WhoReallyRunsThis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interestingly, I had similar internal conflicts... like who is this guy? Again, particularly around the mud flinging with flynn and all of the others, it seemed a bit like a shotgun approach to demand answers when he had serious doubts on the directions being taken.

Seemingly, he was vouched for as the Pfizer insider... so that kind of squelched those internal skepticisms on the evidence regarding the vials, the microscope tapes, etc. But again, I don't think this kid knows enough to be able to say all of those in the Q movement are all against the truth; I find that hard to believe.

I also thought that maybe someone in the old PV crew helped put that together... too organized for a newer journalist.

WhoReallyRunsThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd be interested to know more about her husband... was he ever charged in the Jan 6, or did he get away like an entrapping fedboi?

I can understand his fear of not knowing who to trust, but boy, did he lob a bunch of grenades in various directions. It got a bit scattered when he started going after Flynn, et all.

Regardless, there's some great new info and clips in here - I think the ball is in their court to refute or (as the whistleblower puts it) tell their side of the story.

WhoReallyRunsThis 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm about 3/4 of the way through, and I see it from both sides. The evidence, potential microscope vids, and all seem like a huge public sacrifice that this whistleblower is willing to put himself on the chopping block to get out there - I find that very commendable, and he seems to truly be a hero. I hope that this steamrolls into larger disclosures (and maybe the full 9Tb release).

On the flip side, I hear Nightingale's desire to almost protect this whisteblower, due to the numerous crimes committed to get these recordings. I realize that someone as powerful as Pfizer + US Govt would/could probably make this thing go away pretty quickly and lock under gag orders, or worse.

The whole thing is messed up. We all know someone or multiple people that either died, or are gravely impacted by the clot shot. Let's stand together on this one.

WhoReallyRunsThis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Naturally, that would be ideal. Without a doubt, the legal system would be tested to its breaking point. I feel like this is where beanie-man's prediction of civil war really starts to become a possibility.

People would lose their minds.

WhoReallyRunsThis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, I agree with that/those statements. However, the Presidential Succession act of 1947 dictates what should happen in the event:

The president of the United States may be replaced if he or she:

  • Becomes incapacitated
  • Dies
  • Resigns
  • Is unable to hold office
  • Is removed from office

And that would be to transition to VP, then speaker of the house, and so on. The only way, as I see it, to go through this process and stop Trump is to nullify the 2020 election, and correct it to show DJT as the elected president. Under section 1 of the 22nd Amendment, it directly states that a president can't be elected to more than two terms. But in the event that you take over, for longer than 2 years == you can only be elected once (that would be truly elected, so one more time, either before, or after the term you took over). If for shorter than 2 years, then you can be elected not more than two times.

Again, I think they will state that Trump was already elected twice... but that's just my crazy theory.

WhoReallyRunsThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep in mind - the 22nd Amendment simply states the following:

"Section 1 No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."

The second-half of that section really seems to govern someone taking over mid-term due to the failure of the elected president to fulfill the term. The first part of the statement is where I see it applying: If they turn around and say, "Yeah, you know what, we reviewed all of the evidence, and you're right, all of these states violated their constitutions (PA, GA, WI, etc), and thus, those votes were invalid. Therefore DJT is the duly elected President for a second time."

Trust me, I think it's a pretty dangerous threshold for them to cross, but we've all seen crazier things over the past 3 years...vax your toddlers, Trump won't have enough ventilators (and everyone is going to die because of it... yet ventilators were blowing people's lungs out), 10 days to stop the spread, stop taking horse paste "ya'll"... the list goes on.

WhoReallyRunsThis 23 points ago +24 / -1

Check my history, it’s been a thought of mine for quite some time… the late stage support from otherwise silent groups is fairly clear.

The later we get into the election cycle, and the realization that he is not only the nominee, but the frontrunner, they will admit the ultimate to make a final legal stand that he can’t be president. They’d rather say he’s the 46th president and let him serve a day in the white house since the damage of a full Biden term has already been done.

WhoReallyRunsThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check my history, but here’s been my thought for quite some time:

As a LAST RESORT, they will push efforts like this to show that Trump actually did win, and overturn the election, making him the 46th president, and thus, making him ineligible for a third term.

The amount of turmoil over the fact that he indeed won means that it would have to be a last resort, but an ultimate sacrifice that they would make in order to keep him from the White House. The damage will have been done… Biden has already essentially served a full term, so it’s really an insignificant sacrifice for them at this point. Then they’ll try to install their warmonger, either a dem, or a dem in disguise like Haley.

WhoReallyRunsThis 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is the correct answer.

The people's "weights" don't seem off to me, either. Having been on many cruise ships at sea, and the wind in the mic, it seemed fairly natural to me as being on the top deck going against the wind.

Sure, some things are faked, but I don't think this is one of them. Staged maybe, but not computer graphics.

WhoReallyRunsThis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't believe any of it. Remember 2016?

Flashback: everyone thought it was going to be a number of different folks. Pence seemingly was picked out of nowhere and I remember thinking, who the f is Mike pence??

WhoReallyRunsThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve always wondered if they would eventually overturn the election, with like a month left, so they could turn around and say that he couldn’t serve a third term under the constitution. Essentially as a last resort.

This would line up.

WhoReallyRunsThis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only after cleaning them. With bleachbit. Like a cloth or something?

WhoReallyRunsThis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone is talking about Q being the Q we think of... It actually makes more sense, given the Sam Altman news lately, and his supposed firing over their new AI model called Q*.

Elon has been at odds with Sam Altman, so this makes more sense than trying to say he found the true Q imho.

Link, if anyone wants more info.

WhoReallyRunsThis 1 point ago +1 / -0

You look like a cloooon, but you're not a clooooooon.

WhoReallyRunsThis 5 points ago +5 / -0

This. Everyone talks a big game, but even when hauled into a congressional meeting, it's tough questions that get vague responses, then the other side of the aisle gets to push their propaganda and obfuscate...

Nothing ever comes from those, IMHO.

And that goes for both sides...they both play the game.

WhoReallyRunsThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

"was believed to be cocaine hydrochloride, a hazardous material that is often used as a local anesthetic."

LOL, k. So nummies and the nasal highs are just considered "local anesthetics" now...

WhoReallyRunsThis -1 points ago +2 / -3

When date fagging isn’t enough… just drop the date and be fagging.

WhoReallyRunsThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unvaxxed here, so don't shoot me... but not sure that I like this study.

If you are a Healthcare worker, as time goes on and more (moving towards 100% of working Healthcare workers), were forced to vaccinate, wouldn't there be a much larger pool of potential covid victims? Seems more correlation vs causation here.

The real story is that the Vax didn't do shit, and most likely causes disruption of the immune system, therefore cancer risk increases, etc. But I don't think it necessarily created a magnet for infection.

WhoReallyRunsThis 3 points ago +4 / -1

How did you even manage to stumble upon such an obscure sports site that no one has ever heard of and breaks that kind of news?

Any other source?

WhoReallyRunsThis 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is from a while back. Clips have been posted for at least a couple of weeks or more.

WhoReallyRunsThis 8 points ago +8 / -0

Came here for this… overjoyed that that thing got its ass kicked, always worried that this will be the event that is used as an example for wHy ShE cAn CoMpEtE wItH tHe WoMaN.

WhoReallyRunsThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve seen the supposed still images, with the stitching across the face, a before picture of her, and some random photos of a face peeled back, torso opened up, etc.

But nothing to indicate that this was frazzledrip, let alone, huma and killary.

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