TheSkipperTwo 6 points ago +6 / -0

The local hospitals were practically empty. (hubby is a medical guy) Meanwhile they were blathering on about "freezer trucks filled with bodies" (yeah, right!) and they were chasing people out of parks! (so dangerous, that 'fresh air.')

The whole thing defied logic on every level.

TheSkipperTwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just one example, Run-Death-Is-Near is STILL the protocol for hospitalized Covid patients locally.

TheSkipperTwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ever since his vaccine injury he's had quite a few guests on to push back against the seemingly endless COVID LIES we've been told. He's one of those rare birds, an Honest Liberal!

TheSkipperTwo 10 points ago +10 / -0

Medical family here. Most of the doctors TOOK THE SHOT themselves!

Most, not all. Our family didn't. My extended family was pretty good too, three of my siblings and their families did not take the shot, two did. So we're batting .667 to the good!

TheSkipperTwo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Good for them! Illegals breaking laws "no problem."

Oh well, the equipment got banged up!

TheSkipperTwo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know of someone who was 22 when he got caught up in this. (feels even more bizarre to me because a 22-year-old has plenty of access to 18-year-olds, ain't that YOUNG ENOUGH????) Anyway it was similar, he was arranging to meet a 14-year-old and got caught up in a sting.

I wonder if this young man's life is ruined forever? I mean your name is out there on the internet so any future girlfriend/employer/whomever can easily look you up and see the problem.

I mean yeah, HE ruined his life, but What.The.Hell.

14-year-olds? WHY? And yeah, I think they're doing a good thing, getting these people to be known quantities, but HOW FREAKING SAD!

TheSkipperTwo 18 points ago +18 / -0

I have a family member who had a pretty bad case of Covid and his oxygen levels were dropping to the point where he was worried about being hospitalized. In a phone conversation (which he could barely get through due to his coughing fits) I said "Well have you tried the IVERMECTIN????"

He had bought it (horse paste version due to being in California) but hadn't used it because his doctor was treating him with an antibiotic or something and he was worried about an interaction. This was over a week into his illness (you're supposed to take the Ivermectin early), but I talked him into trying it.

He called me the next morning to say he had experienced rapid improvement overnight. Never ended up going to the hospital or even seeing a doctor after that.

Shit works!

TheSkipperTwo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well that's some False Advertising right there. Instead of getting your gender switched like you thought, instead you still have the same XX or XY you started with. INSTEAD, it's just "Suicide-Affirming Surgery."

TheSkipperTwo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Went to a social event last night and learned of people in my group: one with a relative with turbocancer (diagnosed in April, not expected to make it), one in the ER last night with high heart rate that wouldn't come down, one scheduled for an early a.m. biopsy. One one leg blood clot 'under treatment.'

Re: the high heart rate someone suggested "maybe LONG COVID?"

"Cuz we're all vaccinated..."


TheSkipperTwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

So will they leave all the cancer-causing, heart-attacking inducing, clot-forming stuff inside them?

TheSkipperTwo 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Good-bye my love, my stupid 62-year-old-going-on-12 love, I will see you tomorrow after you post bond!" (made up what the wife/partner is thinking)

That was so satisfying I watched ALL ELEVEN MINUTES OF IT.


TheSkipperTwo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like the Dodge Charger, but the new '24 models will be ONLY electric! So, obviously NOT buying one of those. Apparently there will be gas versions of the new model available in '25, so I will wait for that. I'd like to know who is buying a stupid ELECTRIC Charger.

TheSkipperTwo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's run some of those Covid folks: Fauci, Wallensky, Scarf Lady etc.

TheSkipperTwo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have to really respect the fact that she ultimately decided her commitment to feminism was more important to her than her commitment to her liberal pals. She's very smart, and I don't think she could convince her brain to 'just embrace' the Clotshot when there was so much wrong with how it was developed/pushed/marketed etc.

And she has paid a huge price in terms of being outcast by the liberal crowd.

She decided retaining her most important values was more important than being popular. She's fighting the good fight now, along with Ed Dowd and many others.

TheSkipperTwo 2 points ago +2 / -0

A bridge to sell us in Baltimore...

TheSkipperTwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would've preferred the verb "CLAIMS" in the headline! lol. But point taken.

TheSkipperTwo 7 points ago +7 / -0

We had 4 cats. Two died after their last vaccination. One suddenly had diabetes and the other went into heart failure.

Haven't been vaccinating the remaining two cats, as they're indoor cats anyway.

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