Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

you can right click and save the video. im doing it now, so thanks for the link

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm pretty sure you're more likely to see all dogs suddenly start walking on 2 legs before you'll ever see Biden or his little motley crew of degenerates and scoundrels EVER give praise to Jesus' name. These MF play Super Mario and root for Bowser.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can take all food away from someone and only serve them piles of cattle poop for meals, but they're still gonna know it's all BS.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't risk holding anything important on a cheap drive - you get what you pay for. I've lost ALOT of music+graphics+lyrics etc ive made because i had them stored on cheap thumb drives and they quit working

but also you absolutely shouldn't touch temu with a 10 foot pole. There's several personal lawsuits + class actions against them right now. They sell TF out of your information (that's why they're willing to lose money on products.) and people have even had their bank accounts drained and it was proven to tie back to Temu.

But yeah, I'd definitely go with amazon instead and make sure to do detailed research on which one youre getting - see if people have reviewed it and said it died on them. But - your best bet is buying one external HD vs. a pile of thumbs. a drive has better survival rates.

But, even that - if the grid went down, anything digital ceases to exist. It's worth printing at LEAST a folder (if not a box) worth of stuff that NEEDS preserved.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

hell I'd even consider getting a filing cabinet and printing pages out so there's still a physical copy if the net/grid goes down.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

As much as I used to love some movies/albums/etc by some of these people, It's been amazing to see the veil being lifted and all of these scumbags who hid behind being a 'celebrity' getting exposed at a level even normies are taking notice (ie: p diddy)

I'd rather never have one person left in the entire industry that I can respect/admire/trust than see that dumpster fire burning for another day.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

one foot in front of the other sure beats one foot in the grave

hey that said, this song is called One Foot In The Grave and I love it, listened to it on many dark days to find a little light. hope you enjoy fren <3


Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's either that or might as well just jump off a cliff. Doctor in the hospital this week basically told me "keep drinking, or die. it's up to you"

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah man every relapse ive had is because i had to go to walmart for my groceries and they put the water in the same fuckin isle as the beer. it always starts with those cans of the cheladas (beer + tomato juice) and once you let the trojan horse into the base - its war.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

i did not trust myself to be alone or not busy

idle hands truly are the devils the devil's workshop

Jamezelo 15 points ago +15 / -0

Its been a bumpy road this year - trying to find my sobriety and get God back into my life. Went to AA again tonight (2nd time since my relapse, good to see familiar faces that welcomed me home) and setting an alarm so i dont miss Church tomorrow.

We can pray for guidance but in the end our life is the result of our actions.

Jamezelo 5 points ago +5 / -0

speaking of books, has anyone read Guns of the South? When I was taking care of my grandpa he had a copy so I read it. It was an absolute movie in my head I could picture it all so vivid. The author also used alot of factual elements like locations and times and people etc. Basically it's about "what if a party outside of the nation time traveled to the civil war and supplied them with AKs"

that's probably the last great book I sat down and got sucked into.

Jamezelo 7 points ago +7 / -0

So, I have something you guys might get a chuckle out of. I will say NSFW because of the language (only because he says N__a a few times) and visuals, but - Southpark has done 100x worse lol. Theres some cartoon lady twerking, that kinda stuff.

It's from nearly 20 years ago... but if you replace magazines and sports pages with tiktok and etc its relevant as ever lol

(heads up: its a comedy rap song in the tune of a Lil Jon song, but its basically a PSA telling people to quit soaking up the garbage and READ A BOOK, READ A MF BOOK lmao

It's a good message though, I can't remember the last time I sat down and read a good book honestly.

anyway, if you wanna kill a few minutes and get a laugh, here ya go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKL_EpnSp8

Either way - god bless all of you and if today was a good day embrace that, if it wasnt just remember tomorrows a new one.

Jamezelo 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mean, clearly it's still "Taboo" considering simply telling people who you are voting for results in a flood of your "fans" unfollowing you, along with being berated with some very hateful things in the comments.

I just posted this because it was nice to see her double down when that shitshow started instead of trying to do "damage control" like we've seen before - some people leave the kitchen once they feel the heat.

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh definitely but there's also a ton of ignorance that not even the best AI could script lol

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been both and although its easier said than done I aspire to not look at my neighbor with lust, or consume when I dont need to, or anything else that isnt part of Gods design. I think a key part is learning to righteously hate whats wrong with you, so you want to change it.

Media would have me believing masturbating while i still have the taste of those 2 Big Macs for dinner with the nuggets AND fries? hey there's nothing wrong with that. Just dont forget, you coulda got one of big macs FREE if you used the app (so we can sell your information)

Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

(for those who dont wanna read the article, there isnt much else to add except this backlash is because she posted a pic she took with Trump and Melania and captioned it trump 2024 and the comments were just an absolute shitshow of these clowns raging over it)

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just remember, science is only magic that theyve found words to explain that the public accepts. Technology is magic, and the level of technology THEY have makes ours look about as advanced as a cavemen discovering a round rock moves smoother than a misshapen one

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Making a simple tweet in todays world (especially for anyone with an actual following) is the equal of distributing your own newsletter to every mailbox in the area in a pre-internet world

Jamezelo 6 points ago +7 / -1

Personally, I dont care about Amber Rose - but, I might go follow her on IG just because so many of these leftie loonies are unfollowing her now.

Here's a quote from the article of the post she made:

"Lmaooo y’all think Biden cares about black ppl??? Sad. Do your research,” she wrote. “I did. I’ll always put women first. Y’all want biological men in women’s sports. Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop being brainwashed, cuz WE’RE ppl of color. Make your own decisions."

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

much appreciated. got some news that isnt exactly good (ive developed type 2 diabetes mellitus) but oh well just a bump in the road

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

its loading now. I didn't mean the video wont play i meant the screenshot wasn't loading lol

Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's crazy how people are still everywhere on the spectrum from denying it, to still speculating about it. So much time has passed and so many people still believe the "official" story/stories. No wonder people fell for the Sandy shit so easily too.

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