Trump354517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Politicized petition .org. LIb/BLM/Climate Change friendly etc. It would be right up their alley to petition for gun law reform, but I'm unaware of any specific petition.

From their wiki: Petitions often focus on causes such as general justice, economic justice, criminal justice, human rights, education, environmental protection, animal rights, health, and sustainable food.

Good place to do narrative backfill and seeding.

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tucker seemed intimidated and triggered during the interview, and made a mockery of the opportunity with childish rhetoric, interruptions, and a pitch to pardon and repatriate a suspected spy/journalist. Quite literally, a number of us could have done a better, more professional job; without the clown baggage too :) Well... jury's out on summuhyas.

Trump354517 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ramzan Duraev's change.org petition.


Plot twist or narrative backfill, you judge. For reference, my guess is the team guy is not a nobody and is being protected in the immediate and will eventually face charges.

The castle doctrine in NC did not protect a man shooting a fleeing car burglar, and the homeowner was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Intermittently cases of defense of property alone use castle doctrine as a successful defense, yet I've read of several cases with failed castle doctrine defenses and this quote from an article regarding the car burglar in NC sums it up quite succinctly.

“A key to this is forcible unlawful entry into occupied homes, cars or businesses,” he said. “It’s a right to protect the occupants, it’s not a right to protect mere property.”

If you'd like to know when you can judiciously use your gun, please watch Massad Ayoob's Judicious Use of Deadly Force. Intent, ability, and opportunity to cause death or grave bodily harm are the requirements to pull the trigger and not get railed in court.

Trump354517 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's the "captured by zionism" line. Also known as the "forgot about the 50 fence breaches and 7 hour response time at the most secure border in history" line. Also known as the "never looked at the tank and apache whistleblowers admitting use of Hannibal Directive" line. Also known as the "goy shuffle". If Bob Mueller and Ron! Desantis hired a womb to have a child, that child would say this.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Start yesterday. Many cured already.

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0

Insulin resistance due to long term elevated blood glucose IN COMBINATION with single-cultivar (GMO whether labeled or not) fibrous fruits, veg, and grain.

Plants are trying to kill you.

Ostomy guy goes carnivore.

Cut off the fuel supply to cancer - Dr. Thomas Seyfried.

Without the chaotic, ignorant diet most have, the vax wouldn't affect cancer stats much at all.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guess what MF required you ask MF in order to be blessed with MF's presence on a podcast?

"Would you consider running for POTUS?"

I agree with your assessment of Flynn. Shit, Flynn agrees with your assessment of Flynn.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

He reminds me of David Hancock, Kyle Rittenhouse's ex Navy Seal handler.

Trump354517 8 points ago +8 / -0

Jon McGreevey "johnheretohelp" told us about this years ago, even using the words prion and alzheimers due to the jab. Keep in mind the variance in batch, variance in route of administration, and immune health of the recipient all play a role and contribute to the plausible deniability and conjecture surrounding what they want us to think was one or just a few formulations of the jab.

Trump354517 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was a young man trusting something I did for salvation, the sinner's prayer. Biblical salvation is all about not getting lost in the semantics. I was lost in a technicality when I was challenged as to what I believe vs. what the bible says. I'm glad that pastor challenged me (over and over)... exposed the broken me, rather. It took a humbling experience to grasp the nature of what 0% is. 0% of what I do in life garners the ability to claim the finished works of Christ as sin debt paid in full; not a confession, pope, prayer to Mary, baptism, public profession of faith, following the 10 commandments (no one can), having a sincere heart... none of that mattered if I were to have died right before then.

Humility lifted the veil.

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up. James 4:10

Accurate framing of value regarding Earthly vs Heavenly corrects your perspective.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

We are to be in the world, not of it.

The significance of the actual Blood.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's good to see liberals have a moment of reckoning as their representation continually shows their allegiance. Something most of us are familiar navigating the past however long you've been alive and awake.

Not a unifying moment, as many are deeming it, between us. The build up happens only after the break down. They're just beginning to break down.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hakeem can't be an option right now with the defectors lying in wait for R's to make it happen. 45 put the double kabash on it.

Trump354517 14 points ago +15 / -1

Lost me @ Flynn. Lost me again at Radical Islamic Terrorism (literally fostered by [them]). Lost me a third time at allowing invasion to use civilians as military as a tactic.

Trump354517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait until you see the psychologists and psychiatrists. A child with a decent foundation will thwart the indoctrination via academia. But when you add effective immunity from confidentiality, privacy, meds, and affirmation from an authority figure, you get Covenant School in Nashville.

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