FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd bet you're wrong.

I've been predicting for a couple of years now that the truth about the 2020 election fraud would be revealed to the public shortly before the 2024 election.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bezos/Amazon may be puppet masters behind short hedge funds action naked shorting retailers

May be? You're being overly generous with giving them the benefit of doubt.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s a link to X. Maybe you need X to view, I’m not sure, but it’s still working for me.

FuckNewsom 10 points ago +10 / -0

“ Methods which info collected/ obtained? Admissible in the court of law? Insert Rudy” ~ Q


FuckNewsom 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is far better to try this in the Court of Public Opinion where people clearly see the double standard

Well said, and that goes for most things currently going on, in addition to this Garland issue.

FuckNewsom 4 points ago +4 / -0

I also hold no illusion that the majority of these hedge funds would be able to cover the shorts

Especially since, according to the SEC's own report several years ago, GME was shorted 226%, and the shorts have only dug the hole much deeper since then.

FuckNewsom 4 points ago +4 / -0

GME MOASS, there will be signs...

As we know, Archegos, among others, went under from shorting GME. Bill Hwang's (Archegos) trial just started... https://www.reuters.com/legal/what-are-charges-facing-archegos-founder-bill-hwang-his-deputy-2024-05-08/

Archegos shorts were packaged into swaps which were absorbed by Credit Suisse. FYI, I'm far from knowledgable on the mechanics of this swaps stuff, I just have a rudimentary understanding of what has occurred to date.

Anyway, after Archegos went under in 2021 some researchers on SuperStonk wrote DD (due diligence) that predicted when the swaps expire in spring of 2023 that Credit Suisse would be in deep shit. Fast forward to spring of 2023 and sure enough, Credit Suisse collapsed.

So what happened to the toxic swaps at they point? They moved up the chain to the Swiss banking behemoth, UBS. So how is UBS doing? Not good, lol... https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/ubs-brink-switzerlands-too-big-fail-reckoning-2024-04-08/

So what happened on Monday 5/13 when MOASS began? UBS COO, Penny Tunbridge apparently saw the writing on the wall, and decided to not stick around for the looming implosion, and she abruptly split... https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/the-woman-running-ubs-s-integration-office-quit-unexpectedly

Long story short, this Uncle Bill guy does a good job of explaining the basic metrics of the company, which, like he says, are much better than the narrative pushed by fake-news financial media, but he's looking at metrics (numbers) like any analyst would do, and not what's ACTUALLY looming in the background.

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

He did more than any other resident to wake up the masses

At this point nobody can convince me that it's not intentional. He's controlled by our side.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here. MainStar was big waste of time.

FuckNewsom 28 points ago +28 / -0

I've had a theory, and mentioned it here before, that Covid vax injury info is being drip, drip, drip, flood released to the public, and that will continue, more and more as 2024 progresses, until it gets to a point later this year where it has become widespread publicly acknowledged by everyone that the shots are dangerous. This will be a precipice for a lot of people. Then, just prior to the election a MOAB will come to light that the shots initially released while Trump was still in office (the ones that had to be stored at below zero temperature, and carefully administered within a specific timeframe after being removed from deepfreeze) were swapped out for different shots (no longer requiring deepfreeze, and having blank paperwork in the boxes the vials come in) after Trump left. Over the past several weeks we're suddenly seeing Covid vax injury stories beginning to go mainstream... AstraZeneca banned due to clotting, media figures like Bill Maher talking about vax injury, etc. Now I just saw this post about YouTube quietly reinstating previously banned Covid content, which goes along with my theory.

So speaking of YouTube, here's another theory that I've been considering for a couple of years now...

Firstly, to consider this theory, then you have to be onboard with the "I caught them all, I caught the swamp" and "We have it all" statements, and be open minded about considering that ALMOST EVERYTHING we have been seeing over the past several years might not actually be a fight between Black Hats and White Hats, but instead a meticulously planned "movie" designed to awaken the public, because... "Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE" ~ Q

What I've been pondering is "what if" White Hats have had control of MSM, and social media this whole time. I first began thinking about this because of one fact that I can't explain otherwise. That is after Trump saved Mohamed Bin Salman's life (Las Vegas) MBS then became sort of an ambassador for Trump (for lack of a better term) and met with CEOs, heads of business and tech, and heads of social media platforms. What were they discussing? What deals were made? Did people submit, to save their skin, and agree to play their part in this "movie"?

Was the banning of Trump from Twitter, the censorship of our social media posts, the lies and omissions from the MSM, all of it, part of the plan to SHOW the public how corrupt everything is? Is it now time, in this election year, for the pendulum to swing back to where the media will start drip, drip, dripping out actual truths? CNN fired a bunch of their "talent" (Cuomo, Lemon, Stelter, etc.) and now Trump is doing interviews and debates on CNN, and public sentiment and polling continues to increase in favorability towards Trump. I can't really put it into words, but I keep thinking that maybe EVERYTHING has been meticulously scripted from the beginning, but orchestrated in such a way that to the casual observer it's been a public awakening that is organic in nature.

More info about MBS being a liaison between Trump and CEOs, big tech execs, etc. are in this excellent 43 minute video... https://www.bitchute.com/video/AEJ8GviWjpur/

FuckNewsom 5 points ago +5 / -0

For the past few days, watching these videos every 15 minutes, it’s become obvious this isn’t just one guy doing all this. White Hat operation, for sure.

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

The first day (after 24 hours of fasting) you'll be hungry and thinking about food, and tempted to break the fast, but when you wake up the second day, for some reason the hunger subsides. At least that's how it's been for me.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Several years ago, I can't remember when exactly, I stopped eating breakfast, and had nothing until lunchtime. I can't say if it's related, but the last time I've been sick will be four years in July, and I'm thinking that's about the same time (four years ago) that I stopped eating breakfast.

A little over a year ago I also ditched dinner, and now do all my eating mid-day, within a three hour window, and at 57 years old I'm in the best shape of my life, and look and feel much younger.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

no one has to force them to come up with these crazy ideas.

Correct. But they’ve done it gradually over decades, and the sleeping masses weren’t aware.

The Q plan forces that gradual grift into warp speed, and voilà, now the sleeping masses are suddenly awakening. Trust the plan, it’s clearly working.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Comirnaty was approved, but not available in USA, and BioNtech, which wasn’t approved, is what was being administered… from what I remember

Granted I haven’t followed along with this stuff the past couple of years, since the vax hoopla tapered off, so I’m just going off what I remember from ~2021, and maybe things have changed since I stopped paying attention.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

And don’t confuse “approved” with “authorized.”

The shots were authorized, with the Emergency Use Authorization loophole. They weren’t approved. They couldn’t be legally mandated because they weren’t approved.

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