usernametaken4 11 points ago +11 / -0

I usually see all the pride stuff that was on display in the clearance center in July anyhow. No one really buys that crap. Well, except one or two liberals who want to go to their parade with it. I even live in a grossly liberal state and it's on clearance. It's all virtue signaling, even here.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was wondering that too. the donaldjtrump.com site says "By clicking "Donate" I accept WinRed's terms of use and privacy policy." I got out of there pretty quick.

usernametaken4 11 points ago +11 / -0

How did he ever get his wife to agree to this plan??? She is amazing.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have always hated, even before I woke up to see the idiocy, that the "freshman" congressmen are treated like they are stupid. They are hazed, not allowed to be on certain committees, and minimized by the "senior" congressmen. They are elected just like anyone else, however they are treated like wide eyed incoming 18 year olds who have lived with their parents beforehand. We "vote" people in to make a difference, and I'm sure they end up going to parties to be liked by the seniors, or to think they can get something from them, then they are blackmailed and become one of them. It's all a ridiculous fraternity and that needs to stop. The "freshman" congressman has just as much power and authority as the "senior" congressmen. Sadly, the school system brainwashes people to think there's a hierarchy and they accept their meek place. They all need to resign and we need to have term limits. Very short term limits. Like, congress should be a jury duty type thing

usernametaken4 9 points ago +9 / -0

I was watching the NBC feed on another thread, and there was a fake guy there dressed in red, white and blue creating a screaming lib type character for the libs. He was being dramatic and holding signs. I wanted to smack him. Do we really think this is a surprise? I guess now we know "former" Presidents can be indicted for things, so let's go Brandon next.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

and that's only the crap we know about.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're already doing it here in Colorado, they just haven't announced it. Everywhere I go, there's giant buildings of condos shading the sun so people can't plant food, even on the deck of their 15 minute apartment/condo. There's talk among kids of not getting their drivers license, because why? They can walk or take their electric whatever scooter/bike/hoverboard to where they need to go. They're doing it here, just not announcing it. At least in Edmonton, they are announcing it.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I was broke, but never on government assistance and didn't know about church charity kitchens that hand out food... ramen and Mac and cheese (that I made with water, yuck!) were at the top of my list. I lived on those. Now, 30 something years later, I discovered ramen again and it's pretty Ok. Different than it was 30 years ago! Boxed Mac and cheese though... still yuck.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what I keep saying too. They keep the crazies loud so they drown out the reasonable people. They amplify them to make them look like a larger crowd, but actually they are the minority. However we aren't "surprised" or do anything when they cheat to win. They want us to believe it really is in the realm of possibilities that they won.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Shocking events" "Shocked the whole of the basketball community" yeah, they are shocked. Because they are scared to death they are next.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Social distancing was the most ridiculous thing. However I loved it because people stayed the hell away from me. I would walk towards them, they would walk away. I never had to try to grab what I needed at the store while someone was standing there looking at their phone. I remember once at Home Depot reaching next to some guy to get something, and he quick got up and walked away. It was awesome. It was like I had some "get away from me" superpowers. I was more important then they were, and they knew it and got away from me. I do miss those days. It was double potent when I got near someone when I wasn't wearing a mask. They couldn't get away from me fast enough. Sigh. Those were the days.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Geez. I didn't know it would take so long for them to go. I guess they are needed to vote in the election so it's time for them to die to make sure they vote correctly.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

cue the harpies... "Balloons kill aaaaanimals!!!" "a baby duck will swallow one and will diiiiiiiie!!" "He is destroying the climate!!!" let's see... what else? "We are running out of helium, he is waaaaasting it!!!"

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shot multiple times? Fighting for his life? No drops of blood from where they picked him up and put him in the car. His legs held tension as he held them up from the ground to be carried, he was not slumped. More like hear shots, pick up your feet and we will carry you. He was shot and none of the men around him were? They were all. around. him. Yet he received multiple shots? No one in the crowd reacted? The cop in the white looks like he's looking for a lost dog? Most of the guys running and carrying the PM threw him in and then just started wandering around. Too many weird things about this video for it to be more than a drill.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

As Americans are blindly and happily getting "points" for spending and being lured with that to spend more on credit cards....

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is just as odd as the OBummer portrait with him and the foliage behind him. I'm sure there's a reason for both. Plus not only the demon between the two, but also the butterfly is the mouth of a snake over his shoulder.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always thought it was such a "coincidence" that "pride month" happens the exact month most weddings occur. I'm sure that's just an accident.

usernametaken4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Weren't the Bushes also involved with Nikola Tesla somehow? I will have to go back and find where I read about that. That family is like the mob. They all have this innocent look to them, that gleam in their eyes and flashy smile. All except Jeb. However they will all stab you in the back to get whatever they want. I think they pull more strings than OBummer, however I think they are all birds of a feather.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

So disgusting. Yet our roads, which we got a registration "fee" raise of a few hundred dollars a few years ago, are crap crap crap. I feel like I am weaving down the road constantly to avoid huge potholes, bumps and cracks. Yet there are these amazing, shiny, well kept up stadiums with very well manicured fields for millionaires to play on. Then there's the disgusting bathrooms, uncomfortable seats, and expensive food for you. enjoy.

usernametaken4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just block them all and delete the messages. I'm not donating through a solicitation. I am not donating to the RNC. If I see Trump personally, I will give money. Whether that's somehow through a rally or running into him on the street (or Chick-fil-a). Otherwise, I don't know where the money ends up and I'm tired of giving money and not having it do a thing. Plus the meager amount I can give is nothing compared to the high powered influencer/donors and influencer/corporations can give. It's like taxing me IMO.

usernametaken4 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought you were talking about the unicorn thing down coming out of Montpelier. That thing is weird too.

usernametaken4 12 points ago +12 / -0

Good way to lazily find a list of what all news sources they own. Hopefully stuff like this wakes people up to the fact that the fake news is owned by just a few corporations.

usernametaken4 25 points ago +27 / -2

"We are going to occupy your property, destroy it, and break the peace. In order to keep doing this, we need the following comforts. Give us our demands or we will..." what, leave? OK. Cry? OK. I mean... or what? I will donate some bananas, bagels, peanuts and Cheetos to the cause.

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