by OSS_1
OSS_1 0 points ago +2 / -2

Assassinating another country's president would likely constitute a war crime regardless of whether a formal declaration of war has been made. In international law, war crimes are serious violations of the laws and customs of war, which apply during armed conflicts, whether international or non-international in nature. These violations include targeting civilians, committing acts of torture, and intentionally killing or injuring individuals protected under the laws of war, such as prisoners of war or civilians.

Assassinating a foreign leader would likely fall under the category of prohibited acts during armed conflict, regardless of the absence of a formal declaration of war. Such an act would likely be considered a grave breach of the laws and customs of war, particularly if carried out in a treacherous or unlawful manner.

Additionally, the assassination of a foreign leader outside the context of armed conflict may also be considered unlawful under international law, depending on the circumstances. It could constitute a violation of the target country's sovereignty and may be subject to prosecution as an extrajudicial killing or an act of terrorism, depending on the legal framework involved.

Ultimately, the legality of assassinating a foreign leader would depend on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the act, the applicable legal frameworks, and the consensus of the international community on the matter. However, in most cases, such actions would likely be considered illegal and subject to condemnation and possible legal consequences.

OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Neither the German Communists nor the German Nazis closely adhered to the principles of the Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung (Natural Economic Order) proposed by Silvio Gesell. However, if one were to consider which group might have been more sympathetic to certain aspects of Gesell's ideas, it would likely be the German Communists, albeit not as a core tenet of their ideology.

The Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung advocated for economic reforms aimed at creating more equitable distribution of wealth and curbing the power of capital. While the German Communists, particularly during the Weimar Republic era, were primarily influenced by Marxist ideology and advocated for a proletarian revolution to establish a classless society, they also sought economic policies that would benefit the working class and challenge the dominance of capital.

In contrast, the German Nazis pursued an economic agenda that was largely focused on rearmament, territorial expansion, and the promotion of a racially-based economy. Nazi economic policies were characterized by state control, militarization, and the subjugation of labor to the interests of the state and the Nazi Party.

While there were fringe elements within the Nazi Party that espoused anti-capitalist rhetoric, their ultimate goal was not to create an economic system based on principles of social justice or equitable distribution of wealth, as advocated by Gesell. Instead, the Nazis sought to consolidate power under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and implement policies that served their racist and expansionist agenda.

In summary, while neither the German Communists nor the German Nazis closely adhered to Gesell's Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the economic principles espoused by Gesell may have been more ideologically aligned with certain aspects of leftist and socialist thought, making them potentially more appealing to the German Communists than to the Nazis.

OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, or Natural Economic Order, was not directly related to the Nazi regime or its economic policies. In fact, the theories of Silvio Gesell, the proponent of the Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, were generally at odds with Nazi economic principles.

Silvio Gesell's ideas were based on anti-capitalist and anti-monopoly principles. He advocated for monetary reforms aimed at creating a more equitable distribution of wealth and preventing the accumulation of capital through interest or speculation. Gesell's theories were aligned more with socialist and leftist ideologies rather than with the far-right nationalism and authoritarianism of the Nazi regime.

However, it's worth noting that during the 1920s and early 1930s, there were some fringe elements within the Nazi Party who flirted with various economic theories, including some anti-capitalist and anti-Semitic ones. These elements were eventually marginalized as the Nazi Party solidified its power, and Nazi economic policy became characterized by state control, militarization, and exploitation rather than any adherence to theories like Gesell's.

Overall, while there may have been some tangential connections or overlaps in the ideological landscape of the time, the Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung was not a significant influence on Nazi economic policies, which were largely driven by the regime's pursuit of autarky, militarization, and racial ideology.

OSS_1 -2 points ago +1 / -3

The Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, or Natural Economic Order, was not directly related to the Nazi regime or its economic policies. In fact, the theories of Silvio Gesell, the proponent of the Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, were generally at odds with Nazi economic principles.

Silvio Gesell's ideas were based on anti-capitalist and anti-monopoly principles. He advocated for monetary reforms aimed at creating a more equitable distribution of wealth and preventing the accumulation of capital through interest or speculation. Gesell's theories were aligned more with socialist and leftist ideologies rather than with the far-right nationalism and authoritarianism of the Nazi regime.

However, it's worth noting that during the 1920s and early 1930s, there were some fringe elements within the Nazi Party who flirted with various economic theories, including some anti-capitalist and anti-Semitic ones. These elements were eventually marginalized as the Nazi Party solidified its power, and Nazi economic policy became characterized by state control, militarization, and exploitation rather than any adherence to theories like Gesell's.

Overall, while there may have been some tangential connections or overlaps in the ideological landscape of the time, the Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung was not a significant influence on Nazi economic policies, which were largely driven by the regime's pursuit of autarky, militarization, and racial ideology.

preventing the accumulation of capital through interest or speculation

This is called Usury. Tell me again, which group of people are specifically known for controlling money supply through these methods?

OSS_1 -1 points ago +2 / -3

You should change your name to Maxine.

1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Germany VS ANTIFA Flag

Communist Party of Germany

Honestly are you stupid?

In December 1920, the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) merged with the left wing of the Independent Social Democrats (USPD) under the leadership of Paul Levi(Jewish). The unified party had a membership in excess of four hundred thousand. Its members had recently helped defeat an attempted far-right coup, the Kapp putsch, and had great confidence about the future. Within months, however, the KPD launched an ill-fated uprising on March 17, 1921 that became known as the March Action. The insurrection was a complete failure; in its aftermath, the KPD lost more than half of its membership.

Other leadership

Rosa Luxemburg - Jewish

Karl Liebknecht - Jewish

Clara Zetkin - Jewish

Werner Scholem - Jewish

Richard Sorge - Jewish

Adolf Warski - Jewish

Ernst Toller Jewish

Hugo Eberlein Jewish

Heinz Neumann Jewish

Ruth Fischer Jewish

Margarete Buber-Neumann Jewish

Erich Mühsam - Jewish

Fritz Sternberg - Jewish

Hilde Benjamin- Jewish

Hans Eisler- Jewish

Gertrud Kolmar- Jewish

Shall I keep going?

OSS_1 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Communist Party of Germany

Honestly are you stupid?

In December 1920, the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) merged with the left wing of the Independent Social Democrats (USPD) under the leadership of Paul Levi(Jewish). The unified party had a membership in excess of four hundred thousand. Its members had recently helped defeat an attempted far-right coup, the Kapp putsch, and had great confidence about the future. Within months, however, the KPD launched an ill-fated uprising on March 17, 1921 that became known as the March Action. The insurrection was a complete failure; in its aftermath, the KPD lost more than half of its membership.

Other leadership

Rosa Luxemburg - Jewish

Karl Liebknecht - Jewish

Clara Zetkin - Jewish

Werner Scholem - Jewish

Richard Sorge - Jewish

Adolf Warski - Jewish

Ernst Toller Jewish

Hugo Eberlein Jewish

Heinz Neumann Jewish

Ruth Fischer Jewish

Margarete Buber-Neumann Jewish

Erich Mühsam - Jewish

Fritz Sternberg - Jewish

Hilde Benjamin- Jewish

Hans Eisler- Jewish

Gertrud Kolmar- Jewish

Shall I keep going?

OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Q: "The continued Nazi ideology is irrelevant"

GQD_: "Please stop talking about Jews and focus on Nazi's"

Tell ya what, the moment a German shows up in congress in full SS uniform pushing/passing laws to curb Americans ability to talk about Nazis & Germany I will start making posts about it. The moment The American German Political Action Committee makes an offer of $20mm to a politician to drop-out (a crime btw) I will start making more posts about the Nazi. Until then I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

OSS_1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Q: "The continued Nazi ideology is irrelevant"

GQD_: "Please stop talking about Jews and focus on Nazi's"

Tell ya what, the moment a German shows up in congress in full SS uniform pushing/passing laws to curb Americans ability to talk about Nazis & Germany I will start making posts about it. The moment The American German Political Action Committee makes an offer of $20mm to a politician to drop-out (a crime btw) I will start making more posts about the Nazi. Until then I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

OSS_1 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Your first post:

Q tells us the Nazis CREATED the NWO (Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order) Q tells us the Nazis never went away, that they’d simply rebranded as the “modern day left”.

Actual Q post:


OSS_1 0 points ago +3 / -3


Interesting, that on a post about Jews in the congress making laws to remove freedom of speech from Americans this is your line of questioning, and not why these (((dual-loyalties))) even have the opportunity to make laws for us. I wonder, if the person in the picture was wearing the MILITARY UNIFORM of any other NATION while in our congress making laws would you be here questioning why I am so mean to the poor people of said nation?

GQD_ :

Nazi World Order

division fag muh joo shill

you come off as more of a division fag

SAVING Israel from the Kabal

baby being pushed out of the vagina of some random lady in Israel

Everyone pay very close attention this. Today I posted about how Congress was planning to pass a bill to defund our DoD, NSC and State Department if we didn't give unlimited money and arms to Israel, I posted about how congress is passing laws to curb free speech so we can't point out Dual-loyalties from a Jew wearing an IDF uniform in the US Congress, and lastly, a shit-fuck-ton of evidence that a MOSSAD/IDF ring is operating on US Soil and attacking American Citizens, almost to the point of killing them.

And after all that, this "totally-organic-poster" is only interested in protecting Jews and claiming I am a Muh Joo shill for mentioning these things. After you get a laugh out of this, go to the following website and look where these same people have posted the same thing 15,000 times.

I guess if the Jews stopped doing so much shit for me to talk about I wouldn't talk about them as much.

OSS_1 2 points ago +4 / -2

Kek, I thought I was being pretty nice. Doing my best to not give anyone a chance to ban me.

OSS_1 2 points ago +6 / -4

I’ve seen some of your claims against mods here

No, you saw me speaking about specific scenarios. Why you chose to respond here without the context of what was said is unknown.

you put a lot of focus into the Jewish deep state.

Because I read the Q drops and Protocols of Zion, I then reconciled and discerned for myself who leads the Cabal and who Q was speaking about.

But Q has also blasted Hitler as being a bloodline family puppet, in fact Q tells us the Nazis CREATED the NWO (Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order)



Q confirmed Hitler was a puppet of the NWO, yes. Q never mentioned Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, definitely didn't say NAZI's created it. He responded to an anon that posted it as seen above. This is called "whataboutism".

How do you refer or label the “Jewish Deep State”

This is the ever-present "Not-all-jews" argument. It's boring and pedantic. The head of the Cabal lies in Israel. Which is why Israel was saved for last, and you are watching them be exposed in real-time world-wide, while the World is Watching.

For Some of them to want us divided, their has to be a THEM to begin with.


Interesting, that on a post about Jews in the congress making laws to remove freedom of speech from Americans this is your line of questioning, and not why these (((dual-loyalties))) even have the opportunity to make laws for us.

I wonder, if the person in the picture was wearing the MILITARY UNIFORM of any other NATION while in our congress making laws would you be here questioning why I am so mean to the poor people of said nation?

I bet not.

OSS_1 3 points ago +5 / -2

Whole lot of Kayfabe going on. New Unlocks Map. Going to be a very interesting rest of 2024 and 2025.

OSS_1 8 points ago +11 / -3

Although my account is two years old, I only started posting here recently. As with all forum, there are good and bad mods. Usually the good mods don't want to accept that some of their peers have ulterior motives.

It's just part of the game. The only way to combat it is to make people aware of the tactics shills use. Check my post history, day before yesterday I was scolded by a mod for calling out that specific users ALWAYS come into any thread related to Jews and run defense, but magically, yesterday you saw all the pro-zionist shills attacking me and my posts and no one says a word. Yesterday I was called and I quote:

You are an unAmerican and unpatriotic cuckold. Venting by satisfying your need for division is the reason you do not belong.

No mods came to say a word.

But today u/PankekGirl was banned for saying someone "must be retarded" for implying they were ok with IDF agents almost killing American college students.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies:


It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum offline. By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes.

OSS_1 0 points ago +2 / -2

Are you retarded ? Your very first post was responding to u/bubble_bursts who posted my thread from yesterday you copied and removed information from. Really pathetic attempt.


posted 1 day ago by OSS_1

OSS_1 0 points ago +2 / -2

And I posted TEN HOURS before your sloppy post you cite in your comment!

posted 1 day ago by OSS_1

ELAN CARR - FORMER LA DDA - Biden appointee to Monitor & Combat Antisemitism

TOM BIBIYAN - Agitator at Trump Rallies

Money laundering for MOSSAD - All the 501c corporations - Especially those related to BLM - (Black & Jewish Unity)

House of Shoor - Israeli Supreme court Pyramid SYMBOLISM

All mysteriously missing.

inb4 you edit your original post to try to act like the info you "cohencidently" left out is there and you claim again that I lied."

Whoops, too late.

Sloppy Job all around. And look at that, here come the sock puppet downvotes for me and sock puppet upvotes for you. Your methods are no longer secret. We all see you.

OSS_1 14 points ago +17 / -3

How do we get the dual-loyalties to vote to get rid of dual-loyalties?

OSS_1 5 points ago +8 / -3

100% but first they have to fully exposed. To many on the right or left REFUSE to accept what is happening.

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