1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reuters history is a very interesting read…….just a very small sampling…….

Although it was officially a Canadian company and remained Canadian owned, Thomson was run from its operational headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut, in the United States. The Thomson Corporation was one of the world's largest information companies. It was established in 1989 following a merger between International Thomson Organization and Thomson Newspapers.[1] In 2008, it purchased Reuters Group to form Thomson Reuters. The Thomson Corporation was active in financial services, healthcare sectors, law, science and technology research, as well as tax and accounting sectors. The company operated through five segments (2007 onwards): Thomson Financial, Thomson Healthcare, Thomson Legal, Thomson Scientific and Thomson Tax & Accounting. Until 2007, Thomson was also a major worldwide provider of higher education textbooks, academic information solutions and reference materials. On 26 October 2006, Thomson announced the proposed sale of its Thomson Learning assets.

Reuter's son Herbert de Reuter continued as general manager until his death by suicide in 1915. The company returned to private ownership in 1916, when all shares were purchased by Roderick Jones and Mark Napier; they renamed the company "Reuters Limited", dropping the apostrophe.[11] In 1919, a number of Reuters reports falsely described the anti-colonial March 1st Movement protests in Korea as violent Bolshevik uprisings. South Korean researchers found that a number of these reports were cited in a number of international newspapers and possibly negatively influenced international opinion on Korea.[13] In 1923, Reuters began using radio to transmit news internationally, a pioneering act.[10] In 1925, the Press Association (PA) of Great Britain acquired a majority interest in Reuters, and full ownership some years later.[8] During the world wars, The Guardian reported that Reuters: "came under pressure from the British government to serve national interests. In 1941, Reuters deflected the pressure by restructuring itself as a private company."[10] In 1941, the PA sold half of Reuters to the Newspaper Proprietors' Association, and co-ownership was expanded in 1947 to associations that represented daily newspapers in New Zealand and Australia.[8] The new owners formed the Reuters Trust. The Reuters Trust Principles were put in place to maintain the company's independence.[14] At that point, Reuters had become "one of the world's major news agencies, supplying both text and images to newspapers, other news agencies, and radio and television broadcasters."[8] Also at that point, it directly or through national news agencies provided service "to most countries, reaching virtually all the world's leading newspapers and many thousands of smaller ones", according to Britannica.[8] In 1961, Reuters scooped news of the erection of the Berlin Wall.[15] Reuters was one of the first news agencies to transmit financial data over oceans via computers in the 1960s.[8] In 1973, Reuters "began making computer-terminal displays of foreign-exchange rates available to clients."[8] In 1981, Reuters began supporting electronic transactions on its computer network and afterwards developed a number of electronic brokerage and trading services.[8] Reuters was floated as a public company in 1984,[15] when Reuters Trust was listed on the stock exchanges[10] such as the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and NASDAQ.[8] Reuters later published the first story of the Berlin Wall being breached in 1989.[15] Reuters was the dominant news service on the Internet in the 1990s. It earned this position by developing a partnership with ClariNet and Pointcast, two early Internet-based news providers.[16]

1958Antigravityreprt 11 points ago +11 / -0

Dollar bills backed by silver and gold is the takedown of the elite. Relying on an internet connection for currency is suspect.

1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +1 / -0

You guess is exactly what you are doing skipjack. I received zero shots and was escorted out of business for refusing to wear a mask. The bit this fuck is doing while husbands, wives, mother, fathers, grandparents and children died and irreversibly wounded from the actions of the demons that promoted the shot is not funny. This “entertainer” signed the contract to become a star in the system that is owned by our enemies.

1958Antigravityreprt -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don’t find this funny at all. Fuck the audience and fuck this guy.

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a good thing. Attacking police give police the green light to take physical action.

1958Antigravityreprt 8 points ago +8 / -0

The “entertainment” business is plumb full of these demons. Make no mistake, sports, movies, music……”celebrities”. Some of your favorites……Dolly, working 9 to 5…….ALL PROPAGANDA. Most normies will deny it till the end. Some believe “suicide week” is about these demons……I’m beginning to think it is normies realizing the truth about this world and saying goodbye.

1958Antigravityreprt 3 points ago +3 / -0

These people in the medical industry are marketed to us as heroes, not to say there are not good people in the profession, just sayin the darkness that directs these individuals are our enemy.

1958Antigravityreprt 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep, middle aged white woman.

and I’m helping.

1958Antigravityreprt 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are watching a movie. White hats are the directors.

1958Antigravityreprt 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m taking my ball and going home.

Self important, mouth breather. You signed the contract and now you will pay the ultimate price.

1958Antigravityreprt 9 points ago +9 / -0

“You don’t know me” I know you don’t stand for the national anthem. Quit acting like a tough guy; having another man bring someone to you. A couple bitch slaps to your face and it’s over.

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