Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

btw i just wanna add....

i love videos like this because its watching the great awakening happen in real time. like, this dude became a Fren through this video. if it comes down to war hes on our side and if that isnt an awakening what is

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

at about 6:30 into the video, hes talking about Struggles line....

*how are all these kids molested and nobody been arrested"

and he, in his own words, basically said throw these pedos in the wood chipper which i mean makes him a fren imo lol

how did that q drop go? something about the crimes against children will unite us all against them....

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

On that note, have you ever watched "the wayseers manifesto" ?

every now and then (i actually have posted it as its own post here before) i get an urge that someone needs to see this shit. i been watching this 10 min.... song(?) for a decade and i dunno, when life stops making sense i watch this and it brings me back on my feet

Maybe itll hit you the way it hit me and maybe it wont. but if it does then its worth bringing it up.

either way - wasnt that video about the flag amazing? i find some cool stuff on youtube sometimes LOL


Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, here's the comment from the Marine I mentioned

@mickluchsinger486 1 month ago As a US Marine, I can tell you that if you are brave enough to come here and stand under our flag we will fight to make sure you have your freedom. Was taught a code in the Marines, stand behind me and I will protect you, stand beside me and I will respect you, stand against the people we protect and we will show no mercy. That is one of the best things about this country we take all that want to be here and protect and learn from everyone. Semper Fi NEVER FORGOTTEN USMC

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

This guy isn't even in America and he gets it more than some of the people we call neighbors. I feel sorry for them though, alot of them just got brainwashed.

But - even though its a bit hard to hear what hes saying at the end with his accent (Who knows how long he's even known how to speak English) this guy had some good things to say, id rather have him as a neighbor than some green haired white girl who hates me because im white and dont want to bang a tranny LOL

yeah though, I actually never knew that story about the anthem. Im glad he didnt pause it or put ad breaks in or anything and just let it play. Thats a powerful story and it reminds me that although we're in a whole different type of war today due to technology - it wasnt easy for them so we cant expect it to be easy for us either.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im not sure if im doing either of those things to be honest. Im pretty down right now in body mind AND spirit. But, I'll Job it out if I have to. My mind is usually my worst enemy.

Jamezelo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Plus, I dealt with depression before i was even redpilled. its hard some days man it really is

Jamezelo 9 points ago +9 / -0

As my own personal life gets worse, honestly Im back to a point I just want this whole shithouse to burn down in flames. Like, we're gonna have to rebuild from the ashes ANYWAY and so many of us know what a bullshit matrix us Neos are stuck inside.

I just want shit to happen. let this bs game we have to play each day for "society" be over so i can be happy about waking up tomorrow again. it aint gonna come until the storm does

i dont know my point other than i know im not the only one.

Im just tired, boss.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

TO BE CRASS AND BLUNT - a hard penis can both create a life and destroy the life someone knows. these predators destroy..... but a child born between two people who want to build a family? that makes that penis a beautiful thing. lol

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's only two things that make sense

your proposal... its literally sexuality being weaponized against the people. Its a breakdown of anything that is "Good" in Gods Eyes. Its perversion in an epidemic level. It's part of the attempted destruction of the "family". The White Picket family life that made "America" great is exterminated at the seed level if that seed (sperm) is never planted to grow.

The other theory i've seen that definitely sounds plausible - Big Mike. The sudden huge push for this "community" that was once so under the radar it was in the basement UNDER "niche"....its so that when Michelle is revealed to be Mike to the masses, they accept it (if not fuckin GLORIFY it)

which, to be honest.... even that 2nd theory is just a branch of the 1st one. So, yeah -

I definitely believe the insanity that "sexuality" and gender and etc has became..... its definitely an orchestrated attack against us.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

i feel sorry for the people that were born/married into these families who arent part of the evil in their blood. I dont know anything about her, so i dont mean her in particular just various sons/daughters of these politicians, celebrities, etc. Who knows what some of them have seen/been through/know happened.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Putting Fauci's "wife" in charge of ethics is like putting Rick James and Snoop Dogg in charge of the evidence locker at the DEA.

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just had a random thought but wouldnt it be a kicker if he ended up teaming up with someone with the last name Costello. to know "Abbott and Costello" are part of this would just be a kek to me

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

On a related note: people still get scared by that "known by the state of California to cause cancer" thing.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

We've cracked jokes about how there's places in the world where theyll cut your hands off your stealing. But, at this point I just say if you make someone a victim in a sex crime...it should be met with castration.

Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

a year with an unlimited budget? might as well write a shopping list of locations. why not. with an unlimited budget i could go get stoned in amsterdam then sleep on the plane all the way to australia then say screw it lets go back up that way i wanna check out iceland then wake up in nepal before it hits friday.

Jamezelo 5 points ago +5 / -0

my goto video? this. for sure. i found this video a decade ago and i still turn to it when i need the wick to my candle relit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPR3GlpQQJA

Jamezelo 9 points ago +9 / -0

I wanted to make this a post but i wasnt sure if it quite fit the criteria for being a post, so im hoping manyof you see this and enjoy it as much as i do. that said -

heres any Men out there struggling right now, whether its because youre a Father, a Husband, or just... a Man trying to survive -

you should spend 10 minutes and watch this video. Or at least watch a few of the submissions even if you dont get through it all.

If you aren't familiar with Dax - i've posted him here before because he has glorified Christ through his music. This link is a compilation of TONS of amazing contributions that his talented fans have submitted after his To Be A Man song became very successful and he gave away a version with room for other people to hop on and tell THEIR story

to be honest, first time i watched this - im not too proud to admit i cried

these are the people we fight for, the true AMERICANS.... people with a good heart who refuse to give up even when it gets tough. But, men's mental health is an invisible epidemic in todays world. There's so many people teetering at the breaking point with no outlet to deal with that.


Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since someone gave you a downvote, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just didn't completely understand my context behind that, and let me explain what I meant (because I absolutely agree but you also don't seem to be on the same page my context was)

Regrow into an America that we were proud of. That our allies respected and our enemies feared. Literally just... MAGA. lol

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

for the record if you click it and musically....just aint feeling it LOL

at least check out the end, he sampled that iconic moment that trump replied to hillary with "because youd be in jail"

damn i miss the days he was on the same stage as some of these lunatics and just keep it real

before that, he also ends his verse with "throw hillary in the slammer cause we with Donald Trump in makin America grander"

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