winn 9 points ago +9 / -0

How much you want to bet George Bush 43 practiced dodging that shoe for weeks with the guy who threw it just to have that clip of him dodging

Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi

Hmm. I could see it.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

huh... when I shared this it didn't have images in it, or I was distracted and didn't see any... either way this is a relief, thank you for the correction!

So they made the somewhat clickbait title to draw attention to the level of madness entering the country. A fkn Interpol fugitive for child rape ๐Ÿ˜ 

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

The illegal alien crisis is TREASONOUS and so I'll be using the appropriare flair on all my posts regarding illegal aliens from now on and encourage you all to consider it too!

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt by a group of English Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, to assassinate King James I and VI of England and Scotland, along with the entire Protestant English Parliament, by blowing up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament. The Jesuits were the masterminds behind the plot, aiming to destabilize the Protestant government and restore Catholic rule in England.





winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

me either ๐Ÿง I wonder if part of the cabal plans is to use the criminal illegals to justify global agencies asserting power and authority inside the US...

winn 7 points ago +7 / -0

Damn good point.

So they don't even have to convince them to get to the polls. If I were an illegal I'd be staying as far off the grid as possible holed up in some relatives' basement or whatever, not boldly going to a polling place!

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a couple more levels up to go before you're told who your "god" is (;

From Mystery Babylon - Hour 28:

Now we know that everyone who enters the lodge swears "to support the constitution of the Grand Lodge of the state, and to conform to the laws of any lodge of which he shall be a member, and also to obey all regular signs, summons or tokens from any Mason or body of Masons." Now whatever he may be told before taking this oath, after he does so he is taught that the authority of the lodge is absolute, the covenant is irrevocable, and its obligations are supreme.

In General Ahiman Rezon; or, [The] Freemason's Guide we read: "The candidate, entering the lodge, is on the point of binding himself voluntarily, absolutely and without reservation forever."

Webb's Monitor says: "The covenant is irrevocable. Even though a Mason may be suspended or expelled, though he may withdraw from the lodge, journey into countries where Masons cannot be found, or become a subject of despotic governments that persecute, or a communicant of bigoted churches that denounce Masonry, he cannot cast off or nullify his Masonic covenant. No law of the land can affect it; no anathema of the church can weaken it. It is irrevocable."

Again, this same Masonic author says: "The first duty of the reader of this synopsis is to obey the edicts of this Grand Lodge. Right or wrong, his very existence as a Mason hangs upon obedience to the power immediately set above him. Failure in this must infallibly bring down expulsion, which as a Masonic death, ends all. The one unpardonable crime in a Mason is contumacy, or disobedience." (muh just following orders tho)

Although it takes much space in my letter, let me give you more testimony, with the names of the witnesses, who are all eminent members of the order and high in authority and some of whose works are in nearly every lodge, and necessarily have some effect on the members:

"That this surrender of free will to Masonic authority is absolute, (within the scope of the landmarks of the order), and perpetual, may be inferred from an examination of the emblem (the Shoe or Sandal) which is used to enforce this lesson of resignation." [That's from the] Morris Dictionary of Freemasonry.

"Disobedience is so subversive of the ground work of Masonry, in which obedience is so strongly inculcated, that the Mason who disobeys subjects himself to severe penalties." -- Ibid.

"A Grand Lodge is invested with power and authority over all the craft within its jurisdiction. It is the Supreme Court of Appeals in all Masonic cases, and to its decrees unlimited obedience must be paid by every lodge and every Mason situated within its control. The government of Grand Lodges is, therefore, completely despotic. While a Grand Lodge exists, its edicts must be respected and obeyed without examination by its subordinated lodges." [That's from] Mackey, Lexicon of Freemasonry, page 183.

"For ourselves, we deny as Masons that any civil government on earth has the right to divide or curtail Masonic jurisdiction when once established. It can only be done by competent Masonic authority and in accordance with Masonic usage." -- [From the] Grand Lodge Report.

"A 'due summons' from the lodge or Grand Lodge is obligatory upon him, and should he refuse obedience he will be disgracefully expelled from the society with public marks of ignominy that can never be erased." -- [That's from the] Morris Dictionary of Freemasonry, page [number] 29.

"Disobedience and want of respect to Masonic superiors is an offense for which the transgressor subjects himself to punishment." -- [That's from] Mackey, Masonic Jurisprudence, page 511.

"Hence we find that the Master's authority in the lodge is as despotic as the sun in the firmament which was placed there by the Creator, never to deviate from its accustomed course, till the declaration is promulgated that time shall be no more."--[That's from Oliver's] Signs and Symbols of Freemasonry, page 142.

"Treason and rebellion also, because they are altogether political offences, cannot be inquired into by a lodge; and although a Mason may be convicted of either of these acts in the courts of his country, he cannot be masonically punished;and notwithstanding his treason or rebellion his relation to the lodge, to use the language of the old charges, remains indefeasible." -- [That's from Mackey's] Masonic Jurisprudence, page 510.

"There is no duty more forcibly enjoined in Masonry than that of warning a brother or danger impending to his person or interests. (so even if he broke the law you must shield him!) To neglect this is a positive violation of obligation, and destroys any person's claim to be entitled a Mason." -- [That's from Morris'] Dictionary of Freemasonry, page [number] 325.

"The powers and privileges of the Master of a lodge are by no means limited in extent." -- [That's from Chase's] Digest of Masonic Law, page 380.

"As a presiding officer the Master is possessed of extraordinary powers, which belong to the presiding officer of no other association." -- [That's from] Mackey, Masonic Jurisprudence, page 344.

"The system of Masonic law has little of the republican or democratic spirit about it." [That's from] Morris, Webb's Freemason's Monitor, revised edition, page 195.


"'Once a Mason, always a Mason -- once a Mason everywhere a Mason. However independent wither as individuals or as lodges, whether grand or subordinate -- and we are each and all truly free and uncontrolled by anything save our ancient laws and constitution -- yet no Mason can be a foreigner to another Mason. We are all equal citizens of one common government, having equal rights, equal privileges and equal duties; and in which government, thank God, the majority does not govern. For our order in its very constitution strikes at the root of that which is the very basis of popular government. It proclaims and practices, not that the will of the masses is wise and good, and as such to be obeyed; not that the majority shall govern, but that the law [i.e., above mentioned ancient law] shall govern. Our tenet is not only that no single man but that no body of men (however wise of numerous), can change in any degree one single landmark of our ancient institution. Our law is strictly organic; it cannot be changed without being destroyed. You may take a man to pieces, and you may take a watch to pieces; but you cannot alter his organs and put him together again as you do the time keeper. Masonry is the living man, and all other forms of government mere convenient machines, made by clever mechanics, for regulating the affairs of state. Not only do we know no North, no South, no East and no West, but we know no government save our own. To every government save that of Masonry, and to each and all alike, we are foreigners; and this form of government is neither pontifical, autocratic, monarchial, republican, democratic nor despotic; it is a government per se, and that government is Masonic. We have nothing to do with forms of government, forms of religion, or forms of social life. We are a nation of men only bound to each other by Masonic ties, as citizens of the world, and that world the world of Masonry; brethren to each other all the world over, foreigners to all the world beside.'

The above is a Masonic address in a nut-shell; it is the compressed essence of Masonic life." -- [It's taken from the] Missouri Grand Lodge Report for 1867.

Yeah, pretty sure it's evil. The Bible also tells us we cannot become good on our own, it's through faith in Christ and what He did. Masonry is about becoming good via secular, anti-christ methods. It is a continuation of the serpent in the garden, instructing you to become your own god by consuming the forbidden knowledge. You worship Lucifer, knowingly or unknowingly. You are a participant in the Babylonian Mystery Schools and I hope you wake up before you're too deep, though it sounds like you're in it pretty thick.

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

LBGT community does not exist. Just more Orwellian Newspeak to create a pseudo-group to then give power and authority to, they love doing this

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm, I'd be in there raving about the Dark Ages and Babylon so perhaps you are God's soldier for that mission. They'd probably ban me before anything got accomplished.

Godspeed sir ๐Ÿ‘Š maybe you can draw some of them here to the redpill buffet!

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Plan to Save The World

Ain't no stoppin' this train...

Motherfuckers WorldWide

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love the Predator Poachers era. No pedos are safe anymore - we the people have been activated!

Side note I bet the Chris Hansen show was a white hat op seeded long ago to inspire people to also do it ๐Ÿ˜„

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, we were all sinners before we knew Christ, but DAMN this some next level shit to be in! So thankful to God that my own struggles weren't anything like what these people have been deceived into!

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ooh yea ok so you know what I mean. Yea man I just don't want the ideology spreading and co-opting more of MAGA so anytime I see hints of it I take a hammer out.. you might have more tact than me in that regard ๐Ÿ˜…

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with the fun aspect but have you not been on Gab, PDW, 4chan in the last 4 years? There's a large movement within MAGA spreading God-Emperor Nazi propaganda and using the moral decay of society as the reason, and it's catching on with Zoomers who are just waking up, derailing them immediately. They use Black Sun Thule Society and other Nazi imagery, Roman or Greek names & profile pics, are either Catholic or Orthodox (same thing basically in my view) and also wish that we were ruled by a King-Priest like it used to be under the Papacy because "obviously society has decayed into absurdity" (we know the real reason why this happened..). I believe this group should be utterly denounced by MAGA, not flirted with under the humor banner

Oh, and the God-Emperor Trump angle is widely used by them, which is fun until it's not. We absolutely must stamp out any rumblings of the people asking for a "God-Emperor", and yes THESE people are serious. See Nick Fuentes for a primer on them.

and let the 80s vaporwave music playyy

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try fasting for 24hrs. Have a nice meal the night before then don't eat all day next day. Sleep once again, which will add another 8 or so to it. Resume eating only meat and eggs for a bit. I bet you feel motivated after that!

Drink only water too, and don't drink a ton, just enough til you aren't thirsty

And needless to say avoid processed food, sugar and carbs, alcohol, cigs, weed, whtever else when you resume eating

winn 12 points ago +12 / -0

Happy Father's Day everybody, don't forget to spend some time with your Father in Heaven too! I'm sure He'd love to hear from you (:

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's been acting funny for like 5 days now but still worked some, now it's a 502 error completely down. Domain was renewed a couple months ago. Maybe they're upgrading the servers due to all the memes in em lol

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