winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

yw, also I edited my comment to include eggs. They are critical to neurological function and brain repair

he may also benefit from Nutritional Yeast, which is packed full of B vitamins and great for neuro

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think they will post again until after the election. The ball is rolling nicely on all aspects, no need

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm guessing some mods have more time than others and so will sticky something a bit abruptly,.. as to the op, yea, same problem. Too excited kek

winn 5 points ago +5 / -0

have him fast for 24-48 hrs, then resume eating ONLY meat and eggs for the next 90 days. Water only, no sugars etc. No drugs or alcohol. Prayers sent

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmfao this is an angle on Mystery Babylon (Rome + Papacy) that I have not heard before

Congrats 😂

even the aliens know who the woman who rides the beast is!

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

his name is literally iSource News and yet he provides zero sources ever

fucking reported this bs post

winn 3 points ago +5 / -2

good. Maybe they are ready to take down the MOSSAD agent for sedition or some shit

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not saying Trump is Jesus lol

but that's a quote I'd put on a t shirt! 😂

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give em about 5 more months... 😬

winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

When I see a post with a bunch of lines and circles in different colors, I generally pass it up because I don’t understand what any of it means. I find it quite confusing.

I don’t know anything about the Q clock, or diagram that looks like some type of a timeline OR the debt Clock - that so many post about.

You're not alone on these lol. Most anons get the same reactions. There are a few graphics with the lines that are done succinctly and can be followed - try not to skip those. But if it looks like the meme from Always Sunny in Philidelphia, yeah, skip that shit

If you wanna read the Q posts go to https://qagg.news

If you wanna see the current anon boards go to https://8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html and look for the active (not locked) thread. It should be titled "Q Research General #{number}: Blah Blah Blah Edition" and have some variant of the Iwo Jima flags meme. I sugguest you don't make any replies on there though, just lurk. For a long time. Until you know what's going on. And never type your name, email, etc.

(you will no doubt see much shilling on there...try to not get discouraged, because that's their goal)

winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Trump is a deceiver (to We The People) then indeed he has been chosen by satan, not God, for a great delusion as the NWO is ushered in right in front of our faces. God forbid! We have had enough with this wickedness ruling the earth and believers in Christ have said ENOUGH! The weaponry and other technology have become too powerful. If God allows the cabal to continue in such a way there will be no hope left for humanity, and many believers will rejoyce at this because it lines up with their eschatology. I disagree! I think that eschatology is flawed. But as always... God be glorified, not my will but His will be done! If He sees fit for us to become completely enslaved in this NWO then I'll ride it to the end and keep Jesus' name on my tongue!

(but I think God will be glorified by the destruction of the cabal, the ushering in of a true Godly age where the governments CANNOT serve themselves, and the peoples can finally see the truth about how this world has been run, and how it should be run. Then God's principles will reign, and people will love one another. It's hard to love your neighbor when you're both struggling to make ends meet, though it's surely possible. But imagine how easy it'll be when the countries are run by honesty and integrity! This is no Marxist utopia here, this is Biblical!)

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok ok, here me out. I think we're actually quite close on this. You said

Traditionally, many interpret the woman as Israel or the faithful remnant of God's people, who give birth to the Messiah (Revelation 12:1-2). This aligns with the imagery of the sun, moon, and stars, pointing to Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:9-11."

Can this not be attributed to both Israel and Christians? As it is said we are "grafted in" to the Israel vine, which would lump us together...And the Roman govt was there shortly after this "new thing" was being born to consume it! I can imagine how tricky for a believer it must have been to see that this "Holy Roman Empire" was not the same faith, there were probably many who saw it as a move of God, "look even the pagan Romans have converted!" at least until the overt wickedness begun (I assume this took some time but could be wrong).

So we have the birthing of a new (updated is probably a better term) faith, with God now dwelling in our hearts, and we have a political system (the dragon) there in wait and trying to devour this and make it into their own machination.

To sum up, while there are various interpretations, my view aligns with seeing the woman in Revelation 12 as representing Israel (based on the direct reference to Joseph’s dreams), the faithful remnant, or the early Christian community. The harlot in Revelation 17 could then symbolize Jerusalem in its state of apostasy, drawing from Old Testament references to Jerusalem as a harlot (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Ezekiel 16:1-43).

The harlot! Lets goo. So: if it's Jerusalem, how could it fit the title "mother" and also the description of "with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication"? I think these two are critical in ID'ing her. If you compare Jerusalem and Babylon, who had more of an influence over the kings of the earth? Israel was always pretty secluded and at the time of Christ they were basically dominated by Rome. How could Jerusalem be said to have influenced Rome in this way? I would argue that it was the other way around.. Rome influenced Jerusalem. Also, it's kind of cheeky as it's in her name itself "Mystery Babylon"... Why would she be called that? I believe John wrote Revelation in such coded language to not tip off the Roman gov't at the time or they would have stopped the circulation of the book. If it was Jerusalem in his crosshairs I don't see why he would need to veil it.

winn 7 points ago +7 / -0

Anointed as in chosen for the specific task. What I'm saying is that, like King David, Trump was God's pick for this role. We've had enough King Sauls!

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would think these choices were needed for optics, part of the plan... the baiting of the cabal.. idk

I agree though

winn 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why not? Was not King David and YHWH used in the same sentence in the Old Testament? What is so hard for people to understand that God has anointed Trump for the purpose of spearheading the Great Awakening worldwide? If someone's dumb enough to worship Trump they probably worshipped something else before he came around. I think the meme is cute

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