TropicThunder2020 16 points ago +16 / -0

I remember trump saying he will be giving election fraud 120% of his effort, which in normal human terms means the type of will power to get a man on mars. I'm never betting against a man who never gives up, there is something brewing I can sense it.

TropicThunder2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not even 1 week and the country is being torn down fast...this sux...for the love of god Q please start the plan!!

TropicThunder2020 8 points ago +8 / -0

Pray for the innocent children of the world, pray for their education of God and love and not to be indoctrinated with anti God hate. I pray for society that it shall return to a high % of stable nuclear & extended families. Reduce the rise of single parent homes and families torn by divorce. I pray that any evil plans actioned by the Biden administration are thwarted by God. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen.