truthfag 0 points ago +0 / -0

You deserve more and better. Know this. Leave her with love in your heart and wisdom to preserve your daughter and yourself. Win win.

truthfag 2 points ago +2 / -0

She has a friend or two to live with until she realizes she needs a job and she's on her own financially. You take care of your daughter and yourself. You can develop a decent coparenting situation down the line when you each have more emotional and financial stability. Meanwhile, the kid is the priority and you must be all there for her. Her mother certainly isn't and hasn't given her daughter's future a realistic consideration. God bless.

truthfag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dave also has his own website with all of his interviews and reports. https://x22report.com/

truthfag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite Frankly tv and all of the usual suspects... Redpill78, Dave, SGT Report, AWK.

truthfag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Long-time Austinite. The DA is corrupt. The defendant made some judgment errors in his defense posture. I was sickened to learn of the guilty verdict. I think BLM caused a very dangerous situation for anyone in that area of the "protest" that night downtown. I would have reacted similarly to the defendant if my vehicle was surrounded by a mob of angry BLM protestors who were keeping me from leaving and who were banging on his car and yelling who knows what at the defendant. The idiot who was shot and killed was brandishing, not just carrying according to one of the LEOs on the scene earlier that evening, an AK and approached the driver window with his weapon on full display while yelling at the defendant. In that case I would hope that my training and judgment would allow me to either de-escalate verbally or pull my weapon and shoot to kill. I wasn't there so it's all a guessing game. But hell yes, you come up on me with a weapon with a big mob of fellow idiots agressing my vehicle and you're going to get the wrong end of my exercising my self defense rights. Gov Abbott has filed an expedited request with the Texas parole and pardons board to review this case and issue recommendation as to pardoning as is required before he can actually pardon the defendant.

truthfag 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fuck off sackofpissdom.

truthfag 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't love nor do I trust MTG. She's not qualified to "handle" a CCP puppet scumbag of McCarthy's depth of corruption. Plus, she's buddies with Milo and Nick Fuentes who attempted to sabotage Trump at his MAL dining room fiasco. MTG's bad choices will be coming out for all to see. She seems to be asking for this spotlight which seems really stupid on her part.

truthfag 5 points ago +5 / -0

McCarthy is the crappiest type of RINO. He's a tool and who knows what else kind of pervy type he is. Pervy in morals, pervy in actions, pervy in, well, the sky is the limit with these tools. I am not sure I even get MTG. She's got a very messy personal life. And she's kind of a show boat and it's not all that attractive when you put it all together. We are seeing the chess board more clearly each and every day, and we NEED to. This is a key exercise for US. We need to see it. Just wait til THEY see it. Lordy. Is everyone in DC compromised? No. Just 99% are. Hold the line frens.

truthfag 4 points ago +4 / -0

My husband, and I, and my entire family are unvaxxed. None of us take Flu shots. None of us have had even a minor cold in the past three years, including my 86 year old Dad. My husband went through a 12 hour long surgery at MD Anderson in Houston last October to remove a large tumor in his salivary glad. That was some Frankenstein type of mess, but he came through beautifully. He's now 62 and I am 59. I am grateful to God for our blessings in every regard. I pray for the health and well being of all humans, but I'll give no pass to the criminals who perpetrated the covid shit on humanity. They must be brought to justice, quickly and properly. My family and I have never been susceptible to BS propaganda. We're not radical but we don't medicate with OTC nor pharma unless its a course of antibiotics when necessary. I am a litigation and real estate paralegal for 35 years and I am employed by an international law firm. I'm one of maybe 6 people in our Austin office of 60 people who hasn't taken the jab. I've never been shamed nor shut out because of that. I am truly blessed and thankful.

truthfag 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all call him Puta cause no one really knows his name. I'm a life long Texan. (And ZZ Top fan lol). The psychopath known as beta is also a retard. I don't know how secure our state elections are these days. I live in Austin, been here since 1985. I think Abbot is a traitor, so not sure what will go down with the gubernatorial election. God help us.

truthfag 2 points ago +2 / -0

I use it. Knocks out any type of pathogen that causes infection or inflammation.

truthfag 9 points ago +9 / -0

The "Obama" daughters are actually the biological daughters of their "God Parents", a couple who are old friends of the Obamas. The girls look identical to their "God Parents." Sick stuff.

truthfag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Satanic little prick can GFO.

truthfag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Native Texan here. I've lived in Austin for 40 years. Abbott is owned. Total RINO.

truthfag 1 point ago +2 / -1

And you're an armchair quarterback.

truthfag 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're idiots. Always have been. It will play out. Not in their favor, quite the opposite. We're not violent people. We're reasonable and competent at violence upon due need. We ain't there. Those individuals, I can't call them people or humans, are meeting their end soon enough. God wins.

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