DevilDog 2 points ago +3 / -1

Let’s assume that Trump and his family were there that day, how hard would it have been for the FBI to just open up fire and later claim they were fired upon first? Point being, there wouldn’t need to be someone to “start it” if they just claimed there was.

Even if we could later prove they lied it would be too late at that point.

DevilDog 4 points ago +4 / -0

That video makes my blood boil. There seriously needs to be consequences for their lies and manipulation.

DevilDog 3 points ago +3 / -0

The wild 😉


DevilDog 6 points ago +6 / -0

Somebody designed them, but I’d be willing to bet it was our tax money, laundered through various ways, that funded it. 🙄

DevilDog 16 points ago +16 / -0

I wouldn’t do that. I heard she’s made up mostly of gases lol

DevilDog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same for where I’m at. Now it’s between $3.19 - $3.39, depending on which gas station you go to. Let’s Go Brandon.

DevilDog 5 points ago +5 / -0

Judging by all the other bullshit going on, I’m assuming this was precisely the goal.

DevilDog 2 points ago +2 / -0

My roommate and I both have AT&T (separate lines/plans). Mine was down while theirs was not.

DevilDog 5 points ago +7 / -2

It makes no sense to me that they would want a civil war. The democrat party is full of beta males, blue-haired wackos or generally weak people that can’t take their feelings being hurt, and folks that wanna ban guns.

We’re the side full of alpha males, self-reliant people with common sense (many of whom are doomsday prepper types that are fully prepared for shit to go down), and gun-loving patriots, etc.

It would be a slaughter. Do they really want that or are they so delusional they think they’d have a chance at winning?? I assume it’s the latter but have no idea how they would come to that conclusion.

The last thing I want is a civil war, but if they force our hand then bring it.

DevilDog 12 points ago +12 / -0

He might be a puppet but he’s still a corrupt, treasonous piece of shit and has been for a long time.

Don’t forget that he didn’t start all this shit after losing his mind. He’s been in politics for decades and has been a lying, corrupt traitor the entire time. Just because he’s an old man now that’s obviously suffering from dementia doesn’t absolve him of the sins of his past. He still needs to pay for his crimes.

So Fuck Joe Biden.

DevilDog 2 points ago +2 / -0

The realist in me agrees. Wishful thinking, I suppose. Whatever happens I’m in it for the duration.

DevilDog 9 points ago +9 / -0

Q said only at the precipice, but how many precipices have there been/can there be. I so hope this is the final one. As a Texan and a Marine I’m ready to go war to protect our country and state. This shit needs an end.

DevilDog 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m assuming this is the “official” one? I searched and it seems there are several.

DevilDog 15 points ago +15 / -0

Even if he was convicted (which he shouldn’t be) I wouldn’t trust her anyway.

DevilDog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got a link? I know I’ve seen a few but I don’t think I’ve seen them all.

DevilDog 4 points ago +4 / -0

There were a lot of things for me, but it didn’t help their case when they claimed the hospitals were so busy from all the dying Covid patients yet all those nurses and doctors had plenty of time to make freaking dancing TikTok videos. 🙄

DevilDog 12 points ago +12 / -0

As a Marine, I can confirm I’m sick of their shit. Not because of personal experience, as I’ve had no known interactions with CIA, but because I love this country.

In boot camp, and throughout my time in service, you hear countless stories about the heroic acts other Marines carried out while serving. (If you want to learn something about what many went through serving our country then look up the reasons men have been awarded the Medal of Honor. It’s insane what some have done and the bravery they showed is astounding. It’ll bring a tear to your eye, seriously)

To know what so many have endured and sacrificed to make the USA the greatest nation to ever exist, and to see how the CIA, or anyone for that matter, do things that undermine or damage our country’s legacy and accomplishments makes my blood boil. (Not to mention how they destroy other peoples/nations from obtaining the same freedoms/opportunities that we’re so blessed to have)

How dare they shit on the memory of those men and women. I pray to God they pay for their crimes. Just let us continue to make our country great and give others the same chance for their own country.

DevilDog 11 points ago +11 / -0

As a Marine that served in Iraq and got out in 2010., why do we have to pay for anything??? They can give billions to other countries but we can’t keep the small amount of gear we used to serve our nation?? Idk.

When I was in, I lost a fire retardant shirt that was stolen from me when I sent in my laundry to be done at a base I was at. Needless to say, I never got that shirt back but still had to pay for it to get out. FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS. After what I saw the least you could’ve done was give me credit for a fucking shirt. America, wake the fuck up. Your priorities are fucked.

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