digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's do better than that, let's do it for all the world and anyone who was forced to take a shot or lost livelihoods from not taking it.

digaroundandfindout 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if this is what the Pur company went through quietly. Their pre 2020 old dark blue filter boxes claimed it could filter out microorganisms (microbial cysts, giardia lamblia, cryptosporidium). They had a shortage of filters for awhile which probably was due to something like this and then came back with aqua boxes that no longer mention their filters can filter microorganisms. I kept the old dark blue box when I noticed they had a new color. I was trying to see what was different and that was the only thing.

digaroundandfindout 3 points ago +3 / -0

As I was looking at this artists work, that's the exact thought I had. I was like how in the world does something like this get considered fine art? It has to be connections and who you know.

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

More about the statue from the artists page. https://www.ramesh-nithiyendran.com/2021-Double-Faced-Avatar-with-Blue-Figure

Also, there is a bar called "The Exhibitionist" right in the gallery property. There is also a silent disco called "Lights out and Dance" that happens along the HOTA lake where people get together weekly to dance in the dark.

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

Figured I'd share in case it was useful or something. It has the same trident 'hand' and style. It's gotta be a custom.

Edit - they make military watches too. New C63's based on old military styles.

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw someone comment on a post somewhere what type of watch it was. I can't remember for the life of me what post but I swear it was one of the new short videos on IG. I remember they wrote it was a military brand or type of watch.

u/special1ntere5t you're in luck! I managed to look through my q post searches and found it. Interestingly enough, a lot of the watch posts come up when you search C63. I don't think the comment is on IG anymore. It's not the same watch, but might lead to something.



digaroundandfindout 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just once, I'd love to see a woman in women sports destroy the man dressing in women's clothing and further ruin his mental status of thinking that he can be good in something if he just dresses up as a woman.

I don't know what sport that would be, but I'd love to see it.

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent find. I remember seeing that video. Interesting.

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

Things that strike me but in no way this is what they actually mean.

The moon lights up like the head that was conditioned. Half of it shines. Textures are somewhat similar.

The moon turns into an interrogation light and pans down to a covering for a brief second but is shown later in the video at 2:48 with the word "You". Covered head? Interrogation?

Curtain closes on a head or moon.

Watch numbers, 18, 11, 11

Some images in here as well as one of the new vids from IG make me think of what they'd make people watch to MK-ultra them. The weird artistic images and sounds specifically for the IG post. Or also what's depicted in movies with similar themes.

They are either for us, or they are telling us what they do to us, that's for sure. It only goes one way or the other! LOL!

digaroundandfindout 3 points ago +3 / -0

Personally, to me it reminds me of Baphomet and the Rothschild lady wearing the deer mask over her head. Looks like a ram or something to me. Too much going on at the top of the head to just be a sheep, has horns or something.

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy worked for Marquette High School. There is a Marquette University as well. Both the High School and the University are related but also different.

The University required students - but oddly not faculty or staff - to get covid shots. I would assume the High School had something similar maybe?



digaroundandfindout 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fauci and Gates taking notes

digaroundandfindout 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd go for the meeting with a plan that includes how to get out in case anything should go down or a great hiding spot. I'd get all the info I could and then leave when they leave. I wouldn't stick around for the rest of the day. I'd be on high alert for the next few months as well and constantly updating my escape plan and hiding spots. I would not hide or do as they told me.

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, unless they are dressed like fellow workers and pretending to be workers and not 'train' you all, I'd doubt they'd do something while they were there. I'd risk it and go to hear what it's about and see what they say so I could report back with info. But I'd also leave when the agents leave - I wouldn't stick around after they are gone. Too many ff's go 'live' shortly after a practice. I'd be high alert for the next few months for sure. And anything they told me to do in an emergency, like hide in a certain spot or something, I would completely ignore and be looking around for other places that would be better and more hidden prior to the meeting and basically on going as I worked there.

As scary as it is, this would be an incredible first hand experience into how these things get started and could be shared with others on what happens and give us more information to look for and call out the agencies. Especially when it's something that does not seem to make any sense on why they'd be there in the first place. I wonder if it's immigrant related.

Article from almost a year ago about Northeast Ohio being big on immigrants. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/cleveland-metro/northeast-ohio-expected-to-soon-welcome-thousands-of-central-american-south-american-refugees-asylum-seekers

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes me think of one their recent videos with the phone ringing at the end and someone saying "Hello".


digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

The forest is burnt too at the end of the new videos.

digaroundandfindout 6 points ago +6 / -0

Born from the ashes of a world at war.

Also, conditioning can be undone.

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wanted to add that moving through the videos, the forest seems to be burnt at the end.

digaroundandfindout 3 points ago +5 / -2

Trust me fren, I understand it. I've lived it. The scales have fallen. But I'm not going to cast pearls before swine on this one because I know you will never agree with me and you are only defending the system you have come to know and love. I pray one day you will see the truth. Cheers and God bless you, fren!

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