ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

IF that were to happen (which is doubtful since the Dems are never wrong, apologetic or conciliatory), PDJT would likely refuse to accept a pardon because he'd prefer to have his conviction overturned to "show the people" that the verdict was in error.

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every registered voter has the right to vote for candidates in all races appropriate to them/where they live(/are domiciled) - federal, state, county, city, school district, etc., including race(s) in which the voter happens to be a candidate.

To deny a voter the ability to vote for himself or herself in a race in which they are a candidate would deprive the voter of their right to vote for their candidate of choice in that race.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good - finally someone tells them to f-ck off with their overreach. (Hopefully, Justice Alito demonstrates similar resolve.)

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

A few days ago they said she'll likely not be in public/resume her duties for the rest of the year, so either she's doing very poorly, dying or already dead (and they need to decide whether to officially "off" her or get a believable double).

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there's even 1 juror that has some scrupels/a conscience and/or knows about "juror nullification", he/she could refuse to find guilt - REGARDLESS of how rigged the instructions are.

But, it's a commie nyc jury full of the terminally-TDS-afflicted, so prepare for a guilty verdict.

ilovetrump4 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a new ad re: how baseless the charges against PDJT are, ridiculousness of the trial(s), etc.

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

That might be tempting, but they must get their comeuppance legally. As Q said,

?". . ., While difficult, it is important to understand this must be done BY THE BOOK. Average people must be able to digest and accept [factually] events., . . ."


ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Instead of sounding the alarm to possibly alert others to the potential danger of taking jabs, he - and many others who are "baffled" - may be feigning ignorance in the hope of getting some other former-career-related gig (which is something TPTB won't allow anyone who speaks Truth do).

ilovetrump4 10 points ago +10 / -0

Welcome to Clown World where everything right is wrong/good is evil, up is down, black is white, perversion is normal, illogical is logical, science is settled, lies are truth, peaceful protests are insurrections/riots are peaceful protests, genders are fluid/changeable, rigged/stolen elections are "the most safe and secure ever", voicing one's opinion and asking questions are acts of terrorism, illegal aliens are purposely imported and treated better than legal migrants/veterans/current citizens, real crimes have no repurcussions/fake crimes are prosecuted, social justice workers rather than law enforcement are tasked with resolving potentially violent and/or deadly people/situations, "equity and incllusion" are favored over merit/skill/talent/capability, and history is whatever serves TPTB's current narrative, all brought to you by the globalists/DS/cabal.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just cut all funding to every place other than the US and let them manage their own problems

ilovetrump4 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, for flags that drape coffins, like those on NoName's and Bush Sr's, but probably not for pictures

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