Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

There‘s already a term for that, it‘s communism.

(Or as a fellow Pede posted, marxism.)

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

You really have not even a slight inkling of a clue, do you?

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

This title is the definition of misleading.

Phrased as it is, it implies that Flynn is fine with the killing of President Trump or even would have something to do with it.

He states the possibility that the DS will resolve to it - which is an absolutely realistic assessment of the sutuation.

Warrior_of_Virtue 5 points ago +5 / -0

„Nobody is above the law.“

This will come sooooooo back to haunt them lol

Isn‘t it nice how MSM etc. has hammered this very sentence into the minds of the population?

Yup, nobody is above the law, and NCSWIC.

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who‘s this roaring kitty and why are these posts from roaring kitty getting so much attention?

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

The „pregnant“ Man emoji. 😂

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don‘t know why, but (from outside appearancr) I just kinda like this guy. Would be really nice if he indeed is a white hat, the B2 Bomber, that played his role as an antagonist.

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting line of thinking. A possible scenario to expose the blackmail scenario could be:

Biden signs off on the bill. The money is wasted. Very bad things happen. Dems try to put the blame for these bad things on Johnson, because he has waved this bill through (ignoring that Biden has the ultimate responsibility for it).

Then Johnson „comes clean“ and exposes his blaclmail situation as why he has approved the bill, getting the ball rolling on the publick blackmail-exposure.

Just thinking here.

deleted 22 points ago +22 / -0
by G-Anon
Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

That‘s because I‘m on this board for since about three years.

by G-Anon
Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a nutshell: we all know the commies are a bunch of liars and murderers, and the rising popularity of the practice that teaches the people to live according its core principles (Truth, Benevolence and Tolerance) made Falun Gong a target - teaching people something that goes against the core principles of the CCP was not something it could let be.

A bit like what‘s happening to MAGA, by the current commie regime, but on steroids.

by G-Anon
Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, I practice Falun Gong (since 1998, before the persecution in China started), so there‘s that.

by G-Anon
Warrior_of_Virtue 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sorry, I have to chime in here. The „cult“-schtick is CCP propaganda used to defame and frame Falun Gong in China and abroad.

If you use this term, you play in the CCPs hands in a way by giving legitimacy the term.

The Falun Gong guys who founded the Epoch Times have proven again and again with the publication that they take journalism seriously and they try to deliver real news.

Your remark is insidious and denigrates the work the paper has done.

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