100 to make up my initial investment.

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes! good job!!

Our spring garden has been going for a couple of months now. Our potato plants (3 - 50' rows) were beautiful, but I am afraid the heat is getting to them already, they are showing signs of blight, so we may be pulling them soon, even though I think they probably need another month. Our squash/zucchini and cucumbers didn't do jack this year, plants barely got up out of the ground and started blooming, but are too small to do anything. The winter squash seem to be doing well, vining out with tons of blooms, small fruit starting to form. The pepper and okra are still young, they love the heat, so they should really start taking off now. The tomatoes and tomatillos are all loaded with fruit and blooms, though still a ways off from being ripe. I am hoping the stink bugs don't ruin them like last year :/ The sweet corn is tasseling, but seem really short, but they did the same last year and we had a bounty, so hopefully this year will be the same. The field corn is looking awesome, over hip high, we have about 10 - 80' rows of that, and might replant more when we pull the potatoes. We did about 1600 plants last year and ended up with 8 - 5 gallon buckets of dried corn. I have been making home ground corn meal and grits.... homemade cornbread is sooo good! Our big crop this year will be white acres. We bought a pea sheller, so hoping to put it to good use, I think we have 8 or 9 - 80' rows planted. They are coming up nicely. Just planted 2 more rows, so they don't all come in at one time.

The last of our onions we planted in November are ready to harvest this weekend, so we will be curing those, should end up with about 200 onions, some are tiny and we got quite a few monsters.

We also planted about 20 fruit trees this year, hoping they will be producing in a few years. Several varieties of oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, avocado, peaches, pears, apples. And we also planted 6 blueberry bushes.

You must live up north, because down here, cabbage, kale, beets, carrots are all winter crops :)

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think too many right/republican/conservative's were beginning to "notice" certain things , seems like a good ploy to get us back in line with our greatest ally... and against the raging blue haired commies and muzzies.

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Problem - Reaction - Solution.... the Hegelian Dialectic

Survey_girl 26 points ago +26 / -0

New definition for "MAP".... millstone attached pedophile

Survey_girl 10 points ago +10 / -0

Jill is the babysitter in the early 70s... but doesn't meet Joe until 75 on a blind date?? huh

Survey_girl 26 points ago +26 / -0

he thinks the vax saved his life.... wow, it is hard to believe these people can get themselves dressed in the mornings.

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, 100% the federal reserve needs to go away and our monetary system is based on debt that can never be repaid (how can you pay interest on a loan if all the money ever created was borrowed). But our entire society (world, really) is based on the US dollar. All of our savings and anything non-tangible would disappear. All of our labor stolen from us. It is all a house of cards

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just look at how rapidly (exponentially!) our national debt is rising. Recently it was adding a trillion dollars every 100 days, now it is 90 days. How long until it is every month, week, etc. At some point it will be too much, too much to print our way out of. Hyperinflation, complete loss of the US dollar, us military, stock market, etc.

Our system is unsustainable and adding millions of illegals is only escalating the situation. How many sleeper cells are now in the country, waiting for the system to collapse? And like you said, a black swan event. Another pandemic, a nuclear war, food shortages, power outages...

I too, expect things will get really bad leading up to November, if there even is an election this year (??). Hope everyone is preparing, getting food & supplies stocked up :/

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is typical, we do it all the time, and we are just a small company. We had a project earlier this week that had to close lanes of traffic on a main road and the county would not let us close lanes until 8:30 pm, so our crews had to work from 8-midnight. And this was just to add a turn lane into a new hotel being built.

When we have to do work in a r/w, we will often work on Sundays or at night to minimize the traffic delays. And you will see it on the interstates too, the signs will say road/lanes closed from 10pm-5am when they are resurfacing the road.

There is much less traffic at night, you just have to watch out for the drunks on the road at that time :/

Survey_girl 18 points ago +18 / -0

so... how many rapists is she associated with now?? John of God, Weinstein, Clinton (though not convicted), etc.

Survey_girl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why do you need to travel, everything you need is right inside this 15-minute city?!?

But yes, they have been saying for years that only the elites will be able to travel around the globe. I think automobile ownership will be next, at least some car companies are reversing their electric vehicle push.

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