pearlrevolver 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not the person you responded to, but I like to play the devil's advocate from time to time and took up your offer to list 5 reasons why Donald Trump could be deep state. BTW, I don't think Donald Trump is deep state, but here are some things I wish he did differently. That being said, maybe all these things needed to happen for the Awakening process.

  1. Covid vaccines
  2. Covid lockdowns
  3. Appointing Fauci to the Coronavirus Task Force and then awarding him a presidential commendation (Dec 2020)
  4. Telling everyone to come to the capital on Jan. 6
  5. Not pardoning all civilian Jan. sixers before leaving office
  6. Not pardoning Assange or Snowden
pearlrevolver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed, also "Majority Rules when whites have power" is not how America is ran. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, and our constitution gives unalienable rights to the smallest minority: the individual. This doesn't change based on race.

pearlrevolver 10 points ago +10 / -0

Your wife seems like a narcissist, just like your mother. If you kill yourself, you will be leaving your youngest all alone at the hands of those crazy women.

Do not allow yourself to get caught up in your wife's emotional roller coaster drama, she gets off by getting a rise out of you, it's a narcissist thing. Same applies to your mother, stop answering her calls if she does nothing but berate you. You owe her nothing. Tell her if she does not change her behavior that you will cut her out of your life and be prepared to actually do it. You did not choose your parents, but you can choose the relationships that you have in this life. This may seem hard or unthinkable to do at first because of the biological bond you have with her, but trust me, once that negative, self-serving entity is out of your life, you will be much less stressed and thus happier. These sort of people feed off of other's misery and will gaslight you if you try to point it out. Be prepared for her to resort to the victim role when you try to bring up the problems you have with her. She will try to get you to feel bad for her. Do not fall for it.

Also, going to the gym can be life-changing for men. It boosts energy and testosterone levels and it can help you become more in control of your life.

Take all the narcissists out of your life and you'll realize the world is not trying to drain you, it's been your family and possibly some of your friends? this whole time and that's why it feels like the entire world, because it's your entire world. Your mother is a narcissist and you chose a wife that is a narcissist probably because humans tend to chose mates whose traits/personalities are familiar to us. Now that you are older and wise to it, hopefully you can recognize a narcissist before forming new bonds with one. Eject all toxic relationships out of your life and do not form new ones. Do this if not for yourself, for your youngest daughter's sake. You need to protect her from them or they'll use her up like they've used you.

God bless, I hope the very best for you!

pearlrevolver 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've had children in two different states in the last six years and I've never been forced to vaccinate them. I homeschool, so maybe this is about public school requirements? It didn't say in the article.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Amish are exempt from paying social security, unemployment, and medicare taxes because they don't use those government services. I wish the rest of us were given the choice to opt out. Also, they can't be drafted into the military.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

You’re telling me they haven’t been growing humans in a lab somewhere for “stock” like plants and animals?

Reminds me of the movie The Island. If you've never seen it, rich people clone themselves so that they can have replacement organs whenever they need any. They are told that their clones are just mindless husks grown and kept in a tank. Except it isn't really the case. The clones are normal, functional human beings living in a dystopian facility.

pearlrevolver 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be diagnosed as having mental retardation, a person must have an I.Q. below 70-75, i.e. significantly below average....(hrw.org)

Average IQ of India: 76

pearlrevolver 3 points ago +3 / -0

10-20 years ago they didn't have girl's league wrestling so we had to compete in the same league as the boys. I did wrestling in high school and would have loved a girl's division because against others girls, I was a decent wrestler, but against boys not so much. They said if we wanted to have a girl's league there needed to be more girls competing. So instead of quitting, I kept competing hoping that other girls would join up if they saw me and other girls wrestling. Now the girl's have their own wrestling team. I'd like to think my time was not a complete waste, even though I didn't get to experience an all girls' wrestling team, the girls nowadays are...at least until a tranny shows up to compete.

Each generation has its set of challenges and unfortunately, the tranny invasion in HS sports is Gen Z's battle. Only their refusal to comply with it will be it's undoing.

pearlrevolver 1 point ago +1 / -0

I played the games as well and I thought it was actually a good show. The vault experiment thing was covered, but in the show it was actually the rich elites that had presided over which vault ran what experiment as sort of a perk to investing in Vault-Tec. The insider attack was something the main character discovers in the final episode of the season and isn't the official narrative. The elites made sure they were put in cryogenic sleep in their special upper management vault before the bombs were dropped where they awaken one at a time to run things. It was an interesting twist and it could fit in with the canon Fallout universe.

pearlrevolver 10 points ago +10 / -0

They recently released the show Fallout. Priming the masses for thermonuclear war? Or a scare event?

Spoilers: In the show, we find out that the fallout shelter corporation dropped the bombs that started the war because they had a 'fiduciary responsibility' to their investors. There's no profiting from peace time if your business is bomb shelters.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

They overleveraged and had their margins called. No halts in crypto trading makes the price swing bigly.

pearlrevolver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much. I learned a lot from this post.

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