valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, the kind of men society breeds is dictated by what women want. Women wanted "soft" men, so they got whiny, emotional, weak men who laze about playing video games all day, drinking soy milk and eating sugar infested food, and they wonder why there are no more "good men" out there!

And as a woman myself trying desperately to look for a "good man" it's almost impossible because selfish, spoiled, feminist women have ruined it for the rest of us! Now it feels like I'll be alone forever thanks to other women wanting to "take over." Anyone else feel this way?

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

His wife said: "He had such a big heart!" Ah yes, clearly he died of having a "big heart." More like "big heart" cardiac issues. You reap what you sow. (Also this guy clearly looks like he hasn't exercised in the last 20 years so...there's that).

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice the amount of security and cars he has in his entourage. Not even the "current president" has that many. Hmm, wonder why?

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice! I had to travel to a spot in the path of totality to see it, but boy am I glad I did! Once in a lifetime event, and I got over a hundred pictures of the whole event, from partial to total to partial again. Even some video! Truly breathtaking, but it's sad that my photos don't even capture the real beauty of the totality. There were so many colors bursting forth from behind the moon, from the sun's corona, that unfortunately my camera couldn't distinguish. Only incredibly expensive and sensitive cameras can pick up those details.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's shameful they were serving ANY time at all! And leftist protestors bust into the Senate cafeteria while senators are eating and they don't even get told off!

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, natural lard, butter, and tallow are the best. This fake margarine and "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" are utter trash and will clog your arteries.

valley-lily 5 points ago +5 / -0

Clearly the price of food is not bothering them. They seem to buy and eat the same amount anyway.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't be discouraged by the distance. The nearest Latin mass for me is also about 40 miles from where I live, takes about an hour to drive, but it is so worth it. I have a home, family, and friends there compared to a novus ordo church.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whoa, amazing! It always astounded me that Jordan Peterson wasn't really religious despite what he talks about.

valley-lily 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you're unsure of Catholicism, but maybe want to learn more, I suggest reading anything Scott Hahn has written. A former Protestant turned Catholic who came to the conclusion of the Church holding the One True Faith through many years of intense research and soul-searching. Truly some great stuff to read, even if you don't end up joining the Church.

Or Taylor Marshall's book "Infiltration" about the plot to destroy the Church from within gives good insight into why the Church has so much corruption and disgusting people at the top. Similar to our own government and country, honestly. But just like America, I won't abandon the Church simply because of corruption. America, and the Catholic Church, are my home and I won't leave them to be taken over and destroyed by evil people.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ripperger is legit. Please pray for him, because the Devil and demons will always spiritually attack a holy man trying to cleanse souls of his (Satan's) horde. He needs as much protection as we can give him.

valley-lily 5 points ago +5 / -0

Who needs cancer-causing sugar drinks anyway? Eat local, shop local, buy whole foods and not this pre-digested garbage.

valley-lily 9 points ago +9 / -0

There are others I trust, such as Cardinal Burke, Bishop Strickland, or Father Altman. Unfortunately they've all been silenced or removed. Even Cardinal Burke, who was kicked out of the Vatican apartments and no longer receives any pay/salary.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're all just puppets, useful idiots, and canon fodder for the people running the show. In the end they (celebrities) don't matter at all to them (globalists/cabal).

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish this would have been a thing several years ago when a lady renting a place my parents owned stopped making payments and squatted in the house for over a year, owing thousands and thousands to my parents, hoarding and wrecking the place, and then taking us to court because she claimed my dad owed her money! And then never showed up to the court hearing anyway. The absolute nerve of these scumbags who play the system, get free housing, leave their trash, and then gyp us out of thousands of dollars.

Getting them evicted is the least you could do. Getting them arrested and forcing them to pay for damages is what SHOULD be done.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what Father Altman said. "You can't vote Democrat if you're Catholic." He called it years ago.

Then he got sacked.

There is truly an evil agenda working to destroy faith and God.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

People that only go once or twice a year, usually Christmas and Easter are called CEOs. ChristmasEasterOnly.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewhat more than regular, lots of kids and big families. I think the Easter Vigil mass may have had way more, it usually does.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

My same worries too. Though if it is even more blatantly obvious than 2020 it may finally wake up the rest of the idiots not paying attention.

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