Beemerchik1807 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all need to remember that nothing and I mean NOTHING happens to a person who is born again and in the Body of Christ without it first passing through His fingers. Moreover, all that happens to a Child of the King is intended for his growth and spiritual good to make us more like Him. That includes every bad thing happening to you individually and to us as a society and people and country. The worse it gets the less I like it here and the more I look forward to going home. I recently realized that my love for here is growing dim with discouragement and my hope for home with the Lord is growing. So even as bad as it all gets, there is a good outcome. But we need spiritual eyes to see it. Do you have them? That is a first step.....seek the Lord while He may be found.

Beemerchik1807 1 point ago +1 / -0

Compared to waddling poopy pants little boy doing what he is told Joe ......

Beemerchik1807 14 points ago +14 / -0

those poor citizens left there and suffering.....unimaginable to even poor Americans...so sad, so sad

Beemerchik1807 4 points ago +4 / -0

Romans 2:4....Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and restraint and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

Beemerchik1807 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep there ARE lots of others!! My husband and I were both threatened with losing our jobs if we did not get vaxed. I resisted and ultimately obtained a medical exemption. He could have gotten one too as he has DM2 and we have a very great doc who was willing to provide the exemption. But he let this masculine wiring to provide for the family dominate his decision. I love and respect him for that self sacrificial attitude though! He tried with all his might to do the right thing for us. So folks - don't be so harsh on spouses who do what appears to be the right thing at the time. Hindsight is 20/20. And yes, my health has now been affected greatly by the shedding and I will never be the same either.

Beemerchik1807 3 points ago +3 / -0

Count Maryland in. Get a driver's license with no proof of citizenship and only an address in Maryland and you can VOTE in the Deep State of Maryland.

Beemerchik1807 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am having no issues here in Maryland. Might be local?

Beemerchik1807 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maryland: "The California of the East and where the Deep State Lives", has enacted a new twist on voting rights. Despite the fact that the National Voting Right Act requires voter rolls be cleaned up, Maryland has instituted an oath with criminal penalties for anyone who gets the voter roles and then uses them for their intended purpose. The Gateway Pundit also reported on this as well https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/maryland-election-board-quietly-changes-rules-threatens-legal/.

These folks work overtime to find ways to get around all our Constitutional rights and then spend their time doing the do the most stupid stuff. Marylanders now have a * right* to be free of harassing telemarketing calls because they passed the Stop the Spam Calls Act Now. Priorities are whacky.

Beemerchik1807 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe it will be the end of us. It's the timing. Move so much of our armed forces and equipment to the other side of the ocean, Abbott in India suddenly decides to start a civil war in the US in Texas and National Guard troops (who might be needed in their home states) will be busy down there all while the country is full of Islamic Terrorists sleeper cells waiting for the word and then there is the significance of September 11th and calls for Jihad around the globe. Our nation has rejected God and He has removed His hand of protection from us.

Beemerchik1807 7 points ago +7 / -0

I work for a big 3 letter Federal Agency. Even most Federal employees (or even Federal lawyers) do not know that 99.9% of what everyone thinks is a "law" is nothing but a Rule "promulgated" under the Administrative Procedures Act which requires nothing more than publicized notice and comment in the Federal Register for a certain # of days. See for explanation: https://libraryguides.law.uic.edu/c.php?g=261812&p=1750599 . Thanks to Chevron, our representatives DO NOT represent us in any of these shenanigans. The Agencies have been given carte blanche to do whatever they want, buy out whomever they want, reward whomever they want or limit whomever they want for their own purposes and are accountable to no one! We do not have a representative form of government at present and have not for a very very long time.

Beemerchik1807 2 points ago +2 / -0

It needs to be someone genuine and strong enough and solid enough to be President for 8 years thereafter because they will be President after Trump gets things up and running again. Tucker is best where he is. He is an A+ educator. I like Jim Jordan personally.

Beemerchik1807 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to attend there years ago when Lon Solomon was the lead Pastor. Awesome church! Shortly after this guy took over attendance dropped dramatically and they tried to hide it. I remember seeing a video of a man online who kept his identity secret, but made it very clear that he feared for his life because that was not information new church leadership wanted known. Now I know why he was so fearful. That's a lot of money to redirect.

Beemerchik1807 1 point ago +2 / -1

Repent and believe the good news. Mark 1:15. There is no saving faith without repentance. I pray these are all true conversions, but some will not be. Intellectual or emotional belief without repentance is not saving faith.

Beemerchik1807 24 points ago +24 / -0

I liked the one comment- Karma is a bitch. It is, isn't it?

Beemerchik1807 1 point ago +1 / -0

VA is already the second largest bureaucracy in both size and budget just after DOD and basically married to Big Pharma.

Beemerchik1807 2 points ago +2 / -0

Controlling inflammation in the body by good gut health and diet which involves avoiding sugar in all forms (which is inflammatory!), avoiding gluten in all forms which is also inflammatory and supplementation with circumin, Keeping inflammation down helps the immune system.

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