farpointpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0


farpointpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha. Head fake 😂😂😂. I love it!!!

farpointpatriot 25 points ago +25 / -0

NO. IT takes months. Many months.

farpointpatriot 55 points ago +55 / -0

Yep. Here we fuckin go.

We are officially a banana republic.

farpointpatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

The two lawyers in the jury have got to be losing their shit about this. Even if they are libtards with TDS. Imagine how pissed they are gonna be after having to sit through this bullshit for weeks on end, only to have your jury verdict thrown out because you didnt “follow the judges instructions”.

This movie is crazy.

farpointpatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

He is a known pedo. He got pinned down in France to an underaged prostitution ring.

farpointpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Way more than 3 million. Maybe in the immediate flood zone, but if the down stream cities dont fully evacuate, that number will rocket up to 50million +

farpointpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have several military bases located in the critical flood zone. Their 3d largest would be 12 ft under water within 18 hours.

farpointpatriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

I would call this one a rock solid Q Proof …

“These people are stupid”

  • Q

😂😂😂😂. Yes they are Q, they most definitely are.

farpointpatriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

100%. It has been happening for several months. The shorts hammer it down during the COMEX and GLOBEX hours then the Asian markets bring it right back up. Its a beautiful thing to watch. The shorts have got to be pissing their pants. To my knowledge we have no way of knowing their actual positions considering a lot of them are rolled into "CDO" type derivatives. Someone sold the short positions. If those derivatives are like equity derivatives, there is maintainance fees when the shit is underwater. At $31.50, they almost all have to be bleeding maintainence costs. Have to be. If we get to 35 .... OH BOY. Thats a fucking shitload. People gotta remember, every ONE paper silver contract is for 5000oz of physical. So when open interest is 100,000 contracts for JUST JUNE ... that equals 500,000,000oz of physical. Imagine being underwater just 10% of that as a short position. Each $1 move up = $50,000,000. Thats just one contract month. Damn. You know damn good and well some poor bastards shorted at 26-27 thinking they were gonna kill it. Weekly fees on that is gonna wreck their shit. Good.

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

We JUST had an F3 (at least) rip through Western Kentucky AGAIN. Those folks are JUST NOW recovering from the 2021 tornado that completely destroyed Mayfield Kentucky and a few other smaller towns. Heart breaking. Those are some excellent God loving true Christians.

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

100%. Not to be crude, but unvaxxed MEN are gonna be a hyper-hot commodity as well (in the future). That goofy meme about unvaxxed sperm being the next Bitcoin may not be all that goofy after all. Not saying it will happen tomorrow, but in the next 10 years, I can see it being VERY possible.

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a spectacular ‘addendum’ to this .. or ANY protocol. Doing a 3-5 day WATER ONLY fast would be like super charging the process. The FAST allows your bodies natural ‘janitorial’ mechanisms to do a complete deep cleanse on the human temple (body). Not gonna lie frens … IT SUX, but you will come out the other side feeling like a billion bucks 🦌.

FAST right before you kick off your protocol.

I am not a doctor, and in no way ‘qualified’ to give medical advice, but, like all of you, I can fukin read, and have critical thinking skills. I love this place.

farpointpatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

This actually makes the most sense. Someone brought in a stack of older bills about an hour before he walked in, and thats how he wound up with them.

farpointpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah … Im gonna have to call bullshit. I got a stack of different bills from the bank yesterday for an event we are having here. Mostly crispy new.

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Came here to say this. Those mother fukers can ALL burn in hell. How many thousands, millions have died, been seriously injured, or even worse. Above all that though … they gaslit people into giving that shit to children. That … THAT is a ticket to the gallows. Hang them, publicly.

farpointpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had the same question. I assume that is how the dosing directions on the packaging reads.

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