stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, but it's only gotten worse since then. In prior years, if they had a cold or bad allergies, people would wear masks. The problem is that people who were sick with a fever would wear a damned mask and go to work, infecting others. When Covid came along though. there was a zero tolerance for fevers. Workers and students alike were sent home as a result of the rigorous temperature checking. So, sick people could not wear a mask and infect others. Since sick people were sent home, illnesses were not being spread so much and people believed that it was due to the masks.

I went to the clinic yesterday to get some Chinese herbal decongestant and eye drops for my allergies, and for once I was not asked to wear a damned fearmask. I dunno about other places though, as I haven't been anywhere else lately other than to get my back X-rayed in March.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in Japan and this is still so prevalent that it drives me crazy. People on here make jokes about sometimes seeing people driving alone in cars while wearing masks and I see that crap all the time.

stevethefish76 9 points ago +9 / -0

Out of curiosity, I looked up the first available video of The Why Files and it's about fun mathematical facts. The channel has only been around for 3 1/2 years.


stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uval Harari will likely take his place I imagine, and that guy tries TOO HARD to be the Antichrist to be taken seriously.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! Someone is actually reading a book while commuting, rather than stroking a smartphone screen endlessly. Good for this commuter!

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

FWIW, he mentions often that he gets demonetized by YT for the subjects he makes videos on. He is able to speak out against vaccines by doing it indirectly.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good pic! I admit that I am such a fag for the whole JFK Jr. thing. Trump has not yet announced a running mate, and I remember that "Downfall of the Cabal" woman from Denmark or wherever who recently died, who said that Trump will bring out Jr. at the right moment. I keep hoping that he will announce him as his running mate. That would really shock the world and send the Demoncraps screaming.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the Hart Family Murders.


Two die-hard Bernie fan dykes got married, adopted all "colored" children (Oh sorry---that's "children of color" as if that makes any difference), the kids complained about their racist bullcrap and abuse. The two dykes abused the kids but apparently the courts never took them away from the bitches until they decided to kill themselves and their children by driving their Yukon off a cliff, Thelma & Loise style.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the Hart Family Murders.


Two die-hard Bernie fan dykes got married, adopted all "colored" children (Oh sorry---that's "children of color" as if that makes any difference), the kids complained about their racist bullcrap and abuse. The two dykes abused the kids but apparently the courts never took them away from the bitches until they decided to kill themselves and their children by driving their Yukon off a cliff, Thelma & Loise style.

stevethefish76 11 points ago +11 / -0

Apparently lesbians are notorious for domestic violence. Reminds me of that one Bernie-loving lesbian couple who adopted all those black children and then murdered them.

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

Plus I think they get off on it. Like a serial killer who phones the police to tell them that he'll kill again, Bill Gates makes speeches on how we must depopulate the earth via vaccines.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

I knew a guy who had developed a proven cure to a certain type of cancer, but the oncologists running the test didn't follow the instructions properly and the FDA permanently shelved it. It still used the radiation paradigm and was not very revolutionary, but it was a proven cure that was ignored. He'd also worked on vaccines in the past and plainly explained how the COVID injections are a fraud. But he went off on me for not supporting Israel because he's a Zionist Christian who clings to his supposed Jewish ancestry as though that's his ticket to heaven. Islam is bad, so therefore Israel is good. Anyhow, he's an example of ow someone with a high IQ can be pretty stupid.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy crap... your mother-in-law poisoned your husband to death? That is crazy.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yesterday I watched "Dreams of My Real Father" by Joel Gilbert. I've owned this on DVD for a few years already, but I finally got around to watching it. It makes sense to me. The whole "he was born in Kenya" thing is a red herring. The birth certificate was a forgery because the original said "father: unknown." His whore wife was knocked up by commie Frank Marshall Davis who took nude photos of her. Since her father was CIA, he arranged to have her marry a Kenyan student in Hawaii Barrack Obama because she was going to have a bastard half-black baby and he just wanted her to marry any black man to cover for her mistake. Davis was already married at the time. Barry didn't even go to Kenya until he was a young man. The similar way Davis and Obama smile is uncanny.

The documentary barely spent any time covering Barry's life as Barry Soetoro in Indonesia and barely mentioned that nanny of his. That tranny nanny is likely the one who taught him the Way of the Gay and was likely molesting him. Dinesh's documentary on Obama went into more detail of the Soetoro family dynamics in Indonesia.

I did not know that the Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers ghost wrote that fraudulent "Dreams of My Father." The documentary even shows him admitting that. It was a load of crap really, and Malik knows it. It's a shame he never did get interviewed by Tucker.

Barry looks a lot like Frank Marshall Davis, and I didn't know that he'd had a nose job to make himself look les like Davis. However, Barry does also resemble that Mohammad Subud fellow with his Islamic cult in Indonesia. We are also told that Loretta Fuddy, who "verified" that fraudulent Photoshop job of Barry's fake birth certificate, was affiliated with the Cult of Subud. The one who conveniently died soon after in that bizarre plane crash in the water that was conveniently recorded by a Go Pro where there was a scuba diver caught on video and everything.

Everything is weird. Everything about these people is just frickin' weird and phony as hell.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the article says that he was 14 and she was 9, and described it as “playing sexual games." Boys and girls play doctor and skinny dip with each other, and that's really not a big deal. It can be beneficial since it can resolve kids' curiosities. But I get the feeling that this must have been a lot bigger than that sort of thing. With a 5 year age disparity, that implies that he was probably exploiting her. And whatever they were doing, it lasted for 5 years. Sheesh.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

And every single one of these island visitors are going about saying, "We must remove Trump from the ballots in order to preserve 'our' democracy."

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stranger Things is a cool show. All I knew of it before was that "punch some people in the face" actor is the sheriff. My wife and I watched the first two seasons last year and enjoyed it. My wife is getting bored with it, so I may as well go solo for the rest of the show. I love the '80s nostalgia and how it doesn't feel forced because it can be spread out over an entire series of episodes rather than crammed into a movie like most '80s nostalgia-type movies do.

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hated coffee for the longest time. "Ewww! Coffee is for grown-ups!" Then when I began drinking it, the only way I could drink it was with cream and sugar. There is a local shop in Japanese malls called Kaldi Coffee that sells nice French vanilla instant coffee. No sugar, but just the vanilla flaver to take the bitterness away. I drink that most mornings and my kid likes it too. I warm up a mug of milk in the microwave and add the instant coffee to it.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then there was that subsequent shooting at some cowboy dance bar (in California, I believe) in which there were crisis actors claiming to have survived both the Route 91 shooting and now that new shooting. The supposed video of the shooting that CNN purported to be genuine was just a jerky, low res video taken in a completely empty bar and some loud shots can be heard. That is what they claimed was so "disturbing." Fake. Then again, they had crisis actors in LV too. "Oh, I got shot in the neck, but I'm better now all the sudden." This led to people suspecting that the shooting was staged, but I think the main reason was that the propaganda media needed to control the narrative and did not want to risk the chance of an actual witness stating that there were multiple shooters, which is exactly what happened at the very beginning. There was also the woman interviewed who said that there was a Hispanic woman telling everyone that they were going to die before the incident occurred. THAT was memory-holed immediately.

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