BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was another shiba inu called Cheems. That dog was the bonk meme one. F.

BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is also something that boggles my mind. They've been screaming nazis for years but then all of a sudden, like a collective, hating on the juice. First it was Russia now Isreal. Now Israel ain't good guys either but it's fascinating to watch. They've literally became the definition of a nazi lmao

BigFudge69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never go full French. Always go full 1776. Memes aside, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think the left would hate on the juice. Fucking hilarious and retarded.

BigFudge69 4 points ago +4 / -0

For the love of God, please do not fall into the "redpill manosphere". It's basically the man's version of feminism. Obviously it's not wrong to be masculine, but that "redpill"(and I use redpill in quotes because that group co-opted that term) bs is not it either.

BigFudge69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, when you look at his music video "Yummy" and the messaging, for sure he was raped even when he was a kid. He even cried for Billie Eilish and wanted to protect her because he knows how evil and fucked Hollyweird is, but we all know how she turned out.

BigFudge69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry just double checked. I heard Elon Musk and the ceo of T-mobile say during the press conference that it will work on current 5G devices so I assumed it meant only 5G. Did more digging and it's actually using the 4G spectrum of 1900Mhz my bad. Disregard what I said previously. Still, from the article the plan is only for sms with voice and maybe data in the future.

BigFudge69 -1 points ago +0 / -1

From the comments below I understood that part but will the current infrastructure in place be able to handle all the bandwidth? I would understand if they are just trying to preserve calling and sms but internet as well? When the power went out one time where I live, everyone was using the cell towers at the same time and the internet wasn't usable, though sms and calling did without issue. Kind of like how when you go to a concert and the phones don't work, everybody is hogging the bandwidth. I can't even imagine if you are in a city like New York or Los Angeles. Unless T-mobile has upgraded their equipment that I don't know about. I also know you can directly connect to the satellite with the phone but that's only available with 5G devices, so what would happen to those that don't have 5G?

Edit: Disregard the last question, I'm a dumb dumb.

BigFudge69 3 points ago +3 / -0

See I like the theory that they will use Starlink, but what I have a problem with is how they are going to connect every isp to it. Because you have your ISPs, but then your ISPs have their own ISPs. Also exactly how would the internet go down? Will it be by power, and if so, would Starlink even work unless you have the base station to connect to it? Is it by destroying the pathways of the internet exchange points, and having the Starlink act as one for backup, and if so, do they already setup base stations for IXPs to utilize Starlink. This is what I've always been curious about.

BigFudge69 12 points ago +12 / -0

If I want to look at it from another angle. That sound is trying to form a "handshake" to connect to the isp to access the web. Here is the original video I'm pretty sure that he got it from.


The video cuts right before it finally connects. While in the original it connects. Could be it's " almost going to connect". I don't know I'm just spit balling here.

BigFudge69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same, Brave's search engine is still alright but yandex still seems to be the best option at the moment, even though it's starting to become worse. I used to use duckduckgo but then that went to shit. You got me interested to see if there are others so I stopped writing this comment and looked. From what I just searched up, Swisscows.com seems to work well. Check it out yourself if you see searches you wouldn't have been shown.

BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup, was searching a topic I searched months ago on yandex but now for some reason I'm getting less hits than what I previously got. It's been giving me more useless sites that don't correlate to what I was asking. It blows man.

BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder what the design for the new dollar bill will look like. Will we even carry denominations of 100 dollar bills on average or will it go back to the days where we pay everything in cents. Or will we still stick to mostly 1 dollar bills but everything is way cheaper 🤔

BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love that anime. A bit slow in the beginning half but gets way better in the second.

BigFudge69 4 points ago +4 / -0

KEK. Or the one where Britney Spears wears the iconic mic in her music video (Oops I did it again) but now she doesn't. Or another one with her again (Baby one more time), where she had a plaid skirt but now it's just a plane black shirt. I can go on and on, but it's funny, on tiktok a lot of people are talking about how the Mandela effect happens because we keep switching timelines/realities.

BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I gave my 16 year old dog ivermectin because she was having stomach issues and also just to make sure she didn't have any parasites. Worked well. One thing I looked up is that supposedly certain dog breeds can die from overdosing on ivermectin though I don't know if that is true or not anymore. Also, they usually give dogs ivermectin for heartworm medication. You can buy it at pet supply stores but that version is more expensive than getting the horse paste. Lastly the dosing for dogs is way smaller than compared to us but like I stated before, don't know if the information on ivermectin for dogs is true or not.

BigFudge69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I checked and noticed that too but then I looked up how many people have B-. It's one of the rarest blood types where only 2% of the population have it. So maybe it's safe to assume that's the reason why?

BigFudge69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can put my two cents into this considering I've was on two of the medications listed above plus two other ones that is not listed but is an antipsychotic drug. Haven't taken them since considering I know now what's actually happening to me. (one of my theory's is that T.I. victims like myself are also MK Ultra targets but not going into that further here). Prozac, I took when I was in High School. That shit makes you feel numb, you feel great I guess but not in a everything is awesome great but more in a, at least it doesn't suck great. Stopped taking it because it makes you not care about anything. Later in life, when my life fell apart and started to hear voices, the doctor prescribed me abilify, lithium, trazadone, and Prozac. 4 wombo combos. The avengers of craziness if you will. During this time I still trusted big pharma but still did research on what I was taking(although can't trust that research now). I didn't take lithium because the side effects for that seem too much considering it fucks with your blood and you can only eat certain foods. Didn't take the Prozac because I've been on it before and didn't like how I felt. The ones I took were Abilify and Trazadone. Trazadone for my insomnia and abilify for the psychosis of hearing voices. Stop taking the Ability because my anxiety went through the roof and made me more paranoid plus didn't stop the voices. Trazadone did help with my sleep but made me drowsy everyday. My Psychiatrist at the time didn't know I wasn't taking the lithium or Prozac until they had to have me take a blood lab because like I mentioned before, lithium is some fucked shit. Had to mention that I wasn't taking lithium but lied about taking Prozac. Then instead of lithium she prescribed me Olanzapine. The pill that a lot of Psychs prescribe for psychosis. When I took those pills, the voices did stop, but the side effects fucking sucked. I felt dead, like a zombie. I didn't care about anything or anyone. I hated it. Was taking it for a month but I just couldn't deal with the emptiness I felt. I quit taking all the medications and started smoking weed again(which was a part of why I got psychosis to begin with, yes I know that's retarded but at this point in my life I was at the lowest, haven't smoke weed since). After that, an event happened in my life that made me stop hearing voices but if I were to tell that story most people would think I'm nuts lmao. Then up to the present, the GS is at its highest, though I can give a rats ass what they do. Though before they would just tell people that I'm a racist Trump supporter but now they are doing the low blow of telling people I'm a pedo, which is just not true 😮‍💨. Going strong day by day. Just hoping when everything gets clean up this will stop. We'll I'm rambling, moral of the story don't take antipsychotic drug kids.

Sidenote: Never felt I wanted to kill people when I was on those drugs, though me personally I don't like hitting people in general. Maybe I'm a pussy in that regard.

BigFudge69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Based Andrew Jackson.

BigFudge69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was working when I posted this so couldn't come back to reply. I honestly don't care about this. If it happens, well that sucks. If it doesn't, that's to be expected.

BigFudge69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry to hear about your Husband. Nice that you were able to coincidently visit. If you don't mind me asking, does this happen often to you? For me personally, most of it doesn't seem to have any meaning, or I can't find meaning. It just happens.

BigFudge69 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is going to be a random question but have any of you guys expierence a phenomenon where a certain phrase, subject, word, place, or thing gets repeated once? Like for example, you are talking about a certain subject, let's say pottery, then you watch or see something in life that involves pottery when it has no correlation to pottery but it just gets mentioned. Or for example, you listen to a song and then sometime later watch a video and the video plays the exact song or someone mentions the song. It can be anything really but the thing/subject always gets repeated once. This has happened so many times to me it's always so weird. Most likely is coincidental but it always happens at least once everyday.

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