CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here... I found a copy of it online . . . . (Give me a minute to ensure this works as I tried to delete what may be tracking info) -- Edit: Good to go, friend.


CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Learn something new every day...



Edit: As an interesting aside, the word "entheos" means "the God within", often relating to enthusiasm, inner spirit, energy.

CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. If I'm not mistaken POTUS said he wants it to be a huge celebration.

Edit: Go to the entheos link OP provided in comments to the May 31, 2023 POTUS tweet-or-truth on this.

CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with your overall assessment that, while some of the charts were good, the main text "guidelines", if you will, while well-intentioned, were lacking. None of us has "the magic solution" to reaching these lost souls as each person - and our (often complex) relationship with them - is unique and will respond to different stimuli at different points in their life or even their week/month/day.

While the guidelines addressed 'fear' pretty solidly, I think that's only about half of what I see are the main factors the beasts went after during the initial virus->jab brainwashing phase of their C19 genocide operation - the other being 'ego'.

I agree with others that attempting to "convince" most of these people is futile. They're going to have to get the face slaps from their "trusted" (sic) FNM and not from those of us who love them. May God continue to keep them protected to the extent they can be for those not damaged and those already damaged alike. 🙏✝️

All I can say at this point for those individuals I know personally is that, should they come to me to express concern over having potentially had poison/biological weaponry injected into themselves, I will tell them that there are measures they can take which may mitigate damage and that I'd be happy to share what I know and sources, etc should they be willing to listen. I'll add that it has to be their choice to listen because in the past when I've tried to warn them, sent them information, etc, they've rejected it -- and if they're still not willing to learn now, but feel some propensity to do so in the future they can come to me without fear as I love them and only ever wanted to protect them. If they're receptive, great and hopefully we can move forward into lots of other critical information soon as well.

May God help us all and deliver us from this evil. 🙏✝️

CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same. (Sigh. . . .). I have close, beloved family that believe anything and everything their FNM TV demons tell them (eg, big bad next virus coming, must get jabby-boosted, gas stoves bad, masks work, young healthy athletes have always dropped dead on the court/field, ...).

CuriousLurker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Could be counting down, as implied by Q-Post #505, included in aslan's graphic. Looking at the post, the "15, 10, 5, 1" is followed by [0] which to my eye looks like a kill box, perhaps an indication of "Go Time".

CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

With the final scene being a lightning bolt hitting the side of the building where a mural of "Saint George" had been painted, turning it into rubble.

CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your points --

(1) The linked article goes into a bit more detail as to how the original concept grew financially including the securing of what I'm sure was a sizable loan from Citicorp.


From the linked article --

"... In July 1988, Scott's Columbia Healthcare made its first acquisition — a $61 million purchase of two El Paso hospitals, with seller financing and loans from Citicorp. (A fact worth noting in this deal is that the seller of the El Paso hospitals was Nashville-based HealthTrust Inc., which was a spin-off company of HCA. In other words, the roots of Columbia-HCA were circular. As one former Columbia-HCA executive, who would not speak for attribution, said: “The policies we used went back to HCA.”) ..."


(2) The article goes into far more detail about what was considered normal business practice back then, well worth reading for anyone else following this thread who truly wants to understand what was considered normal at that time.

It's also probably crucial to understand that it was Hillary Clinton's directives on healthcare, this while first spouse, that prompted a change into how healthcare would operate (and likely helping to set the stage for the Renegade's healthcare BS). It was these Hilldawg directives that Scott was vocally opposed to and they sent 500 agents into Scott's HCA facilities as a response.


"... When Columbia purchased its hospitals, it too relied on outside auditors from the Big Four accounting firms to evaluate the hospitals' Medicare books and practices. Braun says in none of those deals did auditors flag any Medicare issues. “I've never even seen a cost report,” Braun says.

What most news reports have ignored about the alleged Medicare fraud have been the ample news reports between 1987 and final settlement in 2003 that the Medicare practices in question did not start with Columbia. They were inherited in Columbia's acquisitions. They existed before Scott purchased HCA and HealthTrust ..."


"... This time a force of 500 agents in seven states swarmed into Columbia-HCA facilities looking for records showing Medicare overbilling.



As to your last point implying that Scott's foray into politics in Florida was shady...

I didn't find any mention of Scott residing in California prior to moving to Florida, but the article did mention that Scott was an attorney in Texas when he began his aggressive venture to build a healthcare network. In 1997 he moved to Naples, Florida and was involved in several companies during the ensuing THIRTEEN YEARS he was a Florida resident before running for office in 2010. Equating this to what the Hilldawg did in New York is rather disingenuous.


From the linked article --

"... In the mid-1980s, Rainwater sat on the board of Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) and was a friend of then-HCA CEO Dr. Tommy Frist.

Scott, at the time, was an ambitious corporate mergers and acquisition lawyer in his early 30s at a Dallas law firm. In 1987, having worked in health-care mergers a few years, Scott..."


From wiki (look down a ways starting at the "Venture Capitalist" section) --



And finally, as a general refutation of the leftist FNM smearing of Scott --

"... They reported, although downplayed, that Scott was never charged with any crimes nor investigated. The Miami Herald said “federal investigators found that Scott took part in business practices ... that were later found to be illegal” — citing no evidence of Scott's personal involvement nor noting that these “practices” were widely accepted in the industry until federal regulators changed the rules.. ..."

CuriousLurker 5 points ago +5 / -0

POTUS looks good - fit, a little thinner, tanned, energetic. I think he loves his NYC peeps, loves being back "in his element".

CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Caring for an ailing parent is not for the faint of heart. My thoughts and prayers are with your mom, your dad and you, anon, that the Lord give you all strength to deal with this difficult situation knowing that He's there with all of you, come what may. I do hope she recovers fully and gets back to much better health. Just do the best you can to comfort and help her and do so with love in your heart -- there's nothing more anyone can be expected to do. God bless you all, anon.

As far as her jewelry is concerned it's best you take all of it back home and leave it in your safe until she gets back in a safe environment.

CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

When every left-wing FNM outlet piles on someone it makes me cautious, to say the least. So I went looking for an opposing viewpoint, one that claims Scott was attacked by the rabid jackals of FNM unjustly. If you could read the following article and weigh in on it's points, that would be interesting. It seems that people who knew him then think very highly about him.



CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I can tell, this was not "a suddenly", ergo not going to make a separate post for it. I know there's lots of music fans here and, while I don't know this man or his band, others may be interested. Rest in Peace, Mr Colin.

Charlie Colin of pop rock band Train dies at 58 years old.


CuriousLurker 6 points ago +6 / -0

They, too - ALL the individuals within those firms who dictated that this policy needed to be adhered to - must be held accountable along with the other evil individuals for crimes against humanity. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.

CuriousLurker 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Let them all dig their own graves. "




Then there's Q-Post #260 alluding to how Flynn knows where the bodies are buried, happens to have a 12:24 timestamp just like POTUS' tweet.



CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

For those who may not have seen this post, Idaho just introduced a technology that may help insure their elections are fair. I don't know enough about it to be able to state with certainty that it's a solid, honest safeguard vs another sham. IF, however, it proves to be real and good, there MAY be a possibility that other districts, other states could follow suit.


CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good point to raise, but I agree with anon TKos here. This defeat of marxist-communist-whateverthehellthesepeopleare Schmidt is very good news and, I hope, indicative of potential future success for sanity.

CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Truly good news - especially coming from a state so terribly infested with mentally-diseased leftists. Things like this really help with the hope level.

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