Inidaho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, I will start with x22 report. Many people poo-Pooh it, but there is good info on it.


Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can’t we just drone strike these fuckers? If Obama can do it, can’t we do it too?

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gives me visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!

If he is truly alive and if Hillary truly has already been killed, I hope to all hat is holy that the last sight she saw before the rope drop was Junior staring her in cold black eyes.

Inidaho 11 points ago +11 / -0

Many years ago (more than 20, I was told that my "bad cholesterol" was too high and that I should start taking this new wonder drug called Lipitor. My doctor even gave me a brown bag with several boxes of samples that were provided to him so that I could try it out. The doctor informed me that I would probably need to take choresterol medicine for the rest of my life.

I went home that night and stared at the little brown bag. At the time I was in great health, I was riding my bike over 100 miles a week and sometimes 200 miles. I was eating well and not drinking much. I told myself that I refused to take medicine like that for the rest of my life and I threw the bag away.

That was pretty much when I stopped going to the doctor.

Fast forward 20 plus years and I ended up going to a functional medicine professional. We talked about my history and I told her that story, along with how my family on my mom's side does have heart related issues. She asked me if I had ever gotten a calcium deposit scan, where the measure the calcium deposits in your arteries and veins. I told her that I have never heard of it. She said that everyone should take that test because it is the best way to determine if you are at risk of a heart attack. On a scale of 1-300 (300 being worst case and at extreme risk of having a heart attack/artery blockage), I scored a 1.

It was at that time, that the functional medicine professional told me her story about lipitor. She said that she could probably pinpoint the date my old doctor gave me that brown bag within 4 months. She said that it was at the time Lipitor came out and the ADA (or some other government entitiy) had just lowered the numbers for bad chloresterol and raised the numbers for good chloresterol. At the exact same time that Lipitor hit the market and filled as the perfect medication for someone that was not hitting within the new numbers. She went one to say that she remembered it because a colleague of hers was working for the company that sold Lipitor and she saw him at a convention where he was touting the new drug. A couple of years later, she ran into the same colleague and he was no longer working for Pfizer because he couldn't feel good about the products he was representing.

I swear I look back on those days and think that I was living my own personal redition of Dopesick, except rather than pain pills it was chloresterol medicine.

Phuck Farma!

Inidaho 3 points ago +3 / -0

I couldn’t agree more. Disheartening in the fact that here we are 6 years later in this subject. Then we are 4 years later on voting irregularities. Somehow there needs to be an expedited timeline foe “world pandemics and our constitutional right to vote”.
Hey, I am alright if you have to ink my fucking thumb on voting day. Let’s do this. It isn’t like you don’t already have my finger prints by going through my garbage.

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Biden Administration doesn't pick up the bill for Red State "accidents".

Inidaho 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has been an issue in the mountains for quite a while. Japanese car manufactures using soy insulated wiring on all electrical cables. Mountain critters of all sorts eat them up. Shorts out the electrical systems.

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck Howard Stern. That guys has always been a whiny ass little bitch, who has been given a microphone for far too long. Stupidest thing Sirius radio ever did was give him a contract. That company has sucked ever since.

Inidaho 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel all warm and fuzzy after reading this story. One tall order of Amos FAFO, please.

Inidaho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Free speech is under attack with censorship. Our monetary system has been under attack since 1913.
We are under attack from our government with taxation.
We are under attack from our representatives in Congress with spending and debt.

Inidaho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hahaha updoot for info, but I want another one for your name tag!

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

I should also add that he has been imprisoned since 1974. For 50 years we have been housing him and giving him 3 meals a day.

Also, this was going to be the state’s first execution in 12 years.

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least with a bullet, if you miss, the execution is only postponed long enough to chamber another bullet.

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

We did this because we tried to have our first execution in many years by lethal injection a couple weeks ago. Apparently, they couldn’t find a good vein to administer the injection, so the execution was halted and postponed.

Inidaho 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Literally, would you rather be itchy or sticky your whole life?” Hahaha!

In my eyes, he’s a journalist for asking this guy that question!

Inidaho 1 point ago +1 / -0

If some of these people truly have been executed, I do hope we don’t miss out in seeing this part of their demise. We deserve it.

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