FuckNewsom 4 points ago +4 / -0

What does the Law of War manual state as to the requirements for the military to step in for 11.3?

If I’m remembering correctly, all three branches (Executive, Legislative, and JUDICIAL) have to be shown to be corrupted.

What is the public being shown currently?

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another thing to watch is it looks like BuyBuyBaby was carved out of Bed Bath Beyond in the Chapter 11 reorganization, and is going to be acquired by Icahn's IEP.


FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

A massive short squeeze on GME could propel it up to $1T quite easily (~$3,952 per share)

During the '21 sneeze, when they shut off buying, partial shares were selling for around $5k share price. For example, if you sold .5 of a share it went for $2,500.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, Hillary is Alice, and Saudi Arabia is Wonderland, these are both mentioned many times in the drops.

Snow White is in a lot of drops...


FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that it has “bank” in the headline seems like maybe this could be a comm, and not a casual shopping trip.

On the same weekend that Trump is campaigning for crypto and self-custody, Joe is supporting the bank.

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

My closest friend is O- as well, and he regularly donates blood anyway.

I’m O+ and wish I was O-

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

So in your “credit card run” scenario, instead of using the cards to buy random things, what if everyone got a card and maxed it out on physical silver, to break (fix) the system.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tragedy? He was a career criminal with a mile-long rap sheet who held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach during a robbery.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the link to that. So right at the top it lists time of death at 9:25pm...

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but wasn't the whole overblown media talking point that he was killed there in the street from suffocation by a knee on his neck?

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, if you believe in Devolution, and that White Hats are running the show, then that quote could be accurate.

FuckNewsom 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m not sure how this works, but is metals trading closed in USA for Memorial Day (like the stock market is) and they’re unable to artificially suppress the price today, so it has natural price movement?

FuckNewsom 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wasn’t being critical of your comment, I was just using it to draw attention to the antemortem wording in the report, since I never see anyone acknowledge that.

FuckNewsom 6 points ago +6 / -0

One was about 8.5 minutes long and showed portions of his arrest and ended right around his death

What do you mean by “his death”? It says right there in the report that an antemortem (before death) blood sample was drawn at 9pm. So he died sometime after 9pm.


FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know a nurse at CHOC (Children’s Hospital) and she told me that doctors there are required that each patient (again, these are children) MUST be prescribed at least one Rx.

FuckNewsom 9 points ago +9 / -0

If the Biden admin. goes on TV and brags about convicting his political opponent then that is a very bad look for him. Clearly, he should keep quiet about the political persecution of his rival, and leave it up to their henchmen in the MSM to deliver the propaganda narratives.

So if he does do this, then it furthers my belief that this Biden character, wether it's actually him, or not, is controlled by us, to intentionally sabotage the Dem Party. It all seems like a scripted movie to awaken the public, and it's working.

FuckNewsom 0 points ago +1 / -1

An asset is merely something you own, and crypto is something you can own.

Why does it have value? Because, like any other asset, it is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. I personally don't see much inherent value in a Picaso painting, but if someone is willing to pay millions, then it's a valued asset.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some kind of huge crypto proponent, but I'm a realist that clearly sees our current Federal Reserve dollars rapidly depreciating in value, so I'm open minded about alternatives to store wealth.

People say that gold is the baseline, because 10 kilograms of gold would buy a nice house 50 years ago, 25 years ago, today, and theoretically in the future. So if we compare everything in relation to the baseline gold standard, then dollars are decreasing in value vs. gold, while Bitcoin is increasing in value vs. gold. Currently I have approx. 6% of my net worth in Bitcoin, about 5% in gold, and 10% in silver.

Wether or not Bitcoin, or crypto, evolves into a useful tool of some sort in the future isn't my concern at this point; maybe it will, maybe it won't, and only time will tell. But for now, at this point in time, for me, it's merely an asset that has served me well protecting my life savings against a depreciating dollar. To be honest, having only 6% in crypto seems too conservative, if anything.

TLDR: I'm not hyping crypto, I'm merely taking advantage of what it currently offers me.

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