BigMikesDingALing 2 points ago +2 / -0

What happened to the left side of Obama's body?

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is no language there which says that something will happen that can’t be undone. It quotes Trump “I will gladly take all these slings and arrows for you”. Then it says even that can be undone. Then it says the enormity of what is coming will shock the world.

The structure is (1) Acknowledging many obstacles (2) A message of hope, suggesting it will all be overcome

(3) The “shock the world” is open to interpretation. But jumping to him being killed does not seem to follow from the first two statements, at least not for me. At best, it’s a guess not supported by anything actually written in that Q drop

BigMikesDingALing 7 points ago +7 / -0

My ex-wife was a nurse administrator responsible for pushing the ventilator and remdesivir protocols that killed many people, then pushing the vaccine. She left me about a year before Covid. Now, I thank God that He saved me from arguing with her in vain that she was participating in genocide. She would have smirked at my conspiracies and mocked them to everyone as she marched off to work every day to go kill more people.

BigMikesDingALing 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well done meat is harder to digest and contains tons of carcinogens. The people who think cooking the hell out of red meat is a good thing have been conditioned.

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a mental illness where people want to cut themselves. The medical community doesn't help them cut themselves as treatment. Classifying transgenderism as a mental illness means they are specifically guided away from wanting hormone treatment and surgery. This would be like fearing an alcoholic would be given free beer by the government as a treatment option. The whole point of labeling trans as a mental illness is to stop surgery and hormone therapy, not fund it.

BigMikesDingALing 2 points ago +2 / -0

The justice system is letting you know exactly who they are. They are not American at heart and do not serve the interests of America. Total judicial and legal corruption.

BigMikesDingALing 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had a normie tell me this week that the Hunter laptop is fake. I mean, there are even main steam news articles at this point saying it is real. You can’t argue with stupidity.

BigMikesDingALing -9 points ago +1 / -10

Exactly. Catholics are some of the best people. It is a shame that many of them do not see that the "Church" is of Satan, right down to the worshiping of Satanic Latin chanting. The most devout Catholics are dedicated to the Latin mass. Latin chanting brings demons. Satanists also practice Latin chanting for this very reason

Chanting is a form of witchcraft: https://teachinghumblehearts.com/en/chanting-dulls-mind/

“A University of Hong Kong study published in 2017 looked at how chanting affects the brain using MRI scans. It found that it de-activates the brain’s emotional motor system, which is responsible for the way we experience and express emotions. The study said that practising chants dulls our ability to process things cognitively and emotionally.

“The Bible warns us not to become “dull” in our ability to process truth and reality. This is how the god of this world, Satan, can “blind our minds”. Ungodly chanting invites the wrong type of spiritual influence into our lives.”

Edit: The Catholic Church is a Satanic organization. This is the one issue even many of those who are “awake” refuse to see. Hence, the downvotes. Latin chanting has EVERYTHING to do with demons.

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Mazza’s contact information was found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, suggesting a possible personal connection with the Biden family."

This is the key quote from the article. He wasn't just a random citizen. He knew the Biden family and was targeted because he went against them.

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

For more than a century (yes, before Israel was a nation), they have taken the idea of America as a land of opportunity and weoponized it against us. It's a bit like a husband, who is a simp but is a really good provider, being taken advantage of by his wife who is going around and sleeping with dozens of men while pretending to be a loving, loyal wife.

BigMikesDingALing 2 points ago +2 / -0

His audience isn't "the vast majority of America". His audience is center-right leaning folks who do not trust the government and tend toward believing that the powers that be lie in ways that are unimaginable. He is saying what his audience wants to hear. Perhaps he had a legitimate change of heart, but that shift likely was aided by the fact that it aligns with what his audience wants to hear.

BigMikesDingALing 0 points ago +1 / -1

Consider looking into redpill philosophy. It is not the man's version of feminism at all. I think it would help you to look into it. For one thing, stop texting or emailing her pages of explanations. It can only work against you.

BigMikesDingALing 10 points ago +10 / -0

When the NBA on day one decided to suspend their entire season, I knew it was a hoax. Too much money at stake unless the NBA was in on the propaganda, A reasonable response would have been to suspend games for two weeks and reassess. All pro sports shutting down immediately was a key move designed to signal to the population that society was shutting down and we should all live in fear. Next, the grocery stores had the social distancing stickers like two days later. How did they have billions of those things already printed up and ready to go for all grocery stores?

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +2 / -1

Could it be that the thing Trump posted means Biden is corrupt and Trump was a true Commander in Chief while president? People read way too much meaning into everything Trump posts, imo. It's not as if Trump posted, "Hey everybody I am the current commander in chief!"

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s the original Cougar

BigMikesDingALing 4 points ago +4 / -0

How do you get people to change their hearts and minds?

Do you tell them directly and announce you have switched your opinion, or do you pretend to still be one of them and use different language?

BigMikesDingALing 10 points ago +10 / -0

His son, Jason killed Nicole. He had motive means and opportunity. More evidence points to Jason than OJ

BigMikesDingALing 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the last things Rush said on air was that MAGA is bigger than Trump and would continue on until we won. Trump is just the current representative for the people. The people and the movement will not go away.

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