Ranlove 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually djtfp.com takes u to the same web processing by winred. No matter which one u give to some is going to the RNC. I recall several comments on this board that said so. Here is the disclaimer:

  1. 90% to DJTFP, which will designate the funds first to its primary election account, then to its general election account, and finally to its recount account, up to a maximum of $3,300 ($5,000) per election; and

  2. 10% to the RNC, up to a maximum of $413,000 ($150,000) per year.

Ranlove 4 points ago +4 / -0

“Oil is abiotic” the earth makes it. We will never run out. According to the experts we should have run out in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s ….

Ranlove 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Separate and distinct” = won’t kill, disable cause harm in any way, like the other batches we made for the public.

Ranlove 2 points ago +2 / -0

I knew all this but hearing again from yet another source had me shaking with anger. I had a friend die with complete system failure and died within 3 days after getting the shot a month earlier, kidneys first then liver he was fine 3 days before. There must be an accounting. “They knew Remdisiver caused kidney failure cause it says so right on the label.” 🤬

Ranlove -5 points ago +8 / -13

This makes me think she would be an honorable and wonderful VP. Clears up the gray areas about her that I often hear on GW. Over one hour long she covers the reason she left the Democrat party.

Ranlove 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is that the medical community has gotten lazy, they just throw pills at the sickness instead of asking the questions that would fix the problem instead of hiding the symptoms. Of course this is because they get a shit load of money for vaccinations and pushing pills from big pharmaceutical industries. Questions like “what’s your lifestyle like, what’s your diet like, do you exercise regularly” etc etc.

Ranlove 1 point ago +1 / -0

So according to this video, the masks are damn near flawless. This means that it’s not the masks that they’re using on the poser. Cause these are terrible.

Ranlove 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that she’s still running and saying that she can bring it home means she’s been told by the deep state she IS going win. Expect some kind of weird election snafu. No proof just a gut feeling …

Ranlove 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your correct!! The RDA is WAY too low. It would be impossible to get your levels to 100. I have been taking 15000 IU in the summer and 20000 in the winter here in Houston. My last test blood levels were 160+. I haven’t had my usual strep and allergies since 2019 when I started. No clot shot and a mild case of Covid in 2021. I am 76.

Ranlove 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump was going to release data that was going to clear him but then changed his mind to save it for the trial. So what happened to that?

Ranlove 5 points ago +5 / -0

The sky is falling the sky is falling!!! More bullshit from the deep state. Please don’t scare us anymore, I’ll do whatever you say. God, I am getting so sick of this BS …

Ranlove 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve been taking ivermectin for almost 2 years (1 or 2 a week as a precaution) doc said it would keep well after the discard date as long as it’s in a cool dry place. Not sure about freezing. Refrigerator however probably. Hope this helps.

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