orangetastic1 10 points ago +10 / -0

I just hope it was built with the correct amount of inclusion...

orangetastic1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe she was talking about Mike. Still seems sus though.

orangetastic1 -3 points ago +5 / -8

Honestly, I think a lot of expats are worse.

I can't blame immigrants for seeking a better life, especially when the US government rolls out the red carpet in benefits and doesn't require them to assimilate or even minimally comply with immigration laws. But that's not the immigrants' fault that we're run by clowns.

Expats (and I'm generalizing) are well-off, tend to take advantage of the lower cost of living, but then don't really help out the areas they move to when they could. There are exceptions but there's a reason Americans have such a shitty reputation.

I think both should assimilate into their host countries, learn the language and be productive, but someone coming from a poor country to an industrialized one doesn't exactly have the same resources as a wealthy person moving to a "third world" country.

orangetastic1 8 points ago +12 / -4

Similar thing is happening in many latin american countries. American and European expats move in. Partially because of gringo tax and partially because they have way more money than the locals, they drive prices up phenomenally. Locals can't afford to live in the areas they infest. Then when they realize it doesn't cost as little to live there anymore, the expats leave.

We're considering relocating to south of the border, and seeing what those who came before us have done to the areas, it's embarrassing to be an American expat. There are so many who go down, isolate themselves in expensive gated expat enclaves, don't learn the language, don't become part of the community, and generally make a nuisance of themselves.

I really don't understand the mentality. They're like locusts. And the saddest thing is they could do so much good in those areas if they just got their heads out of their collective asses.

orangetastic1 5 points ago +5 / -0

My great uncle was a machinist, and was exempt from the draft.

But he enlisted anyway, got put in the infantry, and was killed shortly after arriving in Europe, leaving a young wife and daughter to pick up the pieces of their lives.

My great aunt ended up marrying a veteran who survived the war and they had several more kids. But there was still a hole in our family for generations.

Plenty of families had it worse - on both sides of the conflict. What a waste of life and potential - it's heartbreaking to think about.

orangetastic1 4 points ago +4 / -0

They can be reused, which makes them "sustainable".

orangetastic1 4 points ago +4 / -0

What the elites should be getting are long trips to the ends of short ropes.

orangetastic1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends on the woman. Generally speaking, pre-menopause can start as early as late 30s. Most start late 40s, and few hold off until early 50s.

There are other reasons, but that's the main one that's going to cause lack of interest due to hormonal changes.

orangetastic1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, IIRC, he's already had kiddos with his first wife, so, assuming neither wants any more, you can take reproduction suitability off the table. That expands the pool of women a man his age might consider.

A lot of times, men and women will both try to find a next partner that is completely different from the prior. Whether that's a good idea or not can be debated.

Could be all the enhancements she has are actually a detriment but what's underneath is attractive enough to him to compensate.

Or it could be just the funbags...

Also a large number of women lose interest in sex as they age, for various good and bad reasons. But there are some who go the other direction. If that's important to him, and she's one of those exceptions, that would be a huge draw.

orangetastic1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just need to get Russia to agree to fight only on EST and they'll be all set.

orangetastic1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have this feeling that greed will save us from AI.

It's akin to how Google started off as a nearly invaluable resource for knowledge, but now the answer to virtually anything you ask is a link to a page to "consume product".

Eventually everything you ask of AI will be met with a suggestion of something to buy and it will be as obvious how useless it is then as it is how obviously useless Google is today.

orangetastic1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've lived within a major city, in suburbia, in semi-rural and now very rural.

The further away from a major metro area, the more difficult life is (unless you're independently wealthy). You have to have more than basic life skills and do things yourself because you either can't afford to hire, or can't find to hire, people to help you.

These areas are historically white, and they remain so partially because of generational knowledge transfer, and the lack of knowledge that those raised in metro areas have. That happens to align by race a lot of the time, but I doubt there's anything inherently racist.

The legal immigrants from Latin America do seem to fit in well, at least in our area, and are readily accepted into the community. But many are from rural areas themselves - they already possess the right life skills and outlook to succeed.

I will say that plenty of wipeepo fail at transitioning to rural living. We can usually spot them at the outset, although every once in awhile someone will surprise us and adapt. But neither instance is a newsworthy event or part of a desired narrative.

orangetastic1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Great opportunity for infiltration. Being fake and ghey are probably resume enhancers.

orangetastic1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably could pick one up at a discount from the Taliban's inventory.

Crazy Ahkmed's Discount Military Supplies...

orangetastic1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm skeptical, but it's possible it would be helpful in dealing with their sickness. Unfortunately, both the mental health industry and the medical research industry are so far beyond being compromised that nobody would trust any studies on that subject, regardless of the conclusion.

orangetastic1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reddit as a source for ChatGPT? Are they trying to destroy ChatGPT with garbage input?

OTOH, GrokChan sounds awesome and frightening at the same time. Can you have autistic artificial intelligence? I guess it would be AAI.

orangetastic1 20 points ago +20 / -0

"No live audience". I guess that means the audience will be all Biden voters.

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