winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

This story will discuss the Knights of Malta link to the birth of the Italian and French Mafia Brotherhoods, as well as the Mafia Brotherhoods link to the Scottish Rite and Mazzini networks, and how these were ultimately in service to what would become known as the Gladio apparatus in the 20th century.

This series will cover in future installments the Jesuit Order and its relation to the Knights of Malta, as well as its role in service to Vatican Gladio, the Vatican Syndicate and its governance over the Mafia Syndicate and how the heroin market was in fact controlled at the highest levels by the Vatican Bank.

When the people realize who's actually responsible for the South American drug cartels, the pace of TGA will be rapid and increasing.

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

you might want to repost without


on the end of the link

winn 9 points ago +9 / -0

I heard Fauci was a key player in the creation of the "AIDS virus" ...

this could of course be homosexual propaganda and AIDS very well be a natural result of sex with other men. Either way, for what Fauci did to those dogs, where he locked their heads in boxes full of fleas to see how long they would take to die from fleabites, he should be on death row.

winn 0 points ago +1 / -1

crusader-pepe detected

Race war now? White ethnostate now? Shit-skinned low-IQ second class humans yeah?


How many Hail-Mary's did you say today? Make sure you get em all in, or Mary might forget to petition Jesus for you since you don't have direct access to Him through faith!

Do you also worship Hitler?

Don't you worry though, Mystery Babylon will "fallen, fallen" soon enough!

Oh, and before you go there, fuck Zionism.

Really, is this the best you can come up with?

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Babylonian Mystery Religions! Oy VEY!

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok now where'd I put that Bingo card....

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then "Christendom" as we know it shall fall. I think this is the only solution, only then can we make way for the only true Christian order - that ruled from the hearts of believers, not the institutions of men who would use the name of Christ as a covering for all manner of wickedness.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is sadly what the cabal wants more of. We shouldn't celebrate this :/

I see the lost fighting the lost while the manipulators sit comfy in ivory towers, laughing at them.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is where I first heard the theory that the fatal shot came from a sniper in a storm drain at road-level

winn -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well, "whites" shouldn't fall into the trap of "culture-cults" anyway. If you're a believer in Christ, that's your identity. Next, if you're an American, that's also your (sub)identity.

Identifying with a race is for the lost.

Now cue the '80s vaporwave music for the race war! I wanna see those eyes glow red! Kek 🤡 mUh WhiTe EtHnO sTaTe NaOwWwW!


yes yes, downvote but don't you dare try to refute a point made

winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a good opportunity to have the debate on whether a felony should cause someone to lose their rights after they've served their time.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

John was talking about the end of the Roman empire (this is the analysis of the publishers of The Geneva Bible in 1560). (But, then again, maybe we're now living through the real end of the Roman empire?)

You have more than you know!


^pages 49 - 64 relevent

It was common knowledge up until around 1900s sometime... I wonder why we all don't know these things today....

winn 1 point ago +2 / -1

One and the same (;

"Mystery Babylon"

What's the single most wealthy and longest-lasting human institution on planet earth? Who has representation in every single nation (think "missions", churches, schools, charities, NGOs etc)

Who features a man in place of Christ (think "vicar")?

H. Grattan Guinness knew. The original Protestants knew. Christendom knew until it was corrupted by Jesuit-infested "Seminaries" and "New Bible" translation teams using faked manuscripts such as Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, Wescott and Hort fraudsters etc.


^pages 49 - 64 relevent

Yes, yes, downvote and leave! The consistant refrain of the brainwashed! Never refute a point I made, only attempt a consensus-cracking.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder how secure that Mexican election system is...🙄

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure that gun charge is an unconstitutional law anyways...

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