ravonaf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Considering the area it was found in is 100 percent covered by cameras, how could you not know who it belonged too? It wouldn't be Joe's, as his drugs would be administered to him by his doctors and not hidden in a cubby. Almost guaranteed to be Hunters.

ravonaf 1 point ago +1 / -0

She should have said to blow the door down. That is literary, what she did.

ravonaf 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to see a pic from above of that 80,000 people crowd. We can get an overhead pic of the stage, but not the crowd?

ravonaf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, good. When he said OJ was a great guy, I did a double take. Glad to know it was a different OJ he was talking about.

ravonaf 1 point ago +1 / -0

He kept calling him OJ. Every time he did it, I cringed. I'm surprised the fake news didn't catch it and make it today's headlines.

ravonaf 4 points ago +5 / -1

They very rarely tell us why we are actually going to war. They almost always have some fake excuse. For all we know, we did go to war over Antarctica. For all we know, it could be one of the reasons we entered WW2. Especially if the rumors are true that the Nazis had secret bases there. Maybe we wanted to stop them from exploring further. Who knows what's real and what isn't. All I know is our government lies.

ravonaf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said solar flares were going to destroy the earth. I've heard it constantly for the last 20 years, yet I've never been so much as mildly inconvenienced by one.

ravonaf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump said it himself during the rally. That's good enough for me.

ravonaf 10 points ago +10 / -0

If you aren't willing to risk going to jail for murder to protect the weakest of your society, then your society is doomed. The guy comes to a country and preys on the weak, fuck him.

ravonaf 15 points ago +15 / -0

He was still walking away at the end of the video. What he deserved was lacking the ability to ever rob an old woman ever again.

ravonaf 8 points ago +8 / -0

What's wild is we don't do anything about it. I used to believe Americans had the strongest Patriotic spirit that ever existed. That we valued freedom over our own lives. That we could never become like the China or Soviet Russia. I couldn't have been more wrong.

ravonaf 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to be a special kind of retard to think any MAGA voters would ever vote for RFK Jr. That was just never going to happen. You might get some middle of the road never Trumpers. But never a MAGA voter.

ravonaf 7 points ago +7 / -0

My co-worker just died yesterday of heart complications. He was vaccinated. I warned him. He didn't want to take it, but his family bullied him into doing it. He regretted doing it instantly. Now he's dead. :(

ravonaf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, I've forgiven him. Forgiving someone does not mean you have to trust them. It's important to know the difference.

ravonaf 7 points ago +10 / -3

Dilbert guy can go fuck himself. I still haven't given Glenn Beck a second chance for his Cheetos Face bit, and I think he is actually sincere in his support for Trump. Scott Adams is an admitted social manipulator. That's what he does. That's what he takes pride in. No second chances from me.

ravonaf 7 points ago +7 / -0

The question is. If that was an actual woman he slapped, would they even be pressing charges? If you are a man pretending to be a woman and are around kids, you probably deserve to have the shit slapped out of you.

ravonaf 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is amateur hour over at Boeing. The pro's over at the Clinton Foundation could have taught them a thing or two.

ravonaf 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe anyone can be redeemed. Having said that, this is the same guy who is in prison for trying to shake down Nike. He's the same guy the Fake News said for months that he was the guy to bring down Trump. Hell, they were even talking about him running for President in 2020. He's either completely turn his life around and is telling the truth for once, or he's saying anything he can to try to get a pardon from Trump after he wins. I have a hard time trusting anything he says.

ravonaf 7 points ago +7 / -0

He did survive and continues to grow a following to this very day. The Romans killed plenty of Christ's disciples. Including beheading Paul in Rome.

ravonaf 9 points ago +9 / -0

When the Gospel says the Jews, it means the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It doesn't mean the Jewish people as a whole. The religious organizations who were in power at the time were afraid that Jesus would replace them. It's like saying the Catholics wanted someone dead. Meaning the Catholic Church leadership. Not all Christians. In no way, shape, or form, does the Bible attack JEWS or is antisemitic. Jesus is Jewish, and the Holy Bible wasn't made illegal. Don't be silly.

ravonaf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read the book 1984 and you will fully understand.

ravonaf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are there any interesting dates coming up that would correspond with a q proof? Wasn't the "Queens" death a q proof?

ravonaf 10 points ago +10 / -0

Notice it's in a vertical format instead of its normal horizontal formal. Interesting format to use with the upcoming TikTok ban.

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