TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Cold" was really good. That's a short series from 2018/2019. I remember hotly anticipating new episodes and being at my desk at work just dying to hear more. I still want more.

The Adam Carolla Show is always good.

I don't care what people say, TimcastIRL is really good and so is Timcast.

TheLetterK 4 points ago +7 / -3

I've learned more about fighting the left from him in just six months than I have from everyone on this website in four years. He provides actual tactics and strategy. Meanwhile for months here it was just "kEeP yOuR eYeS oN tHe AuDiT!!1!" Followed by NOTHING.

All the "heroes" that come up through here with no substance like Greggggg Phillips, Jack Maxey, and Dom Lucre are nothing. Tim Pool has actually had a real impact in the culture war and in educating his listeners. He does more in one day than any of those "big news totally coming soon" guys have ever done combined in their lives. And yet, you hate on him, probably because he actually has relevance when your phony heroes like Gregggggg Phillips have done nothing more than bait and switch. Every other week here there's talk about some celebrity who claims to have proof of human sacrifice, but never shows it. Every month there's talk about someone who died and "was about to reveal it all", instead of just actually revealing whatever exists. And don't get me started on the moronic talk about "frazzledrip" with LITERALLY ZERO EVIDENCE AT ALL.

But totally, Tim Pool is just the worst, right?

TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw a trader that I follow purchase 100 shares of GME today. It seemed strange since I rarely see him get long stock. It makes me wonder what he's thinking.

TheLetterK 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, sci-fi horror is perfect for the young ones. The books are scarier.

TheLetterK 4 points ago +4 / -0

I called out this show right when it came out. I don't remember perfectly right now, but there's either anti-white racism in the first episode, or sexism against males. Regardless, I recognized immediately that I needed to block that show

For all the bad things about Netflix, it's the only streaming service that I know of that allows you to block individual shows.

TheLetterK 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you. That was worthwhile and the end was quite the climax.

TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

So no three-sentence summary to backup your contention at the very least?

TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is good and all, but why now? Why when it can't get past Biden? Why not wait for President Trump? Massie is based, but this seems like the same old political theater from Republicans. They only do this when Democrats are in power.

TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you come to that conclusion? Is it a guess? Or based on something?

TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please explain how you come to this conclusion. I'm interested in really understanding why you think this. I've been skeptical since 2021, but then this recent spike came as a real surprise. Help me fully understand.

I remember Bitcoin back in 2016 and 2017. I was convinced that I had missed selling at the top, but we can see I was wildly incorrect. I want the knowledge that will help me understand why this isn't the end of GME.

TheLetterK 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let me tell you a story about a guy I know.

Growing up, his dad worked two jobs and wasn't around the house much. When he was around, he was grumpy and would yell a lot, or generally be unpleasant, or would be asleep. This was commonly blamed on him being exhausted from working two full-time jobs.

One month, this guy had a birthday. He turned eight. Before the end of that same month, he woke up, had a normal day at school, and then went home only to have his sister come down the driveway to meet him, sobbing. You see, that morning, he woke up without a father and didn't even know it. Before he woke up, his dad had gone to work his morning job but didn't make it because a woman killed him with her car.

This guy I know has different memories of his father than the rest of his family. He's told me that most of his memories are negative. He also has problems socializing, anger, and difficulty being a parent himself. As a result, he has unhappy feelings about his father and doesn't know how to deal with it. He told me that he grew up scared of other kid's dads. Today, he seems to have trouble accepting any sort of authority.

What I derive from this is that just spending twenty minutes playing with your girl, no matter how cranky or exhausted you feel will make a world of difference in her heart. Also, life is terribly short (unless you're this guy who says that his life isn't short enough), and your influence on your daughter will also be short. Even if you don't suffer an early death, kids have a way of drifting as they become teens, where her friendships will become more important to her. So influencing her now, and showing her your love now is important because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

In fact, on a recent excursion, my child was nearly hit by a car while we crossed a crosswalk because a woman wasn't watching the road. Today isn't guaranteed either.

Life comes at you fast.

Homer Simpson works his job knowing that he is there forever, but he does it because he loves Maggie so much. So though you're exhausted, you do it for her.

And, fortunately, this is probably not permanent. The only thing that is permanent is change. All things change.

One of my children is also needy. I've had to set boundaries. A boundary for you might be to play on two or three set nights a week. Make it special. Give it a label. And when those nights come around, remember to give it your all because you're building a real relationship with your daughter.

Your feelings about playing amid your exhaustion might not get easier, but the relationship you have with your girl will. A health boundary and loving attention from her father just may foster healthy growth and a strong relationship.

TheLetterK 6 points ago +7 / -1

Layla Rose is the president of Miss USA. No word on what HIP could be.

In other words, citation needed.

TheLetterK 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have two questions.

  1. Why did you want to move to Russia in 2019?

  2. How is it? The sense of nationalism seems cool, but I know people who have lived in both Russia and Ukraine and they say it's not that nice.

TheLetterK 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Tuttle Twins series. It's not just good for kids. Buy directly from the website. Tuttletwins.com

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell.

The Law by Frederic Bastiat.

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