seagoatz 9 points ago +9 / -0

Always pray for President Trump and for everyone who supports him and keeps him safe.

seagoatz 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bill Kristol has one of the most punchable faces in history. And it's no surprise he wants to send endless money to his own people.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

These school boards are full of cowards. They never take action on anything of real importance.

Chuck Palahniuk wrote Fight Club, by the way, and is gay and also half Ukrainian. His books should not be in a high school library. On the other hand, as a high school teacher, none of my students will touch a book voluntarily and it's doubtful most kids that age ever notice these things. They're getting all their filth from TikTok.

seagoatz 15 points ago +15 / -0

I had to come back to add that it's nice to see employees who take some pride in themselves and their jobs. They look neat and presentable and pleasant. It's so rare these days. I'm hoping we return to a time when ALL workers are treated with respect when they work hard and not just those with so-called "important" jobs and master's degrees.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm in NC. One of our dogs was barking like a lunatic for about thirty minutes tonight and I couldn't get her to stop. I checked a few times and nothing was there. She's sleeping in her bed now, finally. I noticed when I took my other dog out for a potty break a little while later that a neighbor's dog down the road was going crazy, too, and that dog rarely makes a sound. Interesting...

seagoatz 55 points ago +55 / -0

Women light up around genuine and charismatic men like him. It just makes us happy. It doesn't hurt that he's saving us from utter destruction, of course.

seagoatz 6 points ago +6 / -0

Amen to everything you wrote.

seagoatz 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, still waiting on the kill shot. But I listened to Art Bell religiously and have never forgotten when Dames described the moment war would cease as everyone looked to the sky. I am looking forward to it. When Q says biblical, I expect it to be BIG.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

APEP. Apep was the Egyptian god of chaos and disorder, and the enemy of the sun god Ra.

seagoatz 7 points ago +8 / -1

Even if you're not Catholic, this is an interesting perspective and the coincidences are worth acknowledging. In any case, I'd say it's a good idea to pray this week for your own protection and for the safety of our country and for the good of the world.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here. I'm in southeastern NC and will be watching to see if my animals start acting funny.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of my coworkers is flying to Texas to watch it. I'm not even planning to go outside.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting timing. I was just thinking about this the other day, and then last night this short popped up in my YouTube feed. The actor who played Barabbas in The Passion of the Christ described seeing Jesus when working with Jim Caviezel during the filming of the movie and, when he looked into Jim's eyes, he saw nothing but mercy and love from Jesus. It was so moving that he converted to Catholicism. It made me reflect on how Jesus never looked at anyone with hate, even those who tormented and killed him. If Jesus ever got angry with anyone, it was those who were corrupt and prideful, but he didn't hate them. Here's the short: https://youtube.com/shorts/_t0y1u9cMs0?si=3DB0XqbwDLmkL1eO

I think we all need to reflect on this from time to time. It's easy to hate our enemies, but that's not what Jesus said to do, and it's what Satan wants. How we can accomplish loving our enemies on our worst days, I'm not sure. Sometimes all we can do is pray for the other side, and for all of us, to see the light.

seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen. I look forward to the end of factory farming. It's evil. Such a shame that millions of these birds had to die for this scam today, though.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a good reminder as I'm about to do some spring cleaning today and tomorrow. The average household cleaner is full of dozens of chemicals we trust the government to approve for safety. It's no wonder so many pets are getting cancer when their paws and mouths are by the floors constantly.

We need a return to the natural.

seagoatz 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'll pray for your mom and say a rosary for healing for her. You're doing the right thing to give her this chance to improve. It's obvious she's not finished yet. God bless you and your family, fren.

seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I just checked. There's just a handful of Catholic churches near me, and of those, the only one that does the traditional Latin mass is 50 miles from me.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I heard about his wife. I know Jordan himself was flirting with the Orthodox Church for a while, which I also did and attended one for several months. I wonder if he decided he'd rather go with Catholicism.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for the suggestions and I admire your loyalty to the Church throughout all the turmoil. You're absolutely right about that last part. I will take a look at those books.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

More needs to be said about this subject. I don't think that the average American realizes how insidious this issue is. Never in the history of mankind has "mental health" been discussed more, and yet actual mental and spiritual health are worse than ever. And kids are taught in the schools to obsess about it. If they're having a bad day, they make excuses about anxiety and panic disorders to get out of the work they need to do. If they're feeling down, it's always depression. If something upsets them, it's triggering their "trauma." There is a formally named disorder for nearly EVERYTHING now, and kids talk about their diagnoses like we used to talk about our hobbies. The constant focus on mental health has weakened two, maybe three, entire generations of Westerners. Teenagers are never taught to be strong anymore because that would be "insensitive" and "traumatic." Resilience is never discussed unless it comes in the form of a pill or a therapist's couch. In my opinion, it's demonic, and it's all part of the grand scheme.

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