verboten_hamster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Consider this- an event doesn't have to be false for it also to have symbolic value. RFK may very well have had a brain problem, maybe even a real parasite. Perhaps the truth was embellished, or the dates manipulated.

Or... maybe it was all made up to send a symbolic message.

At face value this sounds utterly ridiculous. But does the News exist to enlighten the masses and genuinely inform them? Of course not, at the very least it is used as a control mechanism- the power to manipulate public opinion. Most people understand this much.

But what else does News media, movies, music, articles contribute to their controllers? When you own the concept of 'money' and control the banks, what is more valuable than the concept of money? An alien worldview to 99% of the general public.

I would say communication. the ability to rapidly communicate using public media, using a language of symbols hidden in plain site. Every day, in every newspaper, in every blockbuster movie, in every popular tv show.

The reason why Q said 'symbols will be their downfall' is because their control cannot exist without symbolic communication. So while I understand the incredulity at sending a message of vague metaphors in a news article, I'd say its more about the sheer volume of these messages found in popular media, rather than the significance of a single message.

verboten_hamster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Worm comms/snake comms symbolize "many people working together as one" such as how a worm or snake moves each individual part of its body to move in a single direction.

So in this case, a 'worm' inside the brain would be referencing a long-acting group or organization of people controlling RFK's 'brain' or giving him orders.

here is the link i found:https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/08/politics/rfk-jr-mercury-poisoning-brain-parasite/index.html

its a very bizarre article... something else I noticed is the emphasis on Mercury poisoning. Mercury (Latin: Mercurius) is the god of trade, commerce, financial gain, so this may be tied into comms for the Federal Reserve, but just spitballing here.

verboten_hamster 14 points ago +14 / -0

DARPA cancelled LifeLog on the same day that Facebook was launched, and you think he's an 'accidental billionaire'?

nothing accidental about his rise to fame. He was working with CIA from the start.

verboten_hamster 3 points ago +3 / -0

based decodingsymbols take.

CERN = the internet. see chrome browser logo similarities, lol (666)

Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while working at CERN. Its all so tiresome.

they have been manipulating us for a long time.

verboten_hamster 5 points ago +6 / -1

listen to what she is saying


why? she keeps repeating budget cuts... schools, libraries, police, sanitation.

videos like this are for the comms aware. "rats" are people that 'rat' on their friends for protection or other deals.

schools and libraries = books = blackmail comms

police = law enforcement comms

sanitation = poop/excrement = evidence comms

"budget cuts" probably refers to the dirty money being removed to bribe or otherwise keep rats in line

cardi b keeps repeating herself to emphasize the importance of the comm (it makes her sound like she is rambling and stupid so normies are more likely to be entertained and share the video)

verboten_hamster 9 points ago +9 / -0

I understand your frustration, but perhaps not wanting to slave away in a unforgiving and unrewarding system is the only logical move left to make? We are currently in a massive societal transition, and when things settle down the entire concept of 'work' and 'being productive' will fundamentally change in ways you may find difficult to predict.

I highly recommend watching this video regarding the next 3 year timeline of AI rollout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se91Pn3xxSs

Encourage your kids to start experimenting with AI and learning how to use it for their own personal projects or hobbies.

“AI is not going to replace humans, humans with AI will replace humans that don’t use AI.”

The guy in this video wearing the hat is Emad Mostaque (founder and CEO of Stability AI) and he strongly believes that the initial productivity gains from AI seen this last year will quickly turn into a catastrophic period of mass layoffs within 1-2 years.

You will find that UBI or a similar system of monthly income will likely roll out around this same time to allow people to adjust. AI will not shrink the job market in many industries, it will completely remove them. Almost any job that requires a computer. Programming will no longer be a profession, along will law, accounting, teaching, etc.

The biggest problem to prepare for will be those unable to adjust. People that define themselves with their job or profession are going to be in serious psychological trouble/depressed. There will be new ways to interact with people and cultivate meaning and purpose in life.

verboten_hamster 1 point ago +1 / -0

X = 24th letter of the alphabet

42 / 24 MIRROR ritual

the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is POWER.

Inversion of power? Upside down pyramid?

"Humanity" is how the elite refer to themselves. The 1% are "humans" and the masses are referred to as "Artificial Intelligence"

xAI's new model is us. we are the new model being programmed 'to understand the true nature of the universe.'

verboten_hamster 3 points ago +3 / -0

you guys are misunderstanding something about the deep fake apocalypse...

the thing that keeps psychopaths working with each other is shared/mutual blackmail. In satanist sects and in pedo groups, to gain entry you need to be filmed committing a heinous act. In this way, anyone that deviates from the plan of the group can be ruined. Mutually assured destruction. Deep fakes will eventually render all blackmail moot, which will cause all these people to turn on each other and eat each other alive. I'm sure every psychopath group has their own system.

If the psychopath power structure relies on blackmail, then AI really is a weapon that creates a temporary window rendering what I'll call 'legacy blackmail' that can be passed off as AI generated, useless. I'm sure that this was intentional seeing as we are living through a great reset/purge of status quo. Eventually I could see a new blackmail system popping up to replace the legacy system, one that somehow ties into blockchain ID verification to determine when content is genuine or authentic.

verboten_hamster 2 points ago +2 / -0

whats going on in these stores is the wrong question.

whats going on under these stores...?

verboten_hamster 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like this response by Q, because it indirectly confirms moon comms referring to secret government projects. Q says 'moon landings' are real, and then follows up with programs existing outside public domain.

THAT IS WHAT THE MOON LANDINGS ARE! making contact with black-ops funded programs or projects that are normally out of reach, untouchable, or otherwise difficult to access.

verboten_hamster 1 point ago +1 / -0

William Makis MD @MakisMD NEW ARTICLE: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury Treatment - BROMELAIN - breaks down & blocks spike protein (especially when combined with NAC or Curcumin), also has anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory & anti-cancer properties!

You've heard about Nattokinase, Quercetin, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Olive Leaf, Black Seed/Nigella Sativa, Ivermectin, Dandelion extract and 3-day Fasting for detoxing from SPIKE protein

Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple stems that breaks down spike protein and blocks its binding

Bromelain + NAC = enhanced SPIKE break down Bromelain + Curcumin = enhanced SPIKE blocking

Bromelain has additional benefits for COVID-19 vaccine injured:

anti-coagulant properties (deals with blood clots)

anti-cancer properties (it upregulates p53 and triggers autophagy - mRNA vaccines interfere with p53 tumor suppressor which may be a mechanism by which TURBO CANCERS arise in the COVID-19 vaccinated - BROMELAIN counters this)

See Dr.Peter McCullough's SPIKE DETOX protocol which includes Bromelain and Curcumin, in addition to Nattokinase.



Consider Bromelain as another powerful nutraceutical TOOL for those dealing with COVID-19 vaccine injuries, Long COVID and mRNA vaccine shedding reactions

Article Link in photo to avoid Twitter shadowban, just re-type URL in your browser

#DiedSuddenly #cdnpoli #ableg Last edited 6:02 AM · Aug 10, 2023


verboten_hamster 2 points ago +2 / -0

brand is a slimeball puppet. but this is one of the many cases where i think we should focus on the message rather than the puppet. many strings have been cut

verboten_hamster 3 points ago +3 / -0

to dive deeper into the batman comparison i highly recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tCdjA6aknQ

Batman's actions raise complex ethical questions—how can his rebellion be justified when countless rebels claim righteousness? It's not solely about helping others, as even tyrants believe they act for the greater good. The distinction lies in Batman's intent: he seeks neither power nor ideology. Instead, his actions culminate in the ultimate act of self-sacrifice, taking responsibility for his actions and even assuming the sins of others.

The narrative of Batman's heroism finds a surprising parallel in the story of Christ cleansing the temple. Christ's actions mirror the same three elements: acting to help, challenging corrupt authority, and embodying self-sacrifice. His cleansing of the temple signifies not a revolutionary power grab, but a restoration of true order—a higher authority suppressed by the present, corrupt regime.

Christ's crucifixion is the ultimate act of this heroism. Though he challenges the corrupt system, he does not revolt or demand change through force. Instead, he accepts the consequences, ultimately sowing the seeds of a transformation that would reverberate through history. This mode of action, exemplified by Christ and echoed in Batman's heroism, unveils the path towards genuine transformation—one rooted in sacrifice and a transformation of the heart.

In a world increasingly mired in madness and corruption, the lessons of heroism presented in "The Dark Knight" and the parallel narrative of Christ's cleansing of the temple offer profound insight. As chaos reigns and structures crumble, the call to action echoes through these stories—action not for power, not for ideology, but for the greater good. Embracing sacrifice, accepting consequences, and embodying transformative change, true heroes can navigate the complexities of an upside-down world, catalyzing authentic and lasting transformation.

On an unrelated to batman note, i believe what we are witnessing play out today on the world stage is an ancient trope known as "the sacrifice king" as from the book The Golden Bough https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Bough

His thesis is that old religions were fertility cults that revolved around the worship and periodic sacrifice of a sacred king. Frazer proposed that mankind progresses from magic through religious belief to scientific thought. Frazer based his thesis on the pre-Roman priest-king Rex Nemorensis by the shore of Lake Nemi, who was ritually murdered by his successor. The king was the incarnation of a dying and reviving god, a solar deity who underwent a mystic marriage to a goddess of the Earth. He died at the harvest and was reincarnated in the spring. Frazer claims that this legend of rebirth was central to almost all of the world's mythologies.

verboten_hamster 4 points ago +4 / -0

symbolsdecoded already showed us how to interpret this song.

fly me to the MOON = sending data to remote location (the moon represents the clandestine op that data is being sent to)

visualized perfectly in this video with all the network connections being made across the earth. there is no where left to hide.

Other things to note- when lyrics mention MARS you see visual cut to a soldier. MARS is a comm for war (Aries = god of war = mars)

Planet comms. Basic stuff. learn more here: https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/comms-list-short-placeholders/

verboten_hamster 3 points ago +4 / -1

something to keep in mind is that the occult elite are obsessed with simulation of biblical prophesy. This is all done deliberately.

Although think about this- what is the difference between a simulation of a prophesy, and actual revelation of prophesy? Is there a difference?

verboten_hamster 1 point ago +1 / -0

in the trailer the plot beat appears to be that she declares "no more human sacrifice" and attempts to reform the death cult.

verboten_hamster 2 points ago +2 / -0

go to exactly the 7:00 mark and look at his eye. you can see it jiggling around as grassleys head moves to cover it. seems like a deepfake edit

verboten_hamster 2 points ago +2 / -0


holy shit good call. released on 9/9/2016 or 2+0+1+6 = 9/9/9 (flipped 666))


The resulting The Storm features Tech N9ne delivering 20 stellar songs that fit into three sonic worlds. The Storm kicks off with the “Kingdom” section, a showcase for the rapper’s narcissistic side. He then travels to “Clown Town,” which finds him at his darkest. The set closes with the “G. Zone,” a nod to the gangster side of his personality.

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