Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess she's never heard of the covid vaccines. Get three or four and you'll be dead

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

My grandfather once told me that it takes a brave man to kill himself. That statement has rattled around in my brain for a few decades and it popped up when I heard about this young lady. She's too cowardly to jump off a bridge or hop in front of a speeding train, yet she's giddy for someone else to put the juice to her. It's not the governments perview to kill her, its in the governments best interest to keep her alive, yet she's begging the government to kill her. If her mental state is so delitorious, then her anguish should override her passion for state intervention. Just man up and do the deed yourself. What's gonna happen if you kill yourself with your own hands...is the government gonna arrest ya?

Tynyyn 12 points ago +12 / -0

When I saw she outed John, I thought...whoa.. How far down does this rabbit hole go?

I sometimes do wish when folk post a bunch of names and organizations they would take the time to build the case for one of them. It might be an interesting read and open more eyes. Folks have a tendency to read headlines and not do their own digging, but if more context was given then folks might be tempted to dig.

Tynyyn 14 points ago +14 / -0

Keep up the good fight. You are in the driver's seat because you didn't back down. Don't worry about the outcome, just keep your spirits up. You might walk out of the hearing with a nice check, just so the school can sweep this under the rug. BTW, if you do get a check and if you are a believer in God, give Him a tithe. You will be blessed.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

If Q can time travel then he already knows how the spying will be eliminated. He knows when America ends as a country. He can do whatever he wants to because he will have the knowledge to know when the deep state will react. Will he keep the spying operational? It will only go away when there is no electricity to power the spy machines.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see a bunch of white people so this must be Ireland. First the muslims and now the trannys. What's next.....a plague of snakes?

Tynyyn 19 points ago +19 / -0

Hmmmmmm.......How on Earth can Q prognosticate six years ago that the Dow would cross 40K today? Time Travel or is Q in control of EVERYTHING in this country. If so, then why is he taking so long to correct all the wrongs? He could have just beat down the deep state, arrest them, and then hang the traitors but for some reason he wants to keep the movie playing. IDK, but I have a very hard time believing he has a time traveling machine. AND I have a hard time believing that all the coincidences are picked at Q's time and place. This just makes my head spin and one day I hope to read the book on how Q came to be and how he did all the coincidences.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, this kind of reporting is fear mongering to the nth degree. Dave on X22's report from yesterday stated that the deep state is going to decimate the beef industry by forcing the cattle farmers to cull millions of heads of beef. This will make beef a hard commodity to purchase, plus supply and demand will kick in causing those fewer pounds of beef to increase in price. Better begin stocking up on beef. Invest in a freezer and vacuum sealer and then start purchasing the beef and freezing it. Even canning hamburger is a viable option, plus you won't have to rely upon electricity to keep it cold. Clown world will hit America hard, I hope a lot of GAW pedes are stocking up on essentials. If it never happens, well it doesn't. If it does happen it is a comforting feeling that you can feed your family for a while. God even says put stores up.

Tynyyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

How can you short the City of Austin? hehe. And, whose to say that these folks have a Tuesday as their regularly scheduled day off? I'd like to have the originator of this idea tell us of some of the companies he's shorted.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

My kid was a fully functioning child UNTIL he got his baby vaccines. Overnight it seemed that he changed. Became an introvert, yet functional kid. He is a loner, loves to research guns and ammo, yet has problems doing the "touchy feely" things in life. No emotional results from anything, yet he is a very bright kid. I blame it squarely on whatever was put into the kiddy vaccines. If I had to do it over again I'd never have let the doctors inject him with that poison. I wonder if this could be part of the problem with kids with ADHD and how it has become ubiquitous throughout our society. Then once the kid is diagnosed, bam, thay are put on SSRI's for life. Yea, it's a different way of dumbing down an entire generation or two. Hope there will be payback for this.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the back of my mind I feel there could be a secondary result from these drugs. Yea, they might cure/calm ADHD symptoms, but could the drugs also weaken a persons mental capability so they are more susceptable to brainwashing? Like when our indoctrination centers espouse the virtues of gender fluidity, could the kid be easily persuaded to go along with that idea and not push back? Just a thought.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bird FLU.... Shouldn't humans have God given antibodies that fight flu viruses? And if you catch the bird flu wouldn't Ivermectin be a good drug to take? These liberal scare tactics are getting old, stale and laughable. I will take my chances with my home remedies than a liberal doctor who sees dollar sight whenever I cross his door step.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

For the uninformed about who Mr. Raiklin is, is he a white hat or a black hat?

Tynyyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wonder if she's on any prescribed medications? Probably. She's strong enough to go through the court system to get a permit for euthenasia but too weak to jump off a building? Hmmm, seems to me that there is something amiss in this. But, it's her life and I'm on the other side of the globe so I cannot do anything to assuage her decision. Thus, I wish her a fruitful journey. Too bad it's at such an early part of her life. God could help, if she allowed Him to speak to her.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ummmm...drugs, no......Adrenochrome, yes.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've read elsewhere that a 71YO man shot the PM. Odd that an older fellow would do such a thing. Usually its a lefty youth who's on SSRIs. This almost makes me think it an Archduke Ferdinand scenario all over again. Just a spark on a match to begin WW3.

Tynyyn 9 points ago +9 / -0

His body guards were both quick to tackle the perp, yet they could care less about the condition of their protectee. When he got shot he fell backwards over a bench, and the guard closest to him just froze. He should have been covering his protectee from further injury and give assistance. Yet eh just stood there. Maybe if the vid would have rolled a few more seconds my opinion would be changed, but as for now they could have covered the prime minister after the shooting.

Tynyyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good. About time states start pushing back against the idiots. Either become productive members of society or GTFO!

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can scientists find a virus in a 50,000 year old skeleton, yet they cannot figure out how humans built Stonehenge, Gobekli Tepi, the Egyptian Pyramids or any other neolithic structures? The answer is out there, the deep state does not want that info to be let into the hands of regualr joes. It's got to be a simple idea, yet I sit here and scratch my head on how they did it.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why do you hate Democratic voters so much. Taking food out of the mouths of babies. (sarcasm)

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