EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bridge is open, this bridge will close when high winds are in affect. This is common and just minimizes the chance of trucks getting blown over. If you have ever been on the bridge in a regular vehicle with mildly high wind speeds, you would understand. This is a nothing burger

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would love to see it because I have not seen any. My inlaws in Florida have a business too and have not seen any bills after 2017. We have been looking.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +3 / -1

The fed has not printed money since 2017. I use a lot of cash and I have been looking for new bills for years now and there is nothing printed past 2017. Only minted coins have appeared since. I honestly believe the fed has been ended in some form in the US but there are so many moving parts we have not seen it yet.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 6 points ago +6 / -0

I will only say one thing here, God's chosen people are those that have faith in him and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well."

Now go ask a Jew near you what they think of Jesus Christ of the new testament, because they openly called him a madman, a false messiah, on and on. This is all you need to know about who God's chosen people are. Jesus is the messiah and the churches of all religions were infiltrated a long time ago by those that call themselves Jews but are of the Synagogue of Satan.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 0 points ago +1 / -1

Whatcha talkin bout Willis? Have you seen how much the Synagogue of Satan owns in the US? In my opinion it's time to light an oven or 2....oops did I say that.......

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know, I remember a time that schools didn't need these things, maybe it's time the world learns to go back to using paper and pencils again.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +2 / -0

My service is going just fine, have ATT, hubby work phone is Verizon and is working fine and have a few loved ones with US Cellular that are up and going. We've had no issues at all this morning.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not going to say that this was not an assassination attempt on someone but I do have to say one thing. My home is also classified as having heat pump and electric as the heating source according to the county records. In Virginia you do not have to register when you install an alternate heating source. I have gas as an alternative, my parents have a wood stove and gas in their home and the county records show electric heat pump as well. So I cannot just go by what the county records state. Depends on who lives there and what they know.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +3 / -2

Wow, can you tell what religious group he is affiliated with? I can, they control so much. Time to shut them down!!!

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Epstein didn't kill himself. History is full of lies. All I am going to say.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

"I can't think of anyone who even looks like the burley guy."

Maybe you do know this person but your mind sees this person differently than your eyes. I too analyze my dreams, think of his voice, his posture, how he carried himself, sometimes in my dreams I see those around me differently. It is almost like a child can perceive a regular person as a monster with fangs and claws because that person might have hurt them whereas we may just see a regular guy. The mind is funny that way. God bless and carry on fren.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 19 points ago +19 / -0

Your dream sounds like a fairly good dream, like maybe your self-consciousness knows something more, but I have to put this out there. The question is this, was Hitler truly evil? If you say yes, keep digging. If you say no, keep digging. If you answer this question with another question, keep digging. The truth is there and it honestly would put 99% in the hospital because they would not be able to handle it. I will share this though, there is not one historical document that supports the biggest atrocity he is accused of however there is a ton of evidence that proves that WW2 was a complete lie and the propaganda machine was an easy push. Even my grandfather who fought that war believed the same thing as one of his generals believed, we were fighting the wrong side. If you don't know who said that, then you have to take this from Q. The Q post are there to cause an awakening to the truth. Don't settle for being told, research everything, trust nothing till you have dug into it. There is a reason why Trump was referred to by the left as being like Hitler and there is a reason why people currently refer to todays events as being like Weimar Germany. Hitler today is portrayed as an evil dictator that wanted to eliminate one group of people. It is a lie, I would suggest reading a few books that Henry Ford wrote. Maybe look into the findings of David Irving. Then dig around and watch a few of Hitler's speeches because they are pretty powerful. The same people who controlled so much then still control so much now and these are the true vermin we need to eliminate. History is always written by the victors, don't always trust the narrative.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess it's time to set up something else they can't control. A new type of internet.....

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it time? Can we start calling them out? I'm so excited and have so much to share!!! When you know, you know ;)

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have to Thank you all!!! I watched the Tik Tok video that is attached and started digging from there. I don't have that app and never see anything from there. Appears that liberals wrote a book earlier this year saying that conservatives will push these agendas through. So Fear Porn at its greatest.....

I give it to my friend for at least asking and not just running with the false narrative. I have supplied her with everything I can that discredits this load of crap. I told her that as a conservative and as a Christian I do support the nuclear family agenda however I would never support taking a child from a loving parent and putting them with a drunken abuser. I know that this situation is reversed in some cases and the women are the crap parent but in her situation I saw what she went through. She is so protective and her oldest child is pretty based. But I know she worries about her youngest. Her mind is at a bit of ease and I am happy we could bring her that peace.

Thanks frens

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +2 / -0

This may be a little longer however it is of some concern to me as it effects many people I know but one in particular.

I received a call today from a friend that is recently waking up, she is a single mother who left an abusive relationship. She started the conversation with, "what do you know about this 2025 plan?" She is looking at a direction on how to vote. I asked her what she had heard and why it was a concern to her, she stated that she had heard both side wanted this plan in place and that she was told that mothers who are not married to the fathers of their children will have to relinquish custody of their children to their natural fathers and will be blocked from even visitation. I have not heard anything of the sorts on this. I told her that 99.9% of the democrats are the ones going for globalist control and that a lot of Republicans are Rinos and fold to the whims of the globalist as well. We had a long talk and I told her I would check on her concerns and get back with her.

So my question is about children being taken from single mothers and given to fathers even if they are abusive.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 5 points ago +6 / -1

I see a lot of deleted comments, those post must have been glowing pretty brightly....haha!!!

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 5 points ago +6 / -1

I love it, so many people have started waking up around me because of their propaganda. It is funny because people are noticing when it is pushed so hard, something is always off.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 6 points ago +6 / -0

I follow him on Instagram, only thing I have, and he is loud and funny. He has been very active.

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