FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try to expand your thinking. (Although the sarcasm thing is way, way cool)

If one views the Q operation as a military operation to drop open source info on line and stimulate a global awakening movement, it's certainly done its job.

This is very different to the larger plans, strategies and war that are in play, obvious everywhere if one bothers to look. It's war, and we are winning.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Addendum two

The "nationalist" variety that mr Nelson is appears to be as different as you can get from from a MAGA-type patriotic nationalism that most anons have embraced.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect that unless you're a nazi, you have nothing to fear. Not saying that Bendigo Bank is in the right here, but one imagines that the target here are the much hated nazis (hey, we need to have some sort of "far right extremism" so that we can brand anyone opposed to Marxist communism as one of their ilk, right?)

I suspect that any bank would lean towards applying the same discriminatory standards, not just BB. But I don't really know.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coz he's a nazi.

Not a fan of nazis, but politically motivated discrimination (which is absolutely what this is) is abhorrent in any form.

you discriminate against [special group] = you are evil

we discriminate against [politically incorrect group] = we are righteous

Because politically incorrect = evil

Just ask Mao.

Addendum: I suspect the "Noticer" is a more than a tad biased, as they refer to him as a "nationalist" in their headline rather than a national socialist (nazi, neo-nazi)

In my view, the Cabal definitely have their fingers in the neo-nazi group activities, as it 100% serves their purpose to advance divide and conquer.

The nazis will say all sorts of things, pointing to the wrongs that exist, but this is an ancient and well-established strategy of satanic influencers, as displayed by communism and atheistic marxism since it's inception.

Evil is more than happy to exploit evils and uses them to manipulate naive truth seekers and manipulate emotions to activate.

The far left attacks corporatism, the far right attacks the communism. Polarization advances conflict and deception.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, how about that.

If the report has any tangible basis in evidence (they could easily be making the figures up), I suspect that the "losing faith in America" part is due to the last 3 years under Biden, and that once DJT returns to Center Stage, there is going to be a lot of revival and hopefully change in the land down under.

FractalizingIron 10 points ago +10 / -0

it's good that you are looking at things an are promoting discussion. I've done some surface digging in the Najadi and found plenty of red flags, so I personally have reached a working hypothesis on him and his claims.

You may want to consider some of the things I looked at and what I found. Good luck!

The curious case of Pascal Najadi


FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, this has to be taken in to consideration: The 6 foot distancing thing was implemented worldwide. It was not purely a US thing.

I'm inclined to think that it was much more about creating fear in the population and enhancing the mass-formation psychosis. Because in person voting could and did still happen and the 6 foot nonsense could not directly effect that.

It was ALL about population control, and the pandemic was certainly about election rigging in the US.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

A military operation has to have defined objectives and operational limits. Seems to me that the operation was always planned to function up until the end of the first administration.

On the other hand, it's possible perhaps that if the Cabal decided not to be totally insane and actually go ahead with the STEAL, such that electionfraud was more fully exposed and DJT came back for the second term then, maybe Q might have continued.

But personally, I think that the operation reached its objectives and was simply closed down as a natural course of things.

FractalizingIron 21 points ago +21 / -0

"use it - protect and comfort those around you"


FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

I preferred your post because Daily Mail reference. GWP is not as useful some times. imo.

FractalizingIron 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wait.... Did ashlanddog just mistake Gen Chat for the New Thread?

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's an obvious fake. The moon bus has a destination written in German, where it should be in Russian.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

We feel like everyone ....... without hesitation.

updoogle for the longest single sentence I have ever read on GAW.

Second updoogle (although not visible) for great exposition of "the philosophy of how this win is moderated"

SMIC, indeed


FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

As far as I know, the "Q clock" is an add-on. It's not something Q introduced, but rather, was a 'theory' and framework put forward by an anon(s) that gained some traction.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait.... I thought we voted for a HRA (highest ranking anon). Did I miss that? /s

Cue the decentralized citizen intelligence militia.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

"take the 'tism too far"

verbal silver that will likely come in super handy:

Dude, that's taking the 'tism too far, bro!

His 'tism has just gone off the cliff....

He just stretched the 'tism like it was pair of spandex bike shorts

and so forth. Love it.


FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you How. Take your time, but your personal response is certainly also appreciated.

Seriously, it's a good post. part of the challenge of the Great Awakening - and one of its most important features - is that Q is promoting the sort of thinking that breaks down the programming of the Cabal in each of us. It's not about orthodoxy, and it isn't about accepted canon (doctrine). It's about people learning to think for themselves, and part of the process is looking at all sorts of information and views and building one's own understanding. The challenge is, there is a lot of information out there, and in here among anons and patriots, and formulating an understanding that "works for me" takes effort and sincerity.

Not everyone is actually keen to do that. Some people who consider themselves not normies (i.e. anons or awakened) still want someone else to tell them what's going on, or to find a set of beliefs that brings them comfort as a priority.

The truth should make us uncomfortable with how we are. That's the internal great awakening. I can tell you that many anons, including me, really went through the wringer in the time period Nov 3 - half way through 2021.

The period of Nov 3 to Jan 20 was nerveracking, and once Biden was inaugurated, I really had to question what the Q operation was about. It really felt like my own preconceptions of what Q was all about were challenged. In the end, I put Q stuff on the back burner for about 4 or 5 months, and refined my understanding of the plan and of Q, and came back much stronger for the challenges.

So the truth should make us uncomfortable with ourselves, but also inspire us and give us confidence about our ability to change and grow and ultimately confidence in our direction.

BTW, I'm glad I was able to clear up a few points. It's great that your humility in being open about your own sense of not understanding has inspired such a lot of great content in this thread. Also, a testimony to this community.

A blessing on your progress on this journey that we all share. Thanks for the personal reply!!!

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