ThePowerOfPrayer 11 points ago +12 / -1

Franklin Graham is a pedophile preacher who proselytizes for Voodoo Donuts on social media sadly.


His father was Billy Graham, a famous preacher who also happened to be a 33rd Degree Freemason.

And for the people who can't admit their heroes aren't sinners just like the rest of us, check the following PDF of a scrubbed webpage originally found on the Freemasonic Lodge No. 174's website and verify Billy Graham was listed as a Famous Mason -


And here's a list of posts already available on this site, exposing Franklin in multiple ways -

Franklin Graham to Evangelicals: Vaccines Bring Healing to Bodies Like Jesus Did


What famous evangelicals do you believe are cabal?


Here's a comment found on these forums and I've verified this for myself -

According to Fiona Barnett "Candy Girl" Billy Graham is a satanic pedophile. He clearly was part of the Uniparty in DC for years. Like I have said many times, when the Religious Wake UP is when the True Great awakening will occur.

Maybe research him and his connections with Bush Sr. and the Franklin Cover-Up and also research his son Franklin Graham and his VooDoo Donut connection in Portland OR.

Look into what Cathy O'Brien has to say about the Grahams.


ThePowerOfPrayer 0 points ago +1 / -1

So you are perfect and never overlook anything.

Did I say that?

I proposed that question to be helpful, but you apparently took it as an insult, even though I mentioned the bit about iron sharpening iron.

There's a reason many here subscribe to the 48 hour rule (or the 24-72 hour rule concept as popularized by Dan Bongino), especially for things they may not have time to research right away.

Dan Bongino (Mon-Fri 9am-Noon) regularly reminds his listeners that they should give 24-72 hours before accepting the left-wing MSM narrative when news breaks.


ThePowerOfPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why not investigate a matter first before making declarations?

That's a question for self-reflection and doesn't require a response, by the way.

Iron sharpening iron.

ThePowerOfPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video says it's 13 seconds long if you view from a computer but if you play it from the Android or iOS app, there's an additional 4 seconds at the end which shows the TikTok logo and account name.

ThePowerOfPrayer 2 points ago +3 / -1

Jack Straw's a clickbait Paytriot.

Prove me wrong.

ThePowerOfPrayer 7 points ago +7 / -0

I watched the CNN coverage while my MIL was celebrating and even some of the lawyers they put on the air believe this conviction will not hold up on appeal.

ThePowerOfPrayer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Translated Tweet -

しかし、今回デモに行って、「これだけ怒っている人がいるんだ」っていう事が分かって、少し安心したわ🥳 少なくとも、4万人近くの人間が、実際に現地に来たし、ネットだけではなく、やはりこういう行動を、何回も何回もやって、民意の声をデカくしていくしかない。マスコミが無視できないくらいに🔥

But when I went to the protest this time, I realized that there were so many people who were angry, and I felt a little relieved. 🥳 At least, nearly 40,000 people actually came to the site, and this kind of action is not just limited to the internet. The only way to make the voice of public opinion louder is to do it again and again, so that the media cannot ignore it. 🔥

Translated Twitter/X bio of poster -


It has been discovered that the spike protein contained in the ○ causes blood abnormalities and leads to blood clots. It causes major damage to the entire body, including the internal organs and nervous system, and damage to the ovaries in particular can cause infertility. ○ also seems to cause harm to others through breast milk and blood donations.

ThePowerOfPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://twitter.com/drewp1973/status/1267192271843266562 will redirect to


and allow one to read the replies.

Here's the archived Tweet -

MSNBC equates QANON with ANTIFA!

#fakenews #EnemyOfThePeople




ThePowerOfPrayer 4 points ago +5 / -1

Was time travelling Trump trolling with this one?

Did Trump Refer to "7/11" Rather Than 9/11"?

Donald Trump puzzled listeners when he said "7-11" rather than 9/11" when referencing the September 11 terrorist attacks.


ThePowerOfPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

What exactly has our government learned about mRNA vaccine safety from Covid19 and the companies that made same?

The majority of Americans are nincompoops, exactly as our education systems intended.

My preferred Urban Dictionary definition of nicompoop -

A braindead self important little turd given an impressive sounding job title to keep him blissfully ignorant of the world shattering nefarious machinations of his keepers.

-derived from army slang non-com short for non commissioned officer

by georgy reinecke August 25, 2006


ThePowerOfPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I covered this at the time.

When they removed "partially vaccinated" people who they had previously classified as "unvaccinated" unless they managed to survive at least 14 days after their first J&J or second Pfizer or Moderna shots, death rates amongst the unvaccinated dropped precipitously.

ThePowerOfPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0


Here's an alternative link to the video itself for those who can't access Truth Social for whatever reason -


ThePowerOfPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Captchas are usually only if you're behind a VPN.

ThePowerOfPrayer 8 points ago +8 / -0

There's definitely a way.

Just searched on Yandex and found this -

If you want to add Yandex as your default search engine, follow these steps:

Open the browser settings by typing brave://settings or use the Hamburger Menu on the top right.

Click on “Search Engines” in the settings page

Click “Manage search engines”

Click the “Add” button

Fill in the following:

Search engine




URL with %s in place of query


Click add

Click the 3 dots next to the search engine you just added

Click “Make default”


ThePowerOfPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I use https://swisscows.com unless the search terms contain swear words, as Swiss Cows blocks any searches containing profanity or pornographic terms.

Been using https://yandex.com when I can't find what I'm looking for. Clearly, I've been brainwashed by Russian disinformation.

ThePowerOfPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Generation X grew up at the end of the analog age and the beginning of the digital age.

The ones who paid attention and resisted the programming understand both worlds innately.

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