Ehjax78 2 points ago +4 / -2

This is an important document from the Allied Military Police HQ in 1948, stating the next prison inmate claiming poison gassings took place will be taken to court for perjury.

And thus we didn't hear anything of that matter for years, not even Encyclopedia Brittanica from 1968 mentioned the Holocaust with a word, not until the famous 4 part Hollywood "docu"-series in 1978.... and the rest is "history"...

Allied Military Police HQ. Vienna 1.10.1948 MEMO NR: 31/48

The Allied Committiee of inquiry has to date proven that no poison gas was ever used to kill prisoners in the following concentration camps Berger-Belisen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenburg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and satellite camps Natzweiler, Neuengamme Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstandt.

In all cases where gassings were alleged, it could be proven that torture had been used to extract confessions and witnesses have lied.

Any former inmate who, during their debriefing continues to allege that poison gas was used to murder people (in particular Jews), are to be reported to this office and if they insist on Iying further, they are to be charged with perjury.


Major Miller Commanding Officer Allied Military Police Vienna:


Ehjax78 7 points ago +8 / -1

Spanish Civil War of 1936-39,

July 1936, 3 Jewish tailors from Stephany (Nat Cohen, Sam Masters and Allick Sheller) set off to the People’s Olympiad in the Catalan capital of Barcelona.

Spain’s new left-wing government was hosting an alternative to the Berlin Olympics which Hitler was to open the following month.

They would never take place: as athletes and visitors began to pour into Barcelona, General Francisco Franco launched the uprising which plunged Spain into a brutal, three-year civil war and claimed the lives of 500,000 people.

During the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, the Jewish Bolshevik's slaughtered Christians in Spain. Stalin’s International Brigade, comprised mostly of Jews, slaughtered 6,539 Spanish priests, 3000 monks, 300 nuns, and 13 Bishops. Over 20,000 Spanish churches were also destroyed.

10,000 OF Stalin's International Brigade were Jews. More than one-third of the Jewish volunteers were communist American Jews who called themselves the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

by Ehjax78
Ehjax78 5 points ago +5 / -0

Total deaths on the tombstones from the Auschwitz KZ Museum have been revised over the years from 4 million down to 1.5 million (it has since been revised down ever further to only 900,000 Jews) This totals 3,100,000 less deaths than originaly reported.

Is the CEO of the Auschwitz KZ Camp a Holocaust denier?


Total deaths in Majdanek have also been lowered over the years with the original count being 2 million Jews, now been revised down to 78,000 deaths. This totals 1,922,000 less deaths than originaly reported.

Is the CEO of Majdanek KZ Camp a Holocaust denier?


If these were not death camps why did so many Jews remain in the camps?

There were approximately 150,000 Jews who were against the spread of bolshevism, but also refused to move elsewhere such as Palestine through the Haavaara Agreement. Jews who refused both options ended up in camps for security concerns.

Most deaths of any individuals in these camps was due to Typhus a disease caused by lice.

Conveniently ALL of the alleged "Extermination Camps" including both Auschwitz and Majdanek happened to be located in areas liberated by the Jewish controlled USSR.

Link to map


The Soviet Press provided a list of the 556 important figures of the Soviet Government while identifying their ethnicity. 457 of them were Jews.

You can look at a more detailed list starting on page 61 in this PDF


The Soviet Jews denied any access to Western observers until many years later. This gave them sufficient time to modify, destroy and create structures framing the Germans for mass extermination.

This fear of being exposed for the deaths of over 66 million (mainly Christian) Individuals in Russia, forced these Jews to invent the Holocaust blood-libel against the German people - to deflect the world's attention away from the real genocide they had committed under the guise of the "Russian" revolution.

One example was how the civilian population of St Petersburg was reduced from 2.3 million to 830,000 in just 5 years. This was one city.


The tragedy of this Jewish led "Russian Revolution" can't be measured by numbers alone; these people were the best people that Russia had. They were the priests, and lawyers, and merchants, and army officers, and university professors. They were the cream of Russian civilization.

According to Dr Gregor, In Russia by 1921 (this being reported by the Jewish Bolshevik's Cheka published statistics) they had already killed 28 Bishops, 1,215 priests, and 6000 monks (Russian Orthodox Church being one of their first targets.)

The Bolsheviks revolutions will be known to be one, if not the greatest genocides of Christians ✝️ in the worlds history.

Next were the upper Russian classes in which they killed 8,800 doctors/medical assistants, 54,650 Army and Navy Officers, 10,500 police officers (lieutenant and above), 48,500 lower ranking policemen, 260,000 ordinary soldiers, 361,825 members of the 'intelligentsia," including teachers, professors, engineers, judges and 12,950 large landowners.

In all these cases of mass murder no explanations or reasons were ever given for their murders.

Ehjax78 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reading your comment put a huge smile on my face. We have all been so patient awaiting for these truths to come to finally come to light. Thanks for your continued strength and determination throughout this battle. God bless you. 🙏

Ehjax78 1 point ago +1 / -0

1919, Hirschfeld and Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and both were official members of Berlin’s Jewish community.

A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and 'sex counseling', room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia)and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, "masturbation machines", etc.

The period between 1919 to 1933, in German history is often known as the Weimar period. During Weimar’s early years, Germany was a society which had been cut loose from its traditional cultural moorings and set adrift. The old norms and the old rules of social behavior didn’t seem to apply anymore, causing a sort of social malaise, as manifested in the “lost generation.”

By 1933, when Hitler rose to power, Berlin had become the sex capitol of Europe

Ehjax78 16 points ago +16 / -0

On top of Fico not signing the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty (global government) he also

  • Traditional family values
  • Opposes mass immigration
  • No money to the corrupt Zelesnsky regime)

Every nation needs a leader like him

by Ehjax78
Ehjax78 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree about the Talmud.

Jesus Christ in the Talmud

January 20, 2022


Some awakened people who despise Christianity will argue that Jesus never existed. But if Jesus never existed, why do the Jews hate him so much? Just look at the filth written about this man in their Talmud.

Jesus was a bastard conceived when an evil spirit slept with Mary (Kallah 1b, 18b).

Mary, who was dung, was a prostitute and committed adultery (Sanhedrin, 67a).

Jesus was a fool who practiced Egyptian magic (Sanhedrin, 67a).

Jesus committed bestiality. (Sanhedrin 105a)

Jesus was a fool who practiced enchantment, limped on one foot and was blind in one eye. (Sanhedrin l05a-105b)

Jesus was burned. He was “lowered into dung up to his armpits then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck and the two loose ends pulled in opposite directions forcing him to open his mouth. A wick was then lit, and thrown into his mouth so that it descended into his body and burnt his bowels …The death penalty of ‘burning’ was executed by pouring molten lead through the condemned man’s mouth into his body, burning his internal organs. (Sanhedrin 52a, Yebamoth 6b)

Jesus was strangled. “He was lowered into dung up to his armpits then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck, and the two ends pulled in opposite directions until he was dead.” (Sanhedrin 52a, Sanhedrin 106b)

Jesus died like a dog and is in Hell buried in feces (Zohar, III p. 282)

Judas Iscariot fought in the air with Jesus and pissed on Him (Toldoth Jeschu).

Judas Iscariot buried Jesus’ body “in a cellar with chamber pots and excrement” (Toledot Yeshu–1705)

Jesus is in hell where His punishment is “boiling in hot semen.” (Gittin 57a)

Jesus’ resurrection is cursed. “Woe unto him who maketh himself alive by the name of God.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

Note: Jesus is called “Yeschu” in the Talmud, a Hebrew acronym which means “may his name and memory be blotted out.” Unfortunately, many Christians today pray to Jesus using this name.


Ehjax78 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its a hard one wrap ones head around but the more I research the more I understand. There were lots of people that died in the war and the Bolsheviks were biggest contributers. Fear of exposure drove the Jews in the USSR to invent the Holocaust blood-libel against the German people,as to deflect the world’s attention away from the real genocide they had committed.

Here is just one example.

For the longest time Soviet Judeo Bolsheviks, blamed Germany for Katyn.

Declassified documents now prove U.S. DID help cover up 1940 Katyn massacre where it was actually the Soviets who slaughtered 22,000 Polish officers.


Thanks for trying to keep an open mind, and I have tons of research under my belt, so feel free to ask any questions. Ill do my best to provide you with some answers. God Bless🙏

Ehjax78 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Of the 3,000 people employed on the staff at the Nuremberg Courts, 2,400 were ✡️'s" - Louis Marschalko, Hungarian Journalist "The World Conquerors"" 1958

"Confessions” from Germans were obtained via them signing prepared statements in English, a language they didn’t speak, after months of enduring horrible torture. 137/139 German defendants had their testicles crushed.

This is all a matter of Senate Congressional Record. (Page 958)


Zero evidence of any atrocities was presented. A verdict was reached on hearsay from just 2 German bureaucrats, Wilhelm Höttl and Dieter Wisliceny (who was not cross examined and went on to later retract his testimony.)

"Evidence was obtained from man who had first been kept in solitary confinement for 3 to 4 months. They were confined between four walls, with no windows, and no opportunity of exercise. Two meals a day were shoved in to them through a slot in the door. They were not allowed to talk to anyone. They had no communication with their families or any minister/priest during this period. This solitary confinement proved sufficient in Itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements."

This can also be found in the link to the Senate congressional records.

Ehjax78 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. It was brutal. Its speculated now 100 million lost their lives to the ✡️ Bolsheviks between the Holomodor (organized intentional mass starvation) and the 66 million (mainly Christians that were slaughtered.

Fear of exposure drove the Jews in the USSR to invent the Holocaust blood-libel against the German people,as to deflect the world’s attention away from the real genocide they had committed.

Ehjax78 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. Ill be certain to share the results with you

Ehjax78 6 points ago +6 / -0

Still X reaches lot of people. The person conducting the poll said this, "Well, this really took off. TBH, I expected 95% saying it was a true event. The wording is not highly suggestive, I wasn't aware there was such controversy and conspiracy behind the Holocaust."

Ehjax78 15 points ago +17 / -2

I believe the tide is turning. On a X poll, the question was asked, "Do you believe the Holocaust is a true event?" Of the 58,096 Votes tallied, 58% say NO.


Ehjax78 3 points ago +4 / -1

Actually Im well researched and the masses are waking up. On a X poll, the question was asked, "Do you believe the Holocaust is a true event?" Of the 58,096 Votes tallied, 58% say NO.


Ehjax78 6 points ago +6 / -0

After a small and randomized study of the Yad Vashem archives, National Justice can report that after a search of approximately 15 famous Holocaust survivors, five are listed as having been explicitly murdered, in some cases multiple times.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Many Holocaust survivors go by names like Joe, Fred, and Henry — not likely to be what they were assigned at birth. Many female ones have changed their names through marriage. Others have changed their names, especially those who moved to Israel.

Yet, even with all of this in mind, the results are shocking.

Dario Gabbai

Dario Gabbai, who died in March 2020, became famous for claiming to have been a Sonderkommando who helped gas Jews at Auschwitz. He was exposed by Dean Irebud in 2012 as a fraud.

Gabbai, born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1922, is listed in the Yad Vashem archives as having been “murdered” at Auschwitz three times.

Benjamin Lesser

Benjamin Lesser is the founder of the Zachor Holocaust Memorial Foundation. Lesser claims to have survived Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau, and currently tours the country telling Holocaust stories. He has been featured prominently in the media.

According to his biography, he was born in Krakow, Poland in 1928.

In the Shoah victims archive, he too is listed as “murdered in the Shoah.” The source used by the database is the testimony of another well-known “survivor” named Rachel Verderber, who herself appears in the archive!

Josef Salomonovic/Salomonowicz

Josef Salomonivic/Salomonowicz (Polish spelling) is another Holocaust media personality. He says he was sent to Auschwitz. According to his testimony, the Nazis killed all the children he knew except for him. Later, Nazi officers murdered his father by injecting phenol in his heart, then taunted 6-year-old Josef with the syringe.

In his biography, he says he was born 1938 and resided in the Lodz ghetto in Poland. He too is listed as having been “presumably murdered” — twice. There are multiple additional entries for a Josef Salomonowicz in the Lodz ghetto born around the same time, which may also be him.

The source cited? A census of Jews who lived in Lodz provided to the Yad Vashem by a group called “Organization of former residents of Lodz in Israel.”

Margit Buchhalter Feldman

Margit Feldman (née Buchhalter), another “Holocaust” survivor famous enough to be commemorated by name by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, passed away last month from the Coronavirus, as reported by NBC News.

Buchhalter held throughout her life that she was able to survive Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen just by lying to the Nazis about her age (18, instead of 15). Her parents were Joseph and Theresa Buchhalter.

She was born in Hungary and resided there during WWII. Her fate is registered as “murdered,” the source being a “list of murdered Jews from Yizkor books.”

Yitzhak Arad/Izak Rudnicki

Izak Rudnicki, born in Poland in 1926, is a “Holocaust” historian and survivor who changed his name to Arad after moving to Israel.

Despite having served as director of the Yad Vashem for 21 years (1972-1993), Arad/Rudnicki is listed in its files as having been murdered in the Holocaust. Once again, a random list of Jews in ghettoes is used as evidence.

Ehjax78 5 points ago +6 / -1

As for Poland Churchill started the war for the jews and then handed Poland over to those same Communist Jews that killed off all the Russians. Why do you think there were so many Poles slaughtered during WW2? Here is a hint.....it wasn't the doing of the Germans.

We have all come to understand Main Stream News blatently lies to us 100% of the time. Why would the history books be any different?

Ehjax78 7 points ago +8 / -1

Russians? Sorry but the Russians were killed off.

447 of the 556 members of the Bolshevik's administration were Jewish.

The Myth of Germain Villainy (Page 62)


During the ✡️ Talmudic Bolshevik regime of Vladimir Lenin, the civilian population of St Petersburg was reduced from 2.3 million to 830,000 in just 5 years. This was just one city.

WWII was one of the greatest genocides of Christians ✝️ in world history.

The tragedy of the ✡️ led "Russian Revolution" can't be measured by numbers alone; these people were the best people that Russia had. They were the priests, and lawyers, and merchants, and army officers, and university professors. They were the cream of Russian civilization.

According to Dr Gregor (Page 76, The Myth of Germain Villainy) by 1921 (this being reported from the ✡️ Bolshevik's Cheka published statistics) that they had killed 28 Bishops, 1,215 priests, 6000 monks (Russian Orthadox Church being one of their first targets.)

Next were the Upper Russian classes in which they killed 8,800 doctors/medical assistants, 54,650 army and Navy Officers, 10,500 police officers, 48,500 lower ranking policemen, 260,000 ordinary soldiers, 361,825 members of the 'intelligentsia," including teachers, professors, engineers, judges and 12,950 large landowners.

In all these cases of mass murder no explanations or reasons were given for their murder.


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn served 8 years in the Soviet gulags exposed jewish leadership of the genocide of 66 million communist gulag victims. Most victims were Christian believers, understandably so since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and the Christians.

Its now coming to light this is closer to 100 million.

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