Themis595 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do I think so? Yes. He couldn’t be more perfect for them. It’s a perfect depiction of their debased lifestyles. A complete representation of the degradation of their society. No morals. No values. A career criminal. A junkie. A degenerate. He’s a perfect emblem for everything they believe in. While they’re praising George Floyd, they’re tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln, and George Floyd’s mural is getting struck by lightning. This statue is the visual equivalent of his followers smearing themselves with San Francisco junkie poop (which I’m sure they’d be delighted to do).

Themis595 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are murderers. Xanax. It’s prescribed for panic attacks and anxiety disorders. My father-in-law told his doctor that he had trouble sleeping. Xanax is not prescribed for that. The doctor prescribed it anyway. The manufacturer cautions not to take it for more than two weeks. The FDA says four months max. My father-in-law has been on it for THIRTY YEARS. 30. The effects of long-term usage are falling, loss of balance, extreme wasting due to inability to digest food, hallucinations, seizures, coma, etc. He’s lost half his body weight, can barely walk, is delusional, hallucinates daily… and was the breadwinner in their household. We called a medical malpractice/personal injury attorney and they didn’t call back. Apparently, benzos (as they’re known) are overprescribed like crazy. I’m wondering when the class action lawsuits will begin. Money over everything. My father-in-law, for his part, never did any research at all about what he was ingesting. Just trusted his doctor and kept filling his prescriptions. Now he’s about to enter hospice and my mother-in-law is an absolute wreck. The hell with the medical establishment.

Themis595 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tom’s new hobby: zig zag running

Themis595 2 points ago +2 / -0

If he has a professional license or security clearance, they may be in jeopardy. I bet he’s keyed cars a thousand times. This is just the first time he was caught.

Themis595 7 points ago +7 / -0

When I was in 1st grade, I read the story about Jesus saying “he who is without sin cast the first stone” and said WHOAAAAAA! I thought that was the coolest thing ever, and that Jesus was the absolute coolest. I still think that! Welcome Russell!

Themis595 11 points ago +11 / -0

You can tell a lot about her. She’s based. She doesn’t see herself as a victim. She looks happy and content because she didn’t fall into a trap. She’s not obese, or overweight, so she takes good care of her health. She’s a critical thinker. I would bet she’s unjabbed. She doesn’t believe the mainstream media. She’s top notch!

Themis595 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Themis595 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ding Ding Ding! Russian Military! There’s a new tank under your seat!

Themis595 3 points ago +3 / -0

They blew up Mountbatten’s yacht, but they let these foreign assholes run roughshod.

Themis595 7 points ago +7 / -0

I spoke with some retired immigrants. They have time on their hands, so they thought they would volunteer. They were astounded when all they could do was put their names on waitlists to volunteer. They tried a bunch of organizations. They said that the USA is such an incredible country. So many helpful people.

Themis595 3 points ago +3 / -0

They ran around the world conquering everything that they could put their hands on. “The sun never sets on the British Empire.” And now this.

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