MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0


Foreboding refers to a feeling that something bad will happen or an implication that something negative is about to occur1. It’s like a sense of impending doom, often accompanied by anxiety or apprehension. For example, when you read a note with a sense of foreboding, it means you anticipate something unpleasant or ominous. The word can also be used as an adjective to describe something that implies negativity or danger. So, if you have a strange foreboding that something might go wrong, you’re experiencing that sense of unease or premonition.

I get it sometimes, its a horrible feeling.

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could it be to do with this - UK Gov is a Corporation that ceased in Sep 2023

UK records suggest that the UK Government is a corporation, owned entirely by one man- Laird James Coutts (see below)

The UK Government corporation was started on 29 July 2005...


MagnaCartaAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very nice Graphic, looked up Coutts and a Reuters Fact Check was top of the page, bullshitting it as Fake, and contradicting their own findings that there was indeed a Government UK ltd registered in 2005 and dissolved in 2023, and how on Facebook the conspiracy theorists were saying this points to a coming financial collapse.

Also , Nigel Farage had a Bank Account at Coutts and was De-Banked

Coutts bank scandal - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Farage_Coutts_bank_scandal

Nigel Farage Coutts bank scandal occurred in June 2023 when the private bank Coutts closed the account held by the British broadcaster and former politician Nigel Farage. NatWest, the owner of Coutts, initially claimed that he failed to meet the Coutts eligibility criteria of holding £1,000,000 or more in his....

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not new either, but have a new account, I never did much posting, but came here before the election, found The Donald and from there, found this site.

I like that fake news gets outed by Eagle Eyed Anons, and real news that Legacy does not cover, can be found here.

MagnaCartaAgain 6 points ago +6 / -0

They should have to disclose it before the shot.

I was not as awake then, though our family has always been cautious of certain vaccines after my aunt had a reaction to the BCG jab, we kept clear of that one.

MagnaCartaAgain 22 points ago +22 / -0

This happened to me in 2014, went to hospital for an animal bite, I got given( if I remember correctly), DPT, The nurse who jabbed me happily informed me AFTER jabbing me, I asked why when I did not need those other two things and she said it was cheaper for them to produce it that way, I had butterflies in my tummy and deeply unsettled.

My health went downhill 3 weeks later, weird flu like, pink eye, sleep paralysis, long list of issues, was never sure if it was a reaction to the very bacterial bite or the needle, I always felt it was the jab, it took many months to be at half function, and years later still have lingering side effects. I did what research I could at that time (googled) could find nothing (felt it was being hidden, that nothing was coming up).

More recently, on this site have heard of the Netherlands data on DPT, pretty scary.

I did a lot of juicing and detoxing, bentonite clay etc, but never back to how I was before that jab, have not been near a needle ever again.

MagnaCartaAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a fashion back in 2013/14, I saw an article (UK) pushing it, did not understand what it was about then.

MagnaCartaAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

4942 Oct 30, 2020 11:38:45 AM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5915fd No. 11359798


**This is not ABOUT R v D. ** This is ABOUT preserving our way of life. If America falls, the World falls. Patriots on guard. Q

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

You would think Aliens had landed and geo-engineering the world to suit them.

MagnaCartaAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly what I was wondering, follow the money, who gains from this?

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

China owns or has a finger in the pie of other countries natural resources and infrastructure, water, energy, property etc.

Our Governments are sell-outs!

MagnaCartaAgain 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sounds like some sort of scam going on, who pockets the money?

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the Russians arrived at the US Niger Airbase a few days ago, where US troops are still on base.

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm, can we opt-out of this?, or, are they automatically opting us in, just like the NHS in UK is doing.

MagnaCartaAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought I opted out a couple of years ago, do we have to keep doing it?

MagnaCartaAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

Notable people with coloboma include actor John Ritter, model/actress Karolina Wydra, The New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, pop singer songwriter Lachi, and George Soros. Madeleine McCann, a young girl who went missing in Portugal in 2007, does not have the condition. She has a freckle under her pupil. However further analysis intentifies the many child victims of James Alefanfis were supposedly being harvested for this gene trait and others according to anonymous sources. [citation needed] Her unique eye was a large part of her parents' media appeal to find he

MagnaCartaAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree, men need their spaces too, and this push to make clubs that were once exclusive to men become unisex is wrong.

(Maybe one "open day" every week or so where both can mingle might be a nice thing, some men might enjoy having their spouse into their space once in a while, but it has to be vice versa).

They are trying to blend human beings into being one race, one sex, and probably even to erase children too, they will be "smaller persons".

Whatever they say, they want the opposite, Diversity, means the end goal is sameness. Being Inclusive means to exclude that which they wish to erase...etc....etc.

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